18 research outputs found

    Validation of the Arabic version of medication adherence report scale questionnaire and beliefs about medication -specific questionnaire: A factor analysis study

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    Medication Adherence Report Scale questionnaire (MARS-5) and the Beliefs about Medication Questionnaire-specific (BMQ-specific) are well known tools to assess adherence to medication and beliefs of chronic patients. However, validated Arabic versions of such questionnaires are lacking. We aim to validate the Arabic versions of BMQ-specific and MARS-5. In this study, a cross-sectional study was performed between November 2019 and March 2020. Participants were reached from secondary and tertiary care clinics in Jordan. Exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and Confirmatory Factor analysis (CFA) were conducted to validate the employed questionnaires on the tested sample. The internal consistency of the questionnaires was assessed by calculating Cronbach's alpha, and Cronbach's alpha if item is deleted. A total of 485 patients who met the inclusion criteria were recruited. The mean age of the participants was 57.14 years (22-82 years); and 39% of the participants were older than 65 years. The most common chronic diseases reported by participants were hypertension and diabetes mellitus, 35.7 and 32.2% respectively. EFA suggested two-factor model for BMQ-specific and one-factor model for MARS-5 which was confirmed by CFA analyses. The resulted Cronbach's alphas of the questionnaires ranged from 0.89-0.93. Both analyses showed that the Arabic versions of both MARS-5 and BMQ-specific are valid and can be used for the suggested study population. Further validation-based research may enhance the transcultural adaptation of such questionnaires

    Validation of an Arabic tool for assessing vaccination literacy: A factor and Rasch analysis

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    Vaccine literacy is a significant part of health literacy. Although several tools have been developed to assess vaccine literacy, such tools are lacking in Arabic. Validating an Arabic version of a tool that evaluates vaccine literacy is critically important, as it would aid in understanding the decision-making process regarding vaccinations among individuals in Arabic-speaking countries. Therefore, the current study aimed to validate an Arabic tool for assessing vaccine literacy in adult vaccination. An online questionnaire was distributed to people throughout Jordan by sharing the questionnaire link via various social media platforms. The reliability and validity of the Arabic version of the vaccination literacy assessment tool (HLVa-Ar) were evaluated using factor analysis and Rasch analyses. The two-factor model generated fit indices were in the acceptable range (χ2/df = 2.48, RMSEA = 0.06, SRMR = 0.05, GFI =0.94, CFI = 0.97, and TLI =0.96). Cronbach’s alpha for functional Vaccination literacy (VL) and interactive/critical VL were 0.91 and 0.88 respectively. The Rasch analysis indicated acceptable infit/outfit values and high item and person separation reliabilities for the two factors (0.852, 0.868, and 0.771, 0.818 respectively). Overall, the 420 participants displayed a good understanding of the general benefits and importance of vaccination. The HLVa-Ar was shown to be a valid and reliable tool that portrayed a wide range of vaccination literacy levels in the studied sample and provided valuable insights into participants’ vaccination knowledge. The findings emphasize the need for developing targeted strategies to improve vaccination literacy and increase vaccination rates

    Exploring Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Towards Artificial Intelligence among Health Professions’ Students in Jordan

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    The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in medical education and practice is a significant development. This study examined the Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices (KAP) of health professions' students in Jordan concerning AI, providing insights into their preparedness and perceptions. An online questionnaire was distributed to 483 Jordanian health professions' students via social media. Demographic data, AI-related KAP, and barriers were collected. Quantile regression models analyzed associations between variables and KAP scores. Moderate AI knowledge was observed among participants, with specific understanding of data requirements and barriers. Attitudes varied, combining skepticism about AI replacing human teachers with recognition of its value. While AI tools were used for specific tasks, broader integration in medical education and practice was limited. Barriers included lack of knowledge, access, time constraints, and curriculum gaps. This study highlights the need to enhance medical education with AI topics and address barriers. Students need to be better prepared for AI integration, in order to enable medical education to harness AI's potential for improved patient care and training. [Abstract copyright: © 2023. The Author(s).

