36 research outputs found

    Sensor Network Architectures for Monitoring Underwater Pipelines

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    This paper develops and compares different sensor network architecture designs that can be used for monitoring underwater pipeline infrastructures. These architectures are underwater wired sensor networks, underwater acoustic wireless sensor networks, RF (Radio Frequency) wireless sensor networks, integrated wired/acoustic wireless sensor networks, and integrated wired/RF wireless sensor networks. The paper also discusses the reliability challenges and enhancement approaches for these network architectures. The reliability evaluation, characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages among these architectures are discussed and compared. Three reliability factors are used for the discussion and comparison: the network connectivity, the continuity of power supply for the network, and the physical network security. In addition, the paper also develops and evaluates a hierarchical sensor network framework for underwater pipeline monitoring

    Distributed systems middleware: A framework for parallel and distributed computing on heterogeneous systems

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    Distributed heterogeneous systems and large clusters provide a great opportunity and, at the same time, pose a great challenge for high performance parallel and distributed applications. While these systems posses a vast reservoir of resources by virtue of scales and diversity, it is this very diversity and heterogeneity (in architectures, configurations and operating environments) that can severely restrict the efficient and simultaneous utilization of the available resources. In this dissertation, we investigate a variety of issues in this area and provide a framework for a multi-layered middleware approach, called Delmon, to facilitate efficient utilization of the rich resources existing in such heterogeneous and distributed environments. Middleware solutions provide the missing links between the vast resources and the application domain in a way that simplifies development, provides robust and reliable access to resources, and helps optimize resource utilization. My research work on Delmon, a distributed systems middleware framework, comprises several stages: (1) Studying the current parallel programming models (which include the message-passing model, the distributed shared memory/object model, distributed/parallel multithreading, and seamless parallelization) and identifying the general requirements of each model. (2) Separating the programming model requirements from the general run-time support requirements and identifying the general middleware functions necessary to support heterogeneous systems. (3) Based on the first two steps, designing the general framework for the three-layer Delmon (which includes a layer for parallel/distributed tools and programming models, a layer for the run-time environment, and a layer for the resource-dependant services). (4) Designing the self-organized agent-based run-time environment. (5) Designing the object-passing model and implementing the prototype in Java (the Java Object-Passing Interface (JOPI)) then experimentally evaluating its performance. (6) Extending an analytical performance model to evaluate the performance of parallel applications on heterogeneous systems. Delmon provides a well-defined software architecture for developing parallel and distributed tools, programming models, and applications. It provides the critical link between the vast resources and the application domain, while reducing the complexity of the middleware itself. Delmon simplifies development, provides robust and uniform access to resources, helps optimize resource utilization, and facilitates the generation of stable distributed software. From a software engineering point-of-view, such a layered middleware approach and the separation of concerns improve the development and management of parallel and distributed tools and programming models in many ways. The quantitative and qualitative evaluation of Delmon using analytical and experimental methods demonstrates the benefits and good performance of the framework and its prototype implementation

    Self-Configuration Techniques for MuniSocket

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    Abstract MuniSocket (Multiple-Network-Interface Socket

    Middleware Infrastructure for Parallel and Distributed Programming Models in Heterogeneous Systems

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    In this paper, we introduce a middleware infrastructure that provides software services for developing and deploying high-performance parallel programming models and distributed applications on clusters and networked heterogeneous systems. This middleware infrastructure utilizes distributed agents residing on the participating machines and communicating with one another to perform the required functions. An intensive study of the parallel programming models in Java has helped identify the common requirements for a runtime support environment, which we used to define the middleware functionality. A Java-based prototype, based on this architecture, has been developed along with a Java Object-Passing Interface (JOPI) class library. Since this system is written completely in Java, it is portable and allows executing programs in parallel across multiple heterogeneous platforms. With the middleware infrastructure, users need not deal with the mechanisms of deploying and loading user classes on the heterogeneous system. Moreover, details of scheduling, controlling, monitoring, and executing user jobs are hidden, while the management of system resources is made transparent to the user. Such uniform services are essential for facilitating the development and deployment of scalable high-performance Java applications on clusters and heterogeneous systems. An initial deployment of a parallel Java programming model over a heterogeneous, distributed system shows good performance results. In addition, a framework for the agents’ startup mechanism and organization is introduced to provide scalable deployment and communication among the agents

