19 research outputs found

    Psychological Well-Being Dan Subjective Well-Being Terhadap Kejenuhan Akademik Siswa

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    Psychological well-being merupakan konsep penting bagi kesejahteraan emosional dan mental seseorang. Terutama bagi siswa SMA, masa ini merupakan masa transisi dari masa remaja ke masa dewasa, dimana mereka harus mengatasi berbagai masalah baik personal ataupun akademik. Bagi siswa SMA NU Genteng periode ini merupakan masa transisi penting dalam perjalanan hidup mereka, dimana mereka harus mengatasi berbagai permasalahan dan tekanan, baik akademis, sosial, maupun emosional. Perlunya pemahaman psychological well being dan subjective well being agar membantu mengatasi permasalahan kejenuhan akademik siswa. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 207 siswa SMA NU Genteng Kelas XII, baik dari jurusan IPS maupun IPA. Dipilih dengan menggunakan Teknik proporsional random sampling. Pengumpulan data menggunakan skala psychological well-being yang dikembangkan berdasarkan teori Ryff dan Keyes. skala subjective well-being dikembangkan dengan teori Kahnemann, dan skala kejenuhan akademik dikembangkan dari teori Schaufeli. Hasil Uji Anova menunjukkan adanya pengaruh variable Psychological Well Being dan Subjective Well being dengan Kejenuhan Akademik. Pada uji ini diketahui hasil nilai signifikansi 0,001 < 0,05, maka hasil hipotesis dalam uji F disimpulkan terdapat pengaruh Psychological Well Being dan Subjective Well being dengan Kejenuhan Akademik &nbsp

    Analisis Perbandingan Tingkat Pengembalian (Return) Saham Syariah Dan Saham Konvensional Yang Aktif Dan Tercatat Di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    A lot of alternative investing. Ranging from real assets to securities investments, ranging from a conventional manifold to the manifold sharia. But the main choice of someone in investing is how the return offered to how risk that may occur. And stocks in LQ45 is a collection of existing liquid shares on the Stock Exchange and JII also a collection of shares that have good performance in the category of sharia. Islamic and conventional stock returns are something that needs to be known primarily for Islamic investors. Then how it compares with a return of Islamic stocks of conventional stock. It can be analyzed via the stock's annual return and standard deviation as a risk by using T test Test Independent. Then obtained 15 samples of Islamic stocks and 15 samples of conventional stock and annual data taken stock price during the period January 2014 to 2015. The results showed that there are significant differences from the comparison of income received in shares of income received conventional with conventional stock for p value of <0.05. This shows that Ho is rejected and HI accepted because p value = 0048> 0.05 in accordance with the principle of investing High Risk High Return, Low Risk Low Return where the higher the risk the higher the market rate / return and conversely the smaller the risk of getting Similarly small rate of return. Therefore, investors in Indonesia must be careful in making a good investment in the shares of conventional and Islamic stock in order not to experience a capital loss


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    Problems that arise in relation to students related to ecological counseling are counseling places that are less representative as locations for counseling solutions. IAIDA students as santri students have various problems that must be resolved. However, unfavorable environmental conditions make the problem even more severe. Complex student problems result in a lack of social skills from students. They are required to graduate immediately so that they forget the essence of lectures, namely developing social skills. This study aims to accurately describe the conditions or situations that exist in a population or sample with the exception of explaining or finding causation between the variables studied. The research design used a One Shoot Case Study which was carried out in one experimental class. The results of the hypothesis test obtained a tcount value of 3,204 and a significance of 0.840. Look for ttable at a significant level of 5% with degrees of freedom (df) n-k-1 or 24-2-1 = 21. With a 2-sided test (significance = 0.05) the results obtained for ttable are 2.079. Because tcount (3.204) > ttable (2.079) then H0 is rejected. This means that Bronfenbrenner's ecological counseling has a significant effect on students' social skills

    Analisis Persepsi dan Sikap terhadap Perilaku Konsumen dalam Pemilihan Tabungan Berbasis Syariah di IAIDA Blokagung Tegalsari Banyuwangi

