66 research outputs found
The Roll of Viniculture on Turkish Economy.
Bu çalışma ilk olarak, bağcılığın ülkemiz açısından önemi ve tarihsel açıdan bağcılığın gelişimini incelenmektedir. Türkiye’deki bağcılık üretimi zaman serisi içerisinde OLS yöntemi ile açıklanmaya çalışılmıştır. Dünyada ve Türkiye’de bağcılığın gelişimi ele alınarak, Dünyada ve Türkiye’de bağcılık üretimi ve dış ticaretteki gelişmeler incelenmiştir. Türkiye bağcığındaki pazarlama sorunları ve çözüm önerileri ortaya konmuşturViniculture,Turkey
In this research, firstly, the production of wheat, wheat flour, and, the situation of flour mill industry in the world and Turkey, were investigatited. The support policies which were applied to wheat in Turkey, the capacity for flour mill industry, production, import, export affair were discussed and the problem were determined. The producer of flour mill in Turkey were analysed. Investigation data was collected by questionnaire from 49 active firms where loceted different regions in Turkey. The capasities of the firms, technological levels, the production amount, the supply of row material, and marketing were examined and problems and solution were discussed. Industrial organisation model (Structure, Conduct and Performans) were used for analysis these data. Determined problems are inactive capacity, low quality wheat and unfair competition. As a result, which can find solutions to their problems and keep their capital and technological power are claim a stable share in the field, otherwise they lost their shares in the market.Industry analyses, Flour mill, Turkey
Zeytin Üretimindeki Gelişmeler ve Çanakkale
Olive, which is one of the most important plants of Mediterranian countries, also forms one of the major agricultural fields in Turkey. Olive growing particularly plays a significant role in providing a living for producers in Marmara, Aegean and Mediterranian Regions as well as it provides significant contributions to national economy.
In this study, olive fields in the world and in Turkey, production volumes, foreign trade quantity, plantations that are alternative to olive growing, subsidization and pricing policies related to olive and finally existing situation of olive growing in Çanakkale province have been examined.
Globalization has led to significant changes in agricultural policies. Direct income support, and other product supports, have affected olive fields too. Development of World, Turkey and Çanakkale olive growing has also been compared in this progress
Dünya Transgenik Üretimindeki Gelişmeler ve Çukurova Bölgesi Mısır Tarımında Olası Bt Tohum Kullanımının Ekonomik Etkileri
In this study, developing of transgenic production from 1986 to 2003 years in the world were examined. It was
also compared economic result of transgenic production for each countries. The economic effects of proble using
of Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) seed farming in Çukurova region was analyzed.
The perpuse of this study, the trend of transgenic production and also making data for regional and public policy
about seed tecnology of Bt was anaysed
It was estimated in this study that, when Bt seeds are used in second crop corn farming in Çukurova Region,
revenue of the farmers would be increase
Zeytin Üretimindeki Gelişmeler ve Çanakkale
Olive, which is one of the most important plants of Mediterranian countries, also forms one of the major agricultural fields in Turkey. Olive growing particularly plays a significant role in providing a living for producers in Marmara, Aegean and Mediterranian Regions as well as it provides significant contributions to national economy.
In this study, olive fields in the world and in Turkey, production volumes, foreign trade quantity, plantations that are alternative to olive growing, subsidization and pricing policies related to olive and finally existing situation of olive growing in Çanakkale province have been examined.
Globalization has led to significant changes in agricultural policies. Direct income support, and other product supports, have affected olive fields too. Development of World, Turkey and Çanakkale olive growing has also been compared in this progress
Bağcılığın Türkiye Ekonomisindeki Yeri
Bu çalışma ilk olarak, bağcılığın ülkemiz açısından önemi ve tarihsel açıdan bağcılığın gelişimini incelenmektedir. Türkiye’deki bağcılık üretimi zaman serisi içerisinde OLS yöntemi ile açıklanmaya çalışılmıştır. Dünyada ve Türkiye’de bağcılığın gelişimi ele alınarak, Dünyada ve Türkiye’de bağcılık üretimi ve dış ticaretteki gelişmeler incelenmiştir. Türkiye bağcığındaki pazarlama sorunları ve çözüm önerileri ortaya konmuştu
Çukurova Bölgesi’nde Pamuk Arz Duyarlılığının Tahmini Üzerine Bir Çalışma
This paper examined the data of cotton pruduction during 1980—2002 in Çukurova region. In this study, a supply model was constructed for cotton 2002 in Çukurova region. According to the estimation of the supply model, elasticities of cotton, corn (cross elasticity), irrigation and motorin were calculated 0,56, -0,49, -0,30 and -0,90 respectively.