    Unlocking the Potential of the Human Microbiome for Identifying Disease Diagnostic Biomarkers

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    The human microbiome encodes more than three million genes, outnumbering human genes by more than 100 times, while microbial cells in the human microbiota outnumber human cells by 10 times. Thus, the human microbiota and related microbiome constitute a vast source for identifying disease biomarkers and therapeutic drug targets. Herein, we review the evidence backing the exploitation of the human microbiome for identifying diagnostic biomarkers for human disease. We describe the importance of the human microbiome in health and disease and detail the use of the human microbiome and microbiota metabolites as potential diagnostic biomarkers for multiple diseases, including cancer, as well as inflammatory, neurological, and metabolic diseases. Thus, the human microbiota has enormous potential to pave the road for a new era in biomarker research for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. The scientific community needs to collaborate to overcome current challenges in microbiome research concerning the lack of standardization of research methods and the lack of understanding of causal relationships between microbiota and human disease

    Willingness of the Jordanian Population to Receive a COVID-19 Booster Dose: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) vaccines are critical for containing serious infections. However, as COVID-19 evolves toward more transmissible varieties and serum antibody levels in vaccinated persons steadily decline over time, the likelihood of breakthrough infections increases. This is a cross-sectional study based on an online questionnaire for Jordanian adults (n = 915) to determine how individuals who have finished the current vaccination regimen feel about a prospective COVID-19 booster shot and what factors might influence their decision. Almost half of the participants (44.6%) intended to get the booster dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. The most frequently mentioned reasons for participants’ reluctance to get the COVID-19 vaccine booster dose were “The benefits of booster dose have not been scientifically proven” (39.8%), followed by “I took the last dose a short time ago, and there will be no need to take the booster dose for at least a year” (24.6%). In turn, “I was infected with COVID-19; thus, I do not require the booster dose” was the least reported reason (13.1%). These findings highlight the considerable hesitancy toward COVID-19 booster immunization among Jordanians, as well as the variables associated with vaccine hesitancy and the most frequently mentioned reasons for hesitancy, which will aid in creating excellent campaigns regarding booster doses

    A Review of the Recent Advances in Alzheimer’s Disease Research and the Utilization of Network Biology Approaches for Prioritizing Diagnostics and Therapeutics

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a polygenic multifactorial neurodegenerative disease that, after decades of research and development, is still without a cure. There are some symptomatic treatments to manage the psychological symptoms but none of these drugs can halt disease progression. Additionally, over the last few years, many anti-AD drugs failed in late stages of clinical trials and many hypotheses surfaced to explain these failures, including the lack of clear understanding of disease pathways and processes. Recently, different epigenetic factors have been implicated in AD pathogenesis; thus, they could serve as promising AD diagnostic biomarkers. Additionally, network biology approaches have been suggested as effective tools to study AD on the systems level and discover multi-target-directed ligands as novel treatments for AD. Herein, we provide a comprehensive review on Alzheimer’s disease pathophysiology to provide a better understanding of disease pathogenesis hypotheses and decipher the role of genetic and epigenetic factors in disease development and progression. We also provide an overview of disease biomarkers and drug targets and suggest network biology approaches as new tools for identifying novel biomarkers and drugs. We also posit that the application of machine learning and artificial intelligence to mining Alzheimer’s disease multi-omics data will facilitate drug and biomarker discovery efforts and lead to effective individualized anti-Alzheimer treatments

    What Are the Factors Associated with Nonadherence to Medications in Patients with Chronic Diseases?

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    Introduction: Adherence to medications is very crucial for an optimized clinical outcome in the management of chronic diseases. Beliefs about medications and other factors can significantly affect adherence to chronic medications. The objective of the present research was to identify the associated factors of adherence to medication in Jordanian patients with chronic diseases utilizing a stepwise binary logistical regression model. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out between November 2018 and March 2020. The participants were reached from secondary and tertiary care setting clinics in Jordan. The recruited patients were asked to report their attitudes of adherence to medications and beliefs about medications via filling out the MARS-5 and BMQ-specific tools. Sociodemographic data were also collected from the recruited patients and included in the regression model. A stepwise binary logistical regression model was applied to identify the associated factors of adherence to chronic medications in the tested sample. Results: A total of 485 patients who met the inclusion criteria were recruited. The mean age of the participants was 57.14 (age ranged from 22 to 82 years). Around 39% of the participants were older than 65 years. Most of the patients were either hypertensive or diabetic (35.7% and 32.2%, respectively). The logistic regression model indicated that necessity beliefs are strongly associated with adherence (OR 4.22), while concerns beliefs, dosage frequency and having medical insurance were negatively associated with adherence (OR 0.73, 0.74 and 0.26, respectively), with a p-value ≤ 0.05. Conclusions: Both the MARS-5 and BMQ-specific questionnaires were applied successfully on the tested sample. Better attention should be paid to the logistic regression model variables that were associated with adherence in order to guarantee optimal treatment outcomes in the treatment of chronic diseases

