20 research outputs found

    Global convergence of optimized adaptive importance samplers

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    We analyze the optimized adaptive importance sampler (OAIS) for performing Monte Carlo integration with general proposals. We leverage a classical result which shows that the bias and the mean-squared error (MSE) of the importance sampling scales with the χ2\chi^2-divergence between the target and the proposal and develop a scheme which performs global optimization of χ2\chi^2-divergence. While it is known that this quantity is convex for exponential family proposals, the case of the general proposals has been an open problem. We close this gap by utilizing the nonasymptotic bounds for stochastic gradient Langevin dynamics (SGLD) for the global optimization of χ2\chi^2-divergence and derive nonasymptotic bounds for the MSE by leveraging recent results from non-convex optimization literature. The resulting AIS schemes have explicit theoretical guarantees that are uniform-in-time.Comment: Accepted to Foundations of Data Science (FoDS), 2024, to appea

    Adaptively Optimised Adaptive Importance Samplers

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    We introduce a new class of adaptive importance samplers leveraging adaptive optimisation tools, which we term AdaOAIS. We build on Optimised Adaptive Importance Samplers (OAIS), a class of techniques that adapt proposals to improve the mean-squared error of the importance sampling estimators by parameterising the proposal and optimising the χ2\chi^2-divergence between the target and the proposal. We show that a naive implementation of OAIS using stochastic gradient descent may lead to unstable estimators despite its convergence guarantees. To remedy this shortcoming, we instead propose to use adaptive optimisers (such as AdaGrad and Adam) to improve the stability of the OAIS. We provide convergence results for AdaOAIS in a similar manner to OAIS. We also provide empirical demonstration on a variety of examples and show that AdaOAIS lead to stable importance sampling estimators in practice.Comment: This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessibl

    Fully probabilistic deep models for forward and inverse problems in parametric PDEs

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    We introduce a physics-driven deep latent variable model (PDDLVM) to learn simultaneously parameter-to-solution (forward) and solution-to-parameter (inverse) maps of parametric partial differential equations (PDEs). Our formulation leverages conventional PDE discretization techniques, deep neural networks, probabilistic modelling, and variational inference to assemble a fully probabilistic coherent framework. In the posited probabilistic model, both the forward and inverse maps are approximated as Gaussian distributions with a mean and covariance parameterized by deep neural networks. The PDE residual is assumed to be an observed random vector of value zero, hence we model it as a random vector with a zero mean and a user-prescribed covariance. The model is trained by maximizing the probability, that is the evidence or marginal likelihood, of observing a residual of zero by maximizing the evidence lower bound (ELBO). Consequently, the proposed methodology does not require any independent PDE solves and is physics-informed at training time, allowing the real-time solution of PDE forward and inverse problems after training. The proposed framework can be easily extended to seamlessly integrate observed data to solve inverse problems and to build generative models. We demonstrate the efficiency and robustness of our method on finite element discretized parametric PDE problems such as linear and nonlinear Poisson problems, elastic shells with complex 3D geometries, and time-dependent nonlinear and inhomogeneous PDEs using a physics-informed neural network (PINN) discretization. We achieve up to three orders of magnitude speed-up after training compared to traditional finite element method (FEM), while outputting coherent uncertainty estimates

    Random Grid Neural Processes for Parametric Partial Differential Equations

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    We introduce a new class of spatially stochastic physics and data informed deep latent models for parametric partial differential equations (PDEs) which operate through scalable variational neural processes. We achieve this by assigning probability measures to the spatial domain, which allows us to treat collocation grids probabilistically as random variables to be marginalised out. Adapting this spatial statistics view, we solve forward and inverse problems for parametric PDEs in a way that leads to the construction of Gaussian process models of solution fields. The implementation of these random grids poses a unique set of challenges for inverse physics informed deep learning frameworks and we propose a new architecture called Grid Invariant Convolutional Networks (GICNets) to overcome these challenges. We further show how to incorporate noisy data in a principled manner into our physics informed model to improve predictions for problems where data may be available but whose measurement location does not coincide with any fixed mesh or grid. The proposed method is tested on a nonlinear Poisson problem, Burgers equation, and Navier-Stokes equations, and we provide extensive numerical comparisons. We demonstrate significant computational advantages over current physics informed neural learning methods for parametric PDEs while improving the predictive capabilities and flexibility of these models