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    Perbankan syariah berdampak pada sebuah perguruan tinggi islam yaitu IAIDA Blokagung Banyuwangi, dengan demikian terjadi pemahaman yang berbeda masing-masing dosen. Para dosen sudah banyak mengetahui tentang adanya Bank Syariah maka sudah selayaknya jika para dosen cenderung menggunakan jasa perbankan syariah yang sering mengkaji tentang produk-produk perbankan syariah, jadi dengan adanya pengetahuan tentang perbankan syariah tersebut sangat mempengaruhi sikap dosen terhadap produk-produk perbankan syariah sehingga akan menjadi sangat wajar apabila sebagian dosen mampu mensikapi produk-produk perbankan syariah.1. Apakah variabel Persepsi X1, Sikap X2, berpengaruh signifikan secara parsial terhadap perilaku konsumen dalam pemilihan tabungan berbasis syariah di IAIDA Blokagung Tegalsari Banyuwangi. 2. Apakah variabel Persepsi X1, Sikap X2, berpengaruh signifikan secara simultan terhadap perilaku konsumen dalam pemilihan tabungan berbasis syariah di IAIDA Blokagung Tegalsari Banyuwangi. 3.Dari variabel Persepsi X1, Sikap X2, manakah yang paling dominan terhadap perilaku konsumen dalam pemilihan tabungan berbasis syariah di IAIDA Blokagung Tegalsari Banyuwangi.Untuk menguji validitas alat ukur, terlebih dahulu dicari harga korelasi antara bagian-bagian dari alat ukur secara keseluruhan dengan cara mengkorelasikan setiap butir alat ukur dengan skor total yang merupakan jumlah tiap skor butir, dengan rumus Pearson Product Moment. 1.Berdasarkan pengujian secara parsial yang di dapatkan pengaruh persepsi X1 dan sikap X2 sebesar 50,98% maka dapat dikatakan bahwa persepsi dan sikap secara parsial berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap perilaku konsumen dalam pemilihan tabungan berbasis syariah di IAIDA Blokagung Tegalsari Banyuwangi. 2.Berdasarkan pengujian secara parsial yang di dapatkan pengaruh persepsi X1 terhadap perilaku konsumen Y sebesar 78,32 % maka dapat dikatakan bahwa persepsi terhadap perilaku konsumen berpengaruh secara signifikan dalam pemilihan tabungan berbasis syariah di IAIDA Blokagung Tegalsari Banyuwangi. 3.Variabel yang lebih dominan dalam mempengaruhi pemilihan tabungan berbasis syariah adalah variabel persepsi, hal ini dapat dilihat dari nilai variabel persepsi 78,32% lebih besar dari variabel sikap yang hasilnya 49,00

    Pengaruh Minat Baca Mahasiswa Terhadap Hasil Belajar Pada Mahasiswa Jurusan Bimbingan Konseling Islam IAI Darussalam Blokagung

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    Interest reading is only part of the variable that affects the learning outcomes achieved by students. This study aims to determine the effect of reading interest on student learning outcomes BKI at the Institute of Islamic Religion Darussalam Blokagung. This research is an exposed facto research that is correlational. The population in this study are all students of Islamic Institute of Darussalam Blokagung force of 2016. Students who have followed the philosophy courses in the odd semester of 2016 amounted to 33 students. Data collection techniques consist of questionnaires and documentation. The result of partial correlation analysis between reading interest variable (X) and learning result variable (Y) shows that the value of R calculated at 0.440, which was higher than the R-table is 0.297 with a significant value of 0.05. This indicates that the Rarithmetic>Rtable; sig <α of 0.05 (0.440> 0.297; 0.00 <0.05). Thus, it can be said that interest in reading students have a positive and significant effect on student learning outcomes. &nbsp

    Prophetic Parenting Pola Asuh Orangtua Dalam Pembentukan Karakter Anak Usia Dini

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    This research is motivated because children at an early age are no longer traditional games, but electronic goods such as cellphones, games, and others, even children are good at accessing the internet. this will affect the formation of character in children when they grow up, and will make the next generation fade the nobility of Indonesia. The focus of this research is how the Prophetic Parenting process in character building how Parenting Parenting Model in Formation of Early Childhood Characteristics. The purpose of this study is to answer how the process of prophetic parenting and parenting models from the research focus. The theory used in this research is the theory of Prophetic Parenting by using the Prophetic Parenting method as a foundation in the formation of children's character from an early age. The method used in this study is a qualitative method. This study focuses on a technique that is used as a model for parenting in the formation of character in children. While the type of research used is descriptive qualitative

    Peran Kearifan Lokal Bagi Pengembangan Pendidikan Karakter Pada Sekolah Menengah Atas