    Pharmaceutical innovation: The gap between knowledge, attitude, and perceptions among pharmacists and final-year pharmacy students

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    Recently, there has been an increasing interest in innovative business development. Nevertheless, in the pharmacy practice field, there seems to be a gap in perceptions, attitudes, and knowledge about innovation between practicing pharmacists and academia. This study explores this gap and aspects of pharmaceutical innovation in Jordan comparing pharmacists and last-year pharmacy students. A validated (r2 = 0.74) and reliable (Pearson’s r = 0.88) online questionnaire was designed to assess and compare knowledge, attitude, and perceptions about pharmaceutical innovation. A total of 397 participants (215 pharmacy students and 182 pharmaceutical professionals) responded. Compared with 50% of the pharmacists, only 32.1% of the students claimed that they knew the differences between pharmaceutical innovation, discovery, invention, and entrepreneurship [x2 (2) = 14.238, p = 0.001; Cramer’s V = 0.189]. Pharmacists demonstrated a higher level of trust in the innovative website design for their institution compared with students (25.3% vs. 16.3%, p &lt; 0.001, Cramer’s V = 0.327). However, 60% of the students did not know the innovative design standards for websites, while the corresponding percentage was 37% for the pharmacists (p &lt; 0.001; Cramer’s V = 0.327). The majority of the students were interested in pharmaceutical innovation (81.9%). Unfortunately, 76.3% never studied about innovation in their pharmacy curricula. Similarly, most pharmacists (76.4%) considered adopting innovation, but only 30% had a concrete plan. For the field where pharmacists aim to innovate in the next 5 years, new pharmaceutical services were the dominant field (34.6%). Despite a positive attitude and perception, pharmacists and pharmacy students expressed poor knowledge about innovation. Policies to enhance awareness about innovation and professional educational tools should be implemented.</p

    Changes in Lactate Production, Lactate Dehydrogenase Genes Expression and DNA Methylation in Response to Tamoxifen Resistance Development in MCF-7 Cell Line

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    Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) is a key enzyme in the last step of glycolysis, playing a role in the pyruvate-to-lactate reaction. It is associated with the prognosis and metastasis of many cancers, including breast cancer. In this study, we investigated the changes in LDH gene expression and lactate concentrations in the culture media during tamoxifen resistance development in the MCF-7 cell line, and examined LDHB promoter methylation levels. An upregulation of 2.9 times of LDHB gene expression was observed around the IC50 concentration of tamoxifen in treated cells, while fluctuation in LDHA gene expression levels was found. Furthermore, morphological changes in the cell shape accompanied the changes in gene expression. Bisulfate treatment followed by sequencing of the LDHB promoter was performed to track any change in methylation levels; hypomethylation of CpG areas was found, suggesting that gene expression upregulation could be due to methylation level changes. Changes in LDHA and LDHB gene expression were correlated with the increase in lactate concentration in the culture media of treated MCF-7 cells

    Parents’ attitudes, knowledge and practice towards vaccinating their children against COVID-19: a cross-sectional study

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    The question of whether children should be vaccinated against COVID-19 is currently being argued. The risk-benefit analysis of the vaccine in children has been more challenging because of the low prevalence of acute COVID-19 in children and the lack of confidence in the relative effects of the vaccine and the disease. One of the most convincing arguments for vaccinating healthy children is to protect them from long-term consequences. The aim of this study was to assess Jordanian parents’ intention to vaccinate their children. This is an Internet-based cross-sectional survey. The researchers prepared a Google Forms survey and shared the link with a number of Jordanian Facebook generic groups. Data were gathered between September and November 2021. In this study, convenience sampling was used. Knowledge about COVID-19 and preventive practices against COVID-19 were calculated for each participant. A total of 819 participants completed the survey (female = 70.9%). Of these, 274 (30.2%) participants intended to vaccinate their children, whereas the rest were either unsure 176 (21.5%) or intended not to vaccinate their children 396 (48.4%). The variables that increased the odds of answering “No” vs “Yes” to “will you vaccinate your children against COVID-19” included not willing to take the vaccines themselves (OR 3.75; CI, 1.46–9.62) and low protective practice group (OR 1.73;CI, 1.12–2.68). Participants had significant levels of refusal/hesitancy. Several barriers to vaccination were identified; attempts to overcome these should be stepped up