9 research outputs found

    Immotthia atrograna (Dacampiaceae, Ascomycota), a new for Ukraine fungicolous fungus from the Carpathians

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    The paper reports first records of new for Ukraine genus and species of fungicolous fungi, Immotthia atrograna (Cooke et Ellis) M.E. Barr. All collections were made in old-growth forests within protected areas in the Ukrainian Carpathians during recent mycological surveys. The fungus was found to be associated with two xylariaceous species, Annulohypoxylon cohaerens (Pers.) Y.M. Ju, J.D. Rogers et H.M. Hsieh and A. multiforme (Fr.) Y.M. Ju, J.D. Rogers et H.M. Hsieh. Diagnostic description, nomenclature data, geographical distribution and original illustrations for both sexual and asexual morphs of the reported species are provided. Morphologically similar fungicolous fungi are briefly reviewed and compared

    Рідкісний гриб Xylobolus frustulatus (Pers.) Boidin – індикатор корінних старовікових дібров в Україні

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    Information about the distribution and sozological status of rare fungus Xylobolus frustulatus (Stereaceae, Russulales, Basidiomycota) in Ukraine are given. The proposition to include this species in the next edition of The Red Book of Ukraine is presented

    Історія вивчення і сучасний стан дослідженості грибів Національного природного парку «Дністровський каньйон»

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    As a result of the National Nature Park "Dnistrovskyi Canyon" mycobiota study, 337 species of fungi and fungi-like protists were found: 25 species are slime molds, 2 speсies represent Zygomycota, 192 – Ascomycota, and 118 – Basidiomycota. Among collected fungi, the vast majority are xylotrophic (181 species) and fungicolous (69 species). Other ecological groups remain poorly explored

    Нові для науки таксони грибів, що були описані харківським мікологом А.О. Потебнею (1870-1919)

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    Рідкісний гриб Xylobolus frustulatus (Pers.) Boidin – індикатор корінних старовікових дібров в Україні

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    Information about the distribution and sozological status of rare fungus Xylobolus frustulatus (Stereaceae, Russulales, Basidiomycota) in Ukraine are given. The proposition to include this species in the next edition of The Red Book of Ukraine is presented

    Історія вивчення і сучасний стан дослідженості грибів Національного природного парку «Дністровський каньйон»

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    As a result of the National Nature Park "Dnistrovskyi Canyon" mycobiota study, 337 species of fungi and fungi-like protists were found: 25 species are slime molds, 2 speсies represent Zygomycota, 192 – Ascomycota, and 118 – Basidiomycota. Among collected fungi, the vast majority are xylotrophic (181 species) and fungicolous (69 species). Other ecological groups remain poorly explored