5 research outputs found

    GR-284 Automated Vulnerability Detection in Source Code Using Deep Neural Networks

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    One of the most important challenges in the field of a software code audit is the presence of vulnerabilities in software source code. Every year, more and more software flaws are found, either internally in proprietary code or revealed publicly. These flaws are highly likely exploited and lead to system compromise, data leakage, or denial of service. C and C++ open-source code are now available in order to create a large-scale, machine-learning system for function-level vulnerability identification. We assembled a sizable dataset of millions of open-source functions that point to potential exploits. We created an efficient and scalable vulnerability detection method based on deep neural network models that learn features extracted from the source codes. To remove the pointless components and shorten the dependency, the source code is first converted into a minimal intermediate representation. We keep the semantic and syntactic information using state-of-the-art word embedding algorithms. The embedded vectors are subsequently fed into convolutional neural networks to classify the possible vulnerabilities. Furthermore, we proposed a new neural network model which seems to overcome issues associated with traditional neural networks. To measure the performance, we used evaluation metrics such as f1 score, precision, recall, accuracy, and total execution time

    Software Supply Chain Vulnerabilities Detection in Source Code: Performance Comparison between Traditional and Quantum Machine Learning Algorithms

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    — The software supply chain (SSC) attack has become one of the crucial issues that are being increased rapidly with the advancement of the software development domain. In general, SSC attacks execute during the software development processes lead to vulnerabilities in software products targeting downstream customers and even involved stakeholders. Machine Learning approaches are proven in detecting and preventing software security vulnerabilities. Besides, emerging quantum machine learning can be promising in addressing SSC attacks. Considering the distinction between traditional and quantum machine learning, performance could be varies based on the proportions of the experimenting dataset. In this paper, we conduct a comparative analysis between quantum neural networks (QNN) and conventional neural networks (NN) with a software supply chain attack dataset known as ClaMP. Our goal is to distinguish the performance between QNN and NN and to conduct the experiment, we develop two different models for QNN and NN by utilizing Pennylane for quantum and TensorFlow and Keras for traditional respectively. We evaluated the performance of both models with different proportions of the ClaMP dataset to identify the f1 score, recall, precision, and accuracy. We also measure the execution time to check the efficiency of both models. The demonstration result indicates that execution time for QNN is slower than NN with a higher percentage of datasets. Due to recent advancements in QNN, a large level of experiments shall be carried out to understand both models accurately in our future research

    Autism Disease Detection Using Transfer Learning Techniques: Performance Comparison Between Central Processing Unit vs Graphics Processing Unit Functions for Neural Networks

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    Neural network approaches are machine learning methods that are widely used in various domains, such as healthcare and cybersecurity. Neural networks are especially renowned for their ability to deal with image datasets. During the training process with images, various fundamental mathematical operations are performed in the neural network. These operations include several algebraic and mathematical functions, such as derivatives, convolutions, and matrix inversions and transpositions. Such operations demand higher processing power than what is typically required for regular computer usage. Since CPUs are built with serial processing, they are not appropriate for handling large image datasets. On the other hand, GPUs have parallel processing capabilities and can provide higher speed. This paper utilizes advanced neural network techniques, such as VGG16, Resnet50, Densenet, Inceptionv3, Xception, Mobilenet, XGBOOST VGG16, and our proposed models, to compare CPU and GPU resources. We implemented a system for classifying Autism disease using face images of autistic and non-autistic children to compare performance during testing. We used evaluation matrices such as Accuracy, F1 score, Precision, Recall, and Execution time. It was observed that GPU outperformed CPU in all tests conducted. Moreover, the performance of the neural network models in terms of accuracy increased on GPU compared to CPU

    Case Study-Based Approach of Quantum Machine Learning in Cybersecurity: Quantum Support Vector Machine for Malware Classification and Protection

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    Quantum machine learning (QML) is an emerging field of research that leverages quantum computing to improve the classical machine learning approach to solve complex real world problems. QML has the potential to address cybersecurity related challenges. Considering the novelty and complex architecture of QML, resources are not yet explicitly available that can pave cybersecurity learners to instill efficient knowledge of this emerging technology. In this research, we design and develop QML-based ten learning modules covering various cybersecurity topics by adopting student centering case-study based learning approach. We apply one subtopic of QML on a cybersecurity topic comprised of pre-lab, lab, and post-lab activities towards providing learners with hands-on QML experiences in solving real-world security problems. In order to engage and motivate students in a learning environment that encourages all students to learn, pre-lab offers a brief introduction to both the QML subtopic and cybersecurity problem. In this paper, we utilize quantum support vector machine (QSVM) for malware classification and protection where we use open source Pennylane QML framework on the drebin215 dataset. We demonstrate our QSVM model and achieve an accuracy of 95% in malware classification and protection. We will develop all the modules and introduce them to the cybersecurity community in the coming days

    Forecasting the Risk Factor of Frontier Markets: A Novel Stacking Ensemble of Neural Network Approach

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    Forecasting the risk factor of the financial frontier markets has always been a very challenging task. Unlike an emerging market, a frontier market has a missing parameter named “volatility”, which indicates the market’s risk and as a result of the absence of this missing parameter and the lack of proper prediction, it has almost become difficult for direct customers to invest money in frontier markets. However, the noises, seasonality, random spikes and trends of the time-series datasets make it even more complicated to predict stock prices with high accuracy. In this work, we have developed a novel stacking ensemble of the neural network model that performs best on multiple data patterns. We have compared our model’s performance with the performance results obtained by using some traditional machine learning ensemble models such as Random Forest, AdaBoost, Gradient Boosting Machine and Stacking Ensemble, along with some traditional deep learning models such as Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and Bidirectional Long Short-Term (BiLSTM). We have calculated the missing parameter named “volatility” using stock price (Close price) for 20 different companies of the frontier market and then made predictions using the aforementioned machine learning ensemble models, deep learning models and our proposed stacking ensemble of the neural network model. The statistical evaluation metrics RMSE and MAE have been used to evaluate the performance of the models. It has been found that our proposed stacking ensemble neural network model outperforms all other traditional machine learning and deep learning models which have been used for comparison in this paper. The lowest RMSE and MAE values we have received using our proposed model are 0.3626 and 0.3682 percent, respectively, and the highest RMSE and MAE values are 2.5696 and 2.444 percent, respectively. The traditional ensemble learning models give the highest RMSE and MAE error rate of 20.4852 and 20.4260 percent, while the deep learning models give 15.2332 and 15.1668 percent, respectively, which clearly states that our proposed model provides a very low error value compared with the traditional models