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    The purpose of this study to determine the role of local knowledge for the development of character education at the high school. The design of this research is descriptive quantitative. This study describes the local wisdom and a few examples that can be developed as an educational character. This research involves several aspects such as the values contained in the character education and integrated with local knowledge through examples of local wisdom that can be developed as learning. The collection of data through observation, interviews, and library. Langkah-step application of character development in schools can take to reduce the impact of juvenile delinquency through several stages of the study, co-curricular activities and extracurricular, alternative development and character building in schools as an actualization of school culture, as well as daily activities at home and in the communit


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    The problems we examine in this thesis are: 1) what are the factors that affect the learning interest of class V students at SDN 3 Sambimulyo. 2) What is the role of parents in increasing the learning interest of class V students at SDN 3 Sambimulyo. In solving these problems, we conducted research using qualitative methods so that we could understand in what ways to increase the learning interest of class V students at SDN 3 Sambimulyo. The indicators used by researchers are observation, interview, data and documentation techniques. The subjects we studied were students in grade V so that the learning process went well. Researchers can collaborate with subject teachers and monitor student absences. As for the role of parents who are able to increase students' interest in learning and students become enthusiastic in learning


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    This research is motivated by the problem of stress experienced by children who are victims of broken homes. a hope of a child who wants his parents intact like his friends and can enjoy the love of his father and mother has never been obtained by a child who is a victim of a broken home. This makes children feel disappointed and jealous of their friends. The focus of research in writing this thesis is what are the sources of stress experienced by children who are victims of broken homes and how to cope with stress strategies for children who are victims of broken homes. The purpose of this study is to determine the source of stress for children who are victims of a broken home and to find out the coping stress of children who are victims of a broken home.In this research, the type of research used is descriptive qualitative research. Data collection methods used are observation, interviews and documentation. The results showed that the cause of the subject's stress was psychological stressor, which was caused by deep disappointment due to divorce and pressure from his father who did not allow him to meet and relate to his mother. The stress coping used by the subject is coping that focuses on emotions (Emotion-Focused Coping). namely Escape avoidance (avoiding themselves) because when the subject of the Islamic boarding school vents to all activities such as lazy to study and interact with his friends. Even the subject prefers to sleep and ignores everything. The subject also raises Positive reappraisal behavior (giving positive values) to divert problems that always disturb his mind, the subject chooses to involve himself in religious matters, namely memorizing the Qur'an to get closer to Allah SWT


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    In the learning process students will get various external and internal demands that can trigger academic stress. population of 4th grade students at PP. Darussalam. This study aims to determine the Pretest & Posttest scores, significant differences between Pretest & Posttest scores and the effect of Al-Quran sound healing therapy on students' academic stress levels. This study uses quantitative methods with the research design One Groups Pre-Post Design, the research technique used is Non Probability Sampling and Purposive Sampling technique. This type of data analysis uses Simple linear regression. The results of this study are that there is a difference in the average value of Pre-Post class 4 Ula. with the amount of decrease in Academic Stress by the Featured class greater than 1.2 from the Regular class, Al-Quran Sound healing Therapy has a significant effect on Academic Stress, and Al-Quran Sound healing Therapy has an effect of 3.5% on the academic stress level of students in Madrasah Diniyyah Al-Amiriyyah PP.Darusalam.   Dalam proses pembelajaran siswi akan mendapatkan berbagai tuntutan eksternal dan internal sehingga dapat memicu terjadinya stres akademik. populasi Santri kelas 4 ula di PP.Darussalam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai Pretest & Posttest, perbedaan yang signifikan antara nilai Pretest & Posttest dan pengaruh Al-Quran sound healing therapy terhadap tingkat stress akademik santri Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan desain penelitian “One Groups Pre-Post Design”, teknik penelitian yang di gunakan adalah Non Probability Sampling dan teknik pengambilan sampel Purposive Sampling. Jenis analisis data menggunakan Regresi linier Sederhana. Hasil pada penelitian ini adalah terdapat perbedaan nilai rata-rata Pre-Post  kelas 4 Ula. dengan jumlah penurunan Stress Akademik oleh kelas Unggulan lebih besar 1,2 dari kelas Reguler , Al-Quran Sound healing Therapy berpengaruh signifikan terhadap Stress Akademik, dan Al-Quran Sound healing Therapy berpengaruh 3,5% Terhadap tingkat stres akademik santri di Madrasah Diniyyah Al-Amiriyyah PP.Darusalam