258 research outputs found

    On generalized Sethi-Vafa-Witten formulas

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    We present a formula for computing proper pushforwards of classes in the Chow ring of a projective bundle under the projection \pi:\Pbb(\Escr)\rightarrow B, for BB a non-singular compact complex algebraic variety of any dimension. Our formula readily produces generalizations of formulas derived by Sethi,Vafa, and Witten to compute the Euler characteristic of elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau fourfolds used for F-theory compactifications of string vacua. The utility of such a formula is illustrated through applications, such as the ability to compute the Chern numbers of any non-singular complete intersection in such a projective bundle in terms of the Chern class of a line bundle on BB

    Bioregeneration Of Mono-Amine Modified Silica And Granular Activated Carbon Loaded With Mono-Azo Dyes In Batch Systems

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    The objectives of this study were to investigate and compare the durations and efficiencies of bioregeneration of granular activated carbon (GAC) and mono-amine modified silica (MAMS) loaded with mono-azo dyes, namely Acid Orange 7 (AO7), Acid Yellow 9 (AY9) and Acid Red 14 (AR14) using sequential adsorption and biodegradation approach in batch systems. The bioregeneration efficiencies of GAC and MAMS loaded with each azo dye were quantified using the direct measurement of the azo dye content on the adsorbent by reloading the bioregenerated adsorbent. Additionally, some operational factors affecting the bioregeneration of azo dye-loaded MAMS, namely the presence/absence of co-substrate, acclimated/non-acclimated biomass, initial AO7 loading concentration, redox condition, type of acclimated biomass, initial AO7-acclimated biomass concentration, shaking speed, biomass acclimation concentration, and particle size were extensively investigated

    Case Series of Midazolam-Induced Seizures-Like Activity in Five Neonates

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    An intravenous administration of midazolam may result in seizure-like activity or movement. This report describes five neonates who developed seizure-like movements after intravenous midazolam injection. The patients presented between 2019 and 2022. The abnormal movements occurred shortly after intravenous bolus administration of midazolam. None of our patients experienced seizure-like movements after receiving midazolam infusions. The seizure-like movements were aborted either spontaneously or by antiseizure medications. Also, we did not observe any seizure recurrence in any of the infants during the later stages of their treatment. Since this adverse effect might be related to the speed of the bolus administration, intravenous midazolam must be given as a slow bolus over 2-3 minutes followed by a slow flush of normal saline. To prevent midazolam's potential adverse effect on newborns, neonatal caregivers must be aware of it. Keywords: Midazolam; Injection, intravenous, Seizures; Infant, Newborn; Hypnotics and Sedatives


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    English for Specific Purposes (ESP) is the field of language teaching and learning of English in a specific area of specialty. However, learning ESP is not to be understood as just learning a set of technical vocabulary and expressions; it is about learning to use English in a given specific context with the implication of all the skills and objectives of language learning. This qualitative research investigates the impact of Content-Based Instruction (CBI) on developing comprehension and vocabulary in a course of English for Specific Purposes at an engineering school in Morocco where English is learnt as a Foreign Language (FL). A total number of 40 students were divided into two groups of 20 students per class and were taught a fifteen-hour course of legal English over a period of six weeks. Each class lasted one hour and fifteen minutes, at the pace of two classes per week. Focus was on reading comprehension and learning vocabulary in an interactive way by engaging the learners actively. At the beginning, both groups were given the same pre-test to determine their present knowledge of legal English. After the experiment period, another post-test was administered to the students to determine their level of progress. At first, the results of both groups in each test were compared with each other. Then, the results of each group in the pre-test were compared with the results of the same group in the post-test. The general result is that both groups have made progress in improving comprehension and vocabulary capabilities in legal English. As for same-group results, the experiment group have managed to make significant progress in their post-test results compared to their pre-test results, while the control group maintained their higher score shown in the pre-test. The conclusion drawn from this is that Content-Based Instruction does help students improve their comprehension and vocabulary capabilities in ESP. Therefore, focus on content does yield positive results in learning language. Reducing content to just a topic through which learners learn language may cause the learners to miss a learning opportunity. Thus, there may not be a reason to give the content aspect of a language course less importance than the language aspect

    A powerful comparison of deep learning frameworks for Arabic sentiment analysis

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    Deep learning (DL) is a machine learning (ML) subdomain that involves algorithms taken from the brain function named artificial neural networks (ANNs). Recently, DL approaches have gained major accomplishments across various Arabic natural language processing (ANLP) tasks, especially in the domain of Arabic sentiment analysis (ASA). For working on Arabic SA, researchers can use various DL libraries in their projects, but without justifying their choice or they choose a group of libraries relying on their particular programming language familiarity. We are basing in this work on Java and Python programming languages because they have a large set of deep learning libraries that are very useful in the ASA domain. This paper focuses on a comparative analysis of different valuable Python and Java libraries to conclude the most relevant and robust DL libraries for ASA. Throw this comparative analysis, and we find that: TensorFlow, Theano, and Keras Python frameworks are very popular and very used in this research domain

