4 research outputs found

    Millennials and gamification: A model proposal for gamification application in tourism destination

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    A wide range of scientific and professional literature deals with the topic of gamification in tourism, defining it as a new trend. In this paper a model for applying the concept of gamification at the level of the tourism destination is proposed. As a basis, and an introduction to the analysis in this paper, millennials are selected as a market segment with high dynamic growth on the tourism market. The role and importance of millennials for tourism and destinations are especially reflected in their traveling habits, lifestyle and dedication to the use of new technologies in everyday life, and in particular playing games. The commitment of this tourism demand segment to gaming activities, as well as the fact that millennials will make a significant part of the tourism market in the future, points to the need to establish a link between millennials, gamification and its application which may provide multiple benefits for both tourists and tourism destinations. Those benefits are reflected in the improvement of the overall tourist experience as a fundamental product in tourism, on the one hand, and in the improvement of all tourism destination elements

    Teachers’ Attitudes towards Mandatory and Optional Professional Development Programmes in the Republic of Serbia

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    This study focuses on teachers’ professional development practices in the Republic of Serbia, presenting the results obtained from questionnaires of mixed research conducted to investigate teachers’ attitudes towards different forms of professional development programmes, how often teachers participate in them, and why. The results show a high degree of correlation between their positive attitudes and the frequency of participation when teachers are externally motivated, and no correlation if they self-direct their professional development. The research draws attention to the need to re-examine the existing teacher professional development policies considering the needs of teachers and their teaching practices


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    The aim of this study is to examine the perception of cohesion in highly interdependent sports teams, compare cohesion in different sports, and then compare social and task cohesion. The participants were 205 professional sports players in the city of Belgrade, Serbia. They are engaged in five different sports: Football/soccer, basketball, volleyball, handball, and water polo. The Group Environment Questionnaire (GEQ) was used to collect the data. All the analyses were carried out with the SPSS 22 statistical software. The results have shown moderately-high levels of all four aspects of cohesion (Group Integration-Task, Group Integration-Social, Individual Attractions to the Group-Task, and Individual Attractions to the Group-Social) in all sports. Overall, perception of task cohesion is higher than perception of social cohesion. The study also reveals that the type of sport played impacts the level of cohesion, with basketball players having the highest scores of all.Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se utvrdi percepcija kohezije u visoko međuzavisnim sportskim timovima, da se uporedi kohezija u različitim sportovima, a zatim uporede socijalna kohezija i kohezija zadatka. Ispitanici su bili 205 profesionalnih sportista iz Beograda koji se bave različitim sportovima: fudbalom, košarkom, odbojkom, rukometom i vaterpolom. Za sakupljanje podataka korišćen je GEQ upitnik (The Group Environment Questionnaire). Sve analize su obavljene uz pomoć statističkog softvera SPSS 22. Rezultati su za sve sportove pokazali umereno visok nivo sve četiri dimenzije kohezije: grupna integracija na osnovu zadatka (GI-T), grupna integracija – socijalna dimenzija (GI-S), individualna privrženost grupi na osnovu zadatka (IATG-T) i individualna privrženost grupi – socijalna dimenzija (IATG-S). Ukupno gledajući, percepcija kohezije zadatka je viša nego percepcija socijalne kohezije. Istraživanje je takođe pokazalo da vrsta sporta utiče na nivo kohezije, pri čemu košarkaši imaju najviši nivo percepcije kohezije od svih sportova

    The Influence of Organizational Culture on Business Creativity, Innovation and Satisfaction

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    Organizational culture is underdeveloped in business environment in the countries in transition in South-East Europe, such as is the Republic of Serbia. Only several economic institutions have developed the standards of organizational culture, which has an immense impact on their business and recruitment. In this paper we will try and discover whether organizational culture has both direct and indirect influence on creativity and in novation and on employees’ satisfaction at work as well. Also, the authors will try to assess whether creativity, innovation and job satisfaction are more dependent on the position inside the organization and on the employees’ education than on organizational culture