422 research outputs found

    Ruptured ovarian cyst hemorrhage: the swing between conservative and surgical management

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    Ruptured ovarian cyst hemorrhage is one of the causes of acute abdomen in women of reproductive age group that can be life threatening.1 There have been persistent interest in the discussion of managing ruptured ovarian cyst with or without ovulation.1–4 The dilemma of surgical versus conservative/non-surgical management always exist in such cases. It is more of a conundrum when the patient has abnormal coagulation due to either hematological disorders or as a result of anticoagulants.1,5 Commonly, indications for surgical interventions are variable and includes: if the source of the bleeding is not confirmed,  if patient is hemodynamically unstable, or if there are evidence of ongoing bleeding not settling despite conservative measures in a reasonable time.

    Diagonal Cracking Capacity and Ultimate Shear Strength of Slender RC Beams without Web Reinforcement

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    This study presents a method that combines both dimensional analysis and statistical regression analysis for predicting the shear capacity of slender reinforced concrete (RC) beams without web reinforcement taking the size effect into consideration. This method incorporates the modified Buckingham-PI theorem (Butterfield, 1999, Geotechnique 49(3), 357-366) to formulate two mathematical models for predicting the shear capacity at the formation of diagonal tension cracks and at the ultimate shear strength. The results of the two models are compared with several sets of existing experimental results. This study shows that the variations in the experimental results of shear capacity of slender RC beams ( a / d  2.5 ) defined at the formation of diagonal tension cracks of beams can be explained by the variations of the concrete tensile strength and the variations in the experimental results of ultimate shear strength of slender RC beams ( a / d  2.5 ) can be explained by the variations of the concrete splitting strength

    Consolidation Characteristics Based on a Direct Analytical Solution of the Terzaghi Theory

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    A new method is proposed for evaluating both the coefficient of consolidation cv and end of primary settlement δ p based on a direct analytical solution of the Terzaghi theory. In this study, the cv value is shown to be inversely proportional to the δ p value. The proposed method utilizes both the early and later stages of consolidation (i.e., the entire range of consolidation) for the evaluation of both parameters. The proposed method requires four consolidation data points; two points for back-calculating the initial compression and two points for extrapolating the δ p value. Results of oedometer tests on three clayey soils show that the cv and δ p values of the proposed method are quite comparable to those of the Casagrande method but generally lower than those of the Taylor method

    Undrained Shear Strength and Swelling Characteristics of Cement Treated Soil

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    This study investigates the influence of cement addition on the behavior of an expansive soil from Jordan. A wide range of cement content varying from 0 to 25% by dry weight of soil was used. This study shows that the liquid limit of the treated soil decreases drastically for cement content of up to 6%, then sharply increases for cement content in the range of 6 to 10% after which the liquid limit becomes practically constant. This study shows also that the swell potential of the treated soil decreases drastically for cement content of up to 4%, then sharply increases for cement content in the range of 4 to 6% after which the swell potential may decrease or may become constant depending on the initial water content. The undrained shear strength was generally observed to increase with the increase of cement content from 0 to 20%; however, the maximum rate of this increase was observed to be in the range of cement content from 6 to 10%. These results are interpreted in terms of cation exchange, flocculation and pozzolanic reactions that are associated with cement addition to soil

    Consolidation Analysis by the Slope and Settlement Rate - Settlement Methods

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    This paper presents results of consolidation analysis using two recently developed methods for obtaining the coefficient of consolidation ( cv ) and the end-of-primary (EOP) settlement  p . The first method (the slope method, Al-Zoubi, 2008b) computes cv and EOP  p entirely from the early stages of consolidation at 6 . 52  U % using the observed linear section of t  - t plot. The second method (the settlement rate - settlement method: Al-Zoubi, 2010) computes cv and p  entirely from the later stages of consolidation at 6 . 52  U % using the observed linear section of settlement rate - settlement curve (i.e., dt d t /  - t  curve). Extensive experimental results of oedometer tests on four clayey soils show that the two methods give quite similar cv and  p values that are also in good agreement with those of the Casagrande method. These results also show that the Taylor method cv values are generally lower than those of the slope, settlement rate – settlement and Casagrande methods

    Patterns of Interactions in a Synchronous Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) Collaborative Activity in the Saudi EFL Context

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    This study explored patterns of interaction in a synchronous Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) collaborative activity in an English as a Foreign Language (EFL) setting in the Saudi Arabian context. The study focused on the use of synchronous Chat in teaching and learning. Collaborative learning is considered to lead to a deeper level of learning, enhanced critical thinking, shared understanding and long-term recognition of the learned material. A qualitative approach was used in the data collection process. Participants were 20 high school students, native speakers of Arabic, in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. The study examined participants’ English usage in conversation, a quiz, and a discussion, all of which took place online, in a CMC format. There was also a paired work presentation of 25 minutes’ duration. Results revealed that CMC enabled learners to further their understanding of instructional content and to better apply what they had learned when they were placed in a group. The results from the online discussion showed that participants’ linguistic performance improved, including better utilization of words. Although grammatical usages lack certain accuracy, the use of CMC to a larger extent contributed to enhanced communication skills and autonomy. Based on the findings some suggestions and recommendations were provided as to aid teachers as well as students in implementing the Internet technology in EFL classrooms

