3 research outputs found

    Mango anthracnose disease: the current situation and direction for future research

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    Mango anthracnose disease (MAD) is a destructive disease of mangoes, with estimated yield losses of up to 100% in unmanaged plantations. Several strains that constitute Colletotrichum complexes are implicated in MAD worldwide. All mangoes grown for commercial purposes are susceptible, and a resistant cultivar for all strains is not presently available on the market. The infection can widely spread before being detected since the disease is invincible until after a protracted latent period. The detection of multiple strains of the pathogen in Mexico, Brazil, and China has prompted a significant increase in research on the disease. Synthetic pesticide application is the primary management technique used to manage the disease. However, newly observed declines in anthracnose susceptibility to many fungicides highlight the need for more environmentally friendly approaches. Recent progress in understanding the host range, molecular and phenotypic characterization, and susceptibility of the disease in several mango cultivars is discussed in this review. It provides updates on the mode of transmission, infection biology and contemporary management strategies. We suggest an integrated and ecologically sound approach to managing MAD

    Behavioural assays on the responses of Trioza erytreae to non-host plants using cage assays at the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology, Kenya in 2019

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    Bioassay data was collected using a bench top cage arena made of two Perspex cages (each 65 × 65 × 75 cm) connected through a rectangular Perspex tube of 65 cm at the top with 5 cm of both ends inserted into each cage. The tube had a square opening (entrance) of 5 × 5 cm fitted with a lid with both ends fitted with fine netting. The rectangular tube was demarcated into three zones; treatment, control and no choice. Fifty *Trioza erytreae* of same sex were introduced into the entrance and the number of insects were counted in each zone after one hour. Four replicates were done for each treatment set. The treatments were; Experiments 1; 1. Lemongrass vs air 2. Garlic vs air 3. Guava vs air Experiments 2; 4. Lemongrass vs rough lemon 5. Garlic vs rough lemon 6. Guava vs rough lemon Experiments 3; 7. Lemongrass+rough lemon vs rough lemon 8. Garlic+rough lemon vs rough lemon 9. Guava + rough lemon vs rough lemon. Insects counted in no zone were not included in the analysis

    Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) of lemongrass, garlic, guava and lemon

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    The volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the test plants were analysed using coupled gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) on an Agilent Technologies 7890A GC linked to a 5795C MS (inert XL/ EI/CI MSD) triple axis mass detector, equipped with a HP5-MSI low bleed capillary column (30 m ×0.25 mm i.d, 0.25 μm) (J&W, Folsom, CA, USA). The abundance of the VOCs were recorded