2 research outputs found

    Analisa Stablitas Turap Dinding Penahan Tanah di SDN 09 Ranah Pantai Cermin Akibat Beban Statis

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    The rehabilitation and renovation work for school facilities and infrastructures is one of the work programs of the PUPR ministry. SDN 09 Ranah Pantai Cermin is one of the schools in West Sumatera that has the opportunity to take part in this program. This elementary school is located in the Sangir Batang Hari sub- district South Solok Regency. The plan for building classrooms on the edge of a cliff is the main reason for buiding a retaining wall before classroom construction work begins. Turap were built as retaining walls to prevent landslides around the classrooms during pre-construction, constructions and post-construction. Gravity type with river stones as the base material was chosen as a retaining wall at SDN 09 Ranah Pantai Cermin. Gravity turap was chosen as a retaining wall at this school with consideration that there is quite a lot of material around the site and also that work that does not require special skills. Source of data used for soil stability analysis are obtained from the field, previous research and from shop drawings. After analysing data, it was found that the Turap to be built is safe and meets the planning requirements for retaining wall stability with safety factor as follows: overturning 2.3 times, share 11.84 time and with bearing capacity of 16 time calculated by the Terzhagi method. Analysis and checking of the stability of the Turap as retaining wall at SDN 09 Ranah Pantai Cermin is only carried out for static loads on the retaining wall

    Desain Fly Over Pada Perlintasan Sebidang Jalan Kereta Api Di Jalan Slamet Riyadi Surakarta

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    Perencanaan fly over di Daerah Purwosari tepatnya Jalan Slamet Riyadi ini didasarkan oleh perlintasan sebidang dengan jalan kereta api yang menyebabkan lalu lintas di persilangan tersebut berhenti total ketika ada kereta api melintas. Dengan adanya pembangunan fly over pada perlintasan tersebut, diperhitungkan bahwa arus lalu lintas di Jalan Slamet Riyadi akan menjadi semakin lancar, hal ini dapat dilihat dari nilai derajat kejenuhan ruas jalan tersebut yang dihitung berdasarkan Manual Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia (MKJI) 1997, yang berkurang dari 1,26 menjadi 0,62 setelah direncanakannya fly over. Fly over ini direncanakan dengan tipe 2 lajur 2 arah tak terbagi dengan lebar 11 m dan panjang 410,8 m. Struktur atas fly over menggunakan balok prategang dengan profil I. Struktur bawah fly over menggunakan dua buah abutment, sembilan buah pilar dan pondasi jenis bore pile dengan diameter 0,6 m dan kedalaman 18 m