1 research outputs found

    An acute case of expressive aphasia following ischaemic stroke

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    Mr. D.C. is a 75-year old gentleman brought to casualty after a neighbour found him unable to speak. Since he was severely aphasic, he was unable to give a proper history. The patient was able to understand commands, making this a pure expressive aphasia. He was also noted to have right hemiparesis and right facial weakness. On examination, Mr D.C. was found to have 0/5 power on the right half of his body and 3/5 power on the left side of his body using the MRC muscle power assessment scale. He was noted to have right facial weakness in an upper motor neurone lesion pattern. He was urgently admitted to a medical ward and a CT scan was requested. The scan confirmed a left middle cerebral artery (MCA) ischaemic infarct affecting the basal ganglia and Broca’s Area in the inferior frontal lobe.peer-reviewe