12 research outputs found

    Bioinformatic Pipeline for Determining Terminal Repeats in the Human Cytomegalovirus Genome Assembled with PacBio Long Read Sequences

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    Human Cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is a member of the betaherpesvirinae subfamily of the Herpesvirus family. HCMV infection is common among adults worldwide, with an estimated seroprevalence of 66 to 95%, depending on the geographic region (Zuhair et al., 2019). Although most of the virus genomic content has been studied extensively, the terminal repeating region sequences remain understudied. Two main challenges hindered the study of the region: a) limitations of sequencing technologies; and b) misassembly of the repeats due to its complex nature. Here I show a novel bioinformatics pipeline that takes advantage of PacBio\u27s long reads to resolve the challenges mentioned earlier. Implementation of the pipeline yielded results that supported previous assumptions of the terminal region, showed evidence of new findings, and provided in-depth analysis of the terminal repeat known as the a sequence

    Evidence of a Set of Core-Function Genes in 16 Bacillus Podoviral Genomes with Considerable Genomic Diversity

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    Bacteriophage genomes represent an enormous level of genetic diversity and provide considerable potential to acquire new insights about viral genome evolution. In this study, the genome sequences of sixteen Bacillus-infecting bacteriophages were explored through comparative genomics approaches to reveal shared and unique characteristics. These bacteriophages are in the Salasmaviridae family with small (18,548–27,206 bp) double-stranded DNA genomes encoding 25–46 predicted open reading frames. We observe extensive nucleotide and amino acid sequence divergence among a set of core-function genes that present clear synteny. We identify two examples of sequence directed recombination within essential genes, as well as explore the expansion of gene content in these genomes through the introduction of novel open reading frames. Together, these findings highlight the complex evolutionary relationships of phage genomes that include old, common origins as well as new components introduced through mosaicism

    Genome sequences of human cytomegalovirus strain TB40/E variants propagated in fibroblasts and epithelial cells

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    The advent of whole genome sequencing has revealed that common laboratory strains of human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) have major genetic deficiencies resulting from serial passage in fibroblasts. In particular, tropism for epithelial and endothelial cells is lost due to mutations disrupting genes UL128, UL130, or UL131A, which encode subunits of a virion-associated pentameric complex (PC) important for viral entry into these cells but not for entry into fibroblasts. The endothelial cell-adapted strain TB40/E has a relatively intact genome and has emerged as a laboratory strain that closely resembles wild-type virus. However, several heterogeneous TB40/E stocks and cloned variants exist that display a range of sequence and tropism properties. Here, we report the use of PacBio sequencing to elucidate the genetic changes that occurred, both at the consensus level and within subpopulations, upon passaging a TB40/E stock on ARPE-19 epithelial cells. The long-read data also facilitated examination of the linkage between mutations. Consistent with inefficient ARPE-19 cell entry, at least 83% of viral genomes present before adaptation contained changes impacting PC subunits. In contrast, and consistent with the importance of the PC for entry into endothelial and epithelial cells, genomes after adaptation lacked these or additional mutations impacting PC subunits. The sequence data also revealed six single noncoding substitutions in the inverted repeat regions, single nonsynonymous substitutions in genes UL26, UL69, US28, and UL122, and a frameshift truncating gene UL141. Among the changes affecting protein-coding regions, only the one in UL122 was strongly selected. This change, resulting in a D390H substitution in the encoded protein IE2, has been previously implicated in rendering another viral protein, UL84, essential for viral replication in fibroblasts. This finding suggests that IE2, and perhaps its interactions with UL84, have important functions unique to HCMV replication in epithelial cells