    Health 4.0: On the Way to Realizing the Healthcare of the Future

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    Health 4.0 establishes a new promising vision for the healthcare industry. It creatively integrates and employ innovative technologies such as the Internet of Health Things (IoHT), medical Cyber-Physical Systems (medical CPS), health cloud, health fog, big data analytics, machine learning, blockchain, and smart algorithms. The goal is to deliver improved, value-added and cost-effective healthcare services to patients and enhance the effectiveness and efficiency or the healthcare industry. Health 4.0 (adapted from the Industry 4.0 principles) changes the healthcare business model to enhance the interactions across the healthcare clients (the patients), stakeholders, infrastructure, and value chain. This effectively will improve the quality, flexibility, productivity, cost-effectiveness, and reliability of healthcare services in addition to increasing patients' satisfaction. However, building and utilizing healthcare applications that follow the Health 4.0 concept is a non-trivial and complex endeavor. In addition, advanced potential applications based on Health 4.0 capabilities are not yet being investigated. In this paper we define the main objectives of Health 4.0 and discuss advanced potential Health 4.0 applications. To have a clear understanding of these applications, we categorize them in 4 groups based on the primary beneficiary of these applications. Thus we have patient targeted applications, applications supporting healthcare professionals, resource management applications and high-level healthcare systems management applications. In addition, as we studied the different applications, we realized that these is a certain collection of services that these most of them need regardless of their goals or business context. Services supporting data collection and transfer, security and privacy, reliable operations are some examples. As a result we propose creating a service-oriented middleware framework to offers the common services to the applications developers and facilitate the integration of different services to build applications under the Health 4.0 umbrella

    Modeling the Performance of Faulty Linear Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are used to monitor long linear structures such as pipelines, rivers, railroads, international borders, and high power transmission cables. In this case, a special type of WSN called linear wireless sensor network (LSN) is used. One of the main challenges of using LSNs is the reliability of the connections across the nodes. Faults in a few contiguous nodes may cause the creation of holes (segments where nodes on either end of them cannot reach each other) which will result in dividing the network into multiple disconnected segments. As a result, sensor nodes that are located between holes may not be able to deliver their sensed information which negatively affects the network's sensing coverage. In this paper, we provide an analysis of the different types of node faults in uniformly deployed LSNs and study their negative impact on the sensing coverage. We develop an analytical model to estimate the sensing coverage in uniformly deployed sensors LSNs in the presence of node faults. We verify the correctness of the developed model by conducting a number of simulation experiments to compare both calculated and simulated results under different network configurations and fault scenarios. In addition, we use this model to demonstrate three design applications that meet with specific performance requirements

    Cyber–Physical Systems Forensics: Today and Tomorrow

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    Cyber–Physical Systems (CPS) connect the physical world (systems, environments, and humans) with the cyber world (software, data, etc.) to intelligently enhance the operational environment they serve. CPS are distributed software and hardware components embedded in the physical world and possibly attached to humans. They offer smart features, such as enhancing and optimizing the reliability, quality, safety, health, security, efficiency, operational costs, sustainability, and maintainability of physical systems. CPS are also very vulnerable to security attacks and criminal activities. In addition, they are very complex and have a direct impact on their environment. Therefore, it is hard to detect and investigate security attacks, while such attacks may have a catastrophic impact on the physical world. As a result, CPS must incorporate security measures in addition to suitable and effective forensics capabilities. When the security measures fail and an attack occurs, it becomes imperative to perform thorough forensics analysis. Adding effective forensics tools and capabilities will support the investigations of incidents. This paper defines the field of CPS forensics and its dimensions: Technical, Organizational, and Legal. Then, it reviews examples of current research efforts in the field and the types of tools and methods they propose for CPS forensics. In addition, it discusses the issues and challenges in the field that need to be addressed by researchers and developers of CPS. The paper then uses the review outcomes to discuss future research directions to address challenges and create a more effective, efficient, and safe forensics tools and for CPS. This discussion aims to create a starting point for researchers where they can identify the gaps and challenges and create suitable solutions through their research in CPS forensics

    Middleware for robotics: A survey

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    Abstract—The field of robotics relies heavily on various technologies such as mechatronics, computing systems, and wireless communication. Given the fast growing technological progress in these fields, robots can offer a wide range of applications. However real world integration and application development for such a distributed system composed of many robotic modules and networked robotic devices is very difficult. Therefore, middleware services provide a novel approach offering many possibilities and drastically enhancing the application development for robots. This paper surveys the current state of middleware approaches in this domain. It discusses middleware challenges in these systems and presents some representative middleware solutions specifically designed for robots. The selection of the studied methods tries to cover most of the middleware platforms, objectives and approaches that have been proposed by researchers in this field. Keywords—robots, middleware, robot system integration I