    Analysis and Measurement of the Impact of Global Supply Chain Strategies on Economic Reform Programs and Poverty in IRAQ

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    Abstract- Over the last three decades, global supply chains (GSCs) have increasingly gained importance in linking developing countries to international markets. This investigation intends to take a gander at the present status of poverty and existing reform approaches in Iraq. This is a continuous research for the policy estimations in Iraq, which exhibited the poverty circumstance after the economic reforms. This study utilized a time period of post war era from 2005 to 2017 to examine the poverty situation in Iraq after the reform agenda. The study suggests that poverty should genuinely take into consideration the institutional, social and political elements. In GSCs, competitiveness (and thus delocalization choices) is determined by a wide range of factors, especially by the quality of policies influencing the overall  business  environment. Economic reforms do not fairly distribute income and employment which is imperative for the decrease in the poverty. With the expanding globalization of the world economy, it is recommended that nations seeking after fare approaches dependent on specific advantages will achieve faster growth. Solid financial development will give enough assets to improve the status of poor people. However, government should take necessary action in GSC specifically poverty alleviation driven.  Otherwise the poverty may remain a big problem for Iraq even after achieving economic reforms and growth.

    Measuring the Effect of Total Injection Elements on Economic Growth in Iraq for the Period (2004-2020) Using the Error Correction Model

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    Purpose: The paper aims to measure the impact of the dynamic relationship between the elements of total injection (private investment spending, comic spending, exports) on the one hand and the GDP growth rate that expresses economic growthusing the ARDL model.   Theoretical framework: The elements of total injection are one of the main components of total demand: private investment spending,  government spending, and exports. Private spending is one of the main activities that play an essential role in the country's economic development Government spending is one of the most crucial fiscal policy tools used by the government to influence and stimulate economic activity. Good export performance is an essential indicator of that government's foreign trade. All these elements significantly impact economic activity by producing and employing these elements in GDP and its growth.   Design/methodology/approach: To test the hypothesis that there is a direct relationship between the elements of total injection and GDP growth. Quarterly data were used for the duration of (2004-2020).   Findings: The results of the non-tests showed a common complementarity and a long-term equilibrium relationship between the total injection and the rate of economic growth. Therefore the results of the models proved the validity of the paper's hypothesis.   Research, Practical & Social implications: the article suggested the need for the government to support the private sector, build complementary relations with it, restructure government spending and seek to increase its productivity to achieve financial returns.   Originality/value: The research provides the government with support to the private sector, building complementary relations with it, restructuring government spending, and striving to increase its productivity to achieve financial returns from it, in addition to the need to diversify the economy and try to get rid of the unilateral economy

    Effects of sitagliptin and sitagliptin in combination with omega-3 on newly diagnosed type 2 diabetic Iraqi patients

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    Type 2 diabetes is a complex disease that is typically diagnosed in midlife and is characterized by progressive defects in insulin secretion and action. Objective: to compare the effects of dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DDP-4) inhibitor sitagliptin and sitagliptin in combination with omega-3 on blood glucose level, serum insulin, high sensitivity C-reactive protein and oxidative stress state in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetic patients. Method: this is an open-label, randomized study carried out on 24 newly diagnosed type 2 diabetic patients. Patients were randomly divided into two groups and assigned for treatment with either sitagliptin (n=12) or sitagliptin in combination with omega-3 (n=12) for 2 months. The level of fasting blood glucose (FBG), post-prandial blood glucose (PPG), glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c), serum insulin, serum high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) and serum malondialdehyde (MDA) were calculated before and after one month and two months of treatment. Results: FBG, post prandial blood glucose and HbA1c significantly decreased in both treated groups after one month and two months of treatment. Serum insulin level increased non-significantly with sitagliptin and sitagliptin in combination with omega-3 after one and two months of treatment. Serum level of hs-CRP decreased significantly after two months of treatments with both sitagliptin and sitagliptin in combination with omega-3.  The level of serum MDA decreased significantly in group treated with sitagliptin in combination with omega-3 after one month and two months of treatment, while insignificant decrease observed after one and two months in sitagliptin treated group. Conclusion: omega-3 has no significant effect on glycemic control and insulin secretion but has beneficial effect on oxidative stress state, sitagliptin executes anti-inflammatory effect in patients with type 2 diabetes. Keywords: Type 2 DM, MDA, hs-CRP, sitagliptin, omega-
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