    Different valuable tools for Arabic sentiment analysis: a comparative evaluation

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    Arabic Natural language processing (ANLP) is a subfield of artificial intelligence (AI) that tries to build various applications in the Arabic language like Arabic sentiment analysis (ASA) that is the operation of classifying the feelings and emotions expressed for defining the attitude of the writer (neutral, negative or positive). In order to work on ASA, researchers can use various tools in their research projects without explaining the cause behind this use, or they choose a set of libraries according to their knowledge about a specific programming language. Because of their libraries' abundance in the ANLP field, especially in ASA, we are relying on JAVA and Python programming languages in our research work. This paper relies on making an in-depth comparative evaluation of different valuable Python and Java libraries to deduce the most useful ones in Arabic sentiment analysis (ASA). According to a large variety of great and influential works in the domain of ASA, we deduce that the NLTK, Gensim and TextBlob libraries are the most useful for Python ASA task. In connection with Java ASA libraries, we conclude that Weka and CoreNLP tools are the most used, and they have great results in this research domain

    Ramsay Hunt Syndrome Associated with Varicella-Zoster Virus Encephalitis in a Child

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    Ramsay Hunt Syndrome (RHS) is a triad of peri-auricular pain, ipsilateral facial nerve palsy and vesicular rash around the ear pinna. It is caused by reactivation of varicella-zoster virus (VZV) that lies dormant in the geniculate ganglia. It can be complicated by VZV encephalitis rarely. We report the case of an 8-year-old previously healthy boy who presented to a tertiary care hospital in Muscat, Oman in 2021 with fever, progressive left ear pain, vesicular rash around his ear pinna and left-sided facial nerve palsy. His course was complicated by VZV encephalitis where he was managed with IV acyclovir and IV corticosteroids. He improved significantly and was asymptomatic with a normal neurology examination at the 6-months follow-up. Keywords: Varicella Zoster Virus; Ramsay Hunt Syndrome; Encephalitis; Children

    A Novel Hybrid Classification Approach for Sentiment Analysis of Text Document

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    Sentiment analysis is a more popular area of highly active research in Automatic Language Processing. She assigns a negative or positive polarity to one or more entities using different natural language processing tools and also predicted high and low performance of various sentiment classifiers. Our approach focuses on the analysis of feelings resulting from reviews of products using original text search techniques. These reviews can be classified as having a positive or negative feeling based on certain aspects in relation to a query based on terms. In this paper, we chose to use two automatic learning methods for classification: Support Vector Machines (SVM) and Random Forest, and we introduce a novel hybrid approach to identify product reviews offered by Amazon. This is useful for consumers who want to research the sentiment of products before purchase, or companies that want to monitor the public sentiment of their brands. The results summarize that the proposed method outperforms these individual classifiers in this amazon dataset

    Multiple Literacies, Fragmented Identities: Arab Students at American Universities

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    This dissertation is a combination of ethnography and case study which describes the Social and cultural context of literacy acquisition among Arab students at the University of Arkansas. I examine the power relations that define this minority group in the larger Social context and describe how these relations shape, transform, and sometimes threaten their cultural identities in the classroom. The dissertation investigates the different Social and cultural factors that facilitate or obstruct their learning process, factors such as age, gender, religion, and marital status. It explains how the students\u27 acquisition of literacy exists within a larger dynamic process of Social and cultural idenification, assuming that cultural identity is a dynamic Social construct that depends on the environment and setting. Finally, the dissertation describes the students\u27 fears, hopes, and stereotypes, helping teachers recognize when there is a cultural problem and how to solve it in a culturally sensitive fashion


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    Objective: Non-compliance with heart failure medication is related to the highest mortality, morbidity, and health-care costs. The objective of this study was to evaluate medication compliance with patients with congestive heart failure. Methods:Inpatients of the cardiac care unit and medical ward of Republican Hospital, German Hospital, Revolutionary Hospital, and Chinese–Yemeni Friendship Hospital were recruited for this study. The study was conducted on patients that were diagnosed as having congestive heart failure and were receiving treatment. Questionnaires were distributed and personal interviews to evaluate the patients’ compliance was conducted to determine the reasons for their non-compliance in taking drugs. Results: Of 86 patients, 44% (n = 38) reported compliance and 56% (n = 48) reported non-compliance. The distribution of the patients in terms of sex was as follows: among men, 41% (n = 24) were compliant and 59% (n = 35) were non-compliant; among women, 52% (n = 14) were compliant and 48% (n = 13) were non-compliant. In addition, smoking status was too significantly linked with non-compliance (P = 0.001). Furthermore, the status of chewing of khat tree leaves was also significantly associated with non-compliance (P = 0.007). Conclusion: This study indicates that the reasons for non-compliance with medications among patients can be attributed to lack of education, chewing of khat tree leaves, lack of health insurance, and cigarette smoking. Therefore, healthcare professionals should create strategies to address these reasons in order to increase medication compliance with patients in heart failure