It was also estimated in this study that average annual growth rate of yield of cotton is 1,4 according to yield model of cotton in Çukurova region.
It was estimated in the result of this study that motorin price is the most effective factor in the supply of cotton in Çukurova region.Therefore, more attention should be given to motorin price when agricultural support policies for cotton farming are developed
Dünya Transgenik Üretimindeki Gelişmeler ve Çukurova Bölgesi Mısır Tarımında Olası Bt Tohum Kullanımının Ekonomik Etkileri
In this study, developing of transgenic production from 1986 to 2003 years in the world were examined. It was
also compared economic result of transgenic production for each countries. The economic effects of proble using
of Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) seed farming in Çukurova region was analyzed.
The perpuse of this study, the trend of transgenic production and also making data for regional and public policy
about seed tecnology of Bt was anaysed
It was estimated in this study that, when Bt seeds are used in second crop corn farming in Çukurova Region,
revenue of the farmers would be increase
Covid-19 Virüsünün Hane Halkı Üzerine Etkisi: Mersin ilinin Diğer İllerle Karşılaştırmalı Analizi
The COVID-19 virus, which has turned into a global epidemic, is not only a health crisis, it is turning into economic and political crises. The level of globalization has rapidly turned the epidemic into a global epidemic (pandemic). Covid-19 virus, It brought along the danger of turning into the biggest global economic crisis after the World War II. Policies to be created to combat the epidemic will significantly affect the economic processes of countries.
It will be an important reference for economic policy to examine the economic impact of the epidemic in more detail. The purpose of this study is to examine the economic effects of the Covid-19 virus on households in April and May 2020 in Mersin. In this study, a survey was conducted with 1058 households on the internet. 40% of the participants (421 households) are households living in Mersin. At the same time, it provides the opportunity to compare Mersin with other provinces, as a total of 55 different provinces have participated.
As a result of the analysis, it was stated that 55.1% of the households after Covid-19 in Mersin province lost income. While the wide unemployment rate in Mersin before Covid-19 was calculated as approximately 23%, this rate increased to 33.3% after Covid-19. The increase in unemployment after Covid-19 in Mersin province was higher than the average of other provinces surveyed. With the pandemic, the announcement of new economic packages regarding SMEs, which bear a significant burden of employment, will be a serious support in the fight against unemployment. It supports, in particular the differentiation according to the sector and to increase the employment of charge, after the pandemic in the country may also reduce the risk of recession.Küresel bir salgına dönüşen Covid-19 virüsü yalnızca sağlık krizi değil, ekonomik ve politik krizlere de dönüşmektedir. Küreselleşme seviyesi salgını küresel salgın (pandemi) haline hızla getirmiştir. Covid-19 virüsü, II. Dünya Savaşı’ndan sonra yaşanan en büyük küresel ekonomik krize dönüşme tehlikesini beraberinde getirmiştir. Salgınla mücadelede oluşturulacak politikalar, ülkelerin ekonomik süreçlerini çok önemli oranda etkileyecektir.
Salgının ekonomik etkisini daha ayrıntılı incelemek, ekonomi politikası için önemli bir referans olacaktır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Covid-19 virüsünün Mersin’de 2020 yılının Nisan ve Mayıs aylarında hanelerin ekonomik etkilerini incelemektir. Bu çalışmada internet ortamında 1058 hane ile anket yapıldı. Ankete Katılanların %40’ını (421 hane) Mersin’de yaşayan haneler oluşmaktadır. Aynı zamanda toplam 55 farklı ilden katılımı sağlandığı için Mersin ilinin diğer illerle karşılaştırma imkânı sağlamaktadır.
Yapılan analiz sonucu, Mersin ilinde Covid-19 sonrası hanelerin %55,1’inde gelir kaybı olduğu belirtilmiştir. Covid-19 öncesi Mersin’de geniş işsizlik oranı yaklaşık %23 olarak hesaplanırken, Covid-19 sonrası bu oran %33,3’e yükselmiştir. Mersin ilindeki Covid-19 sonrası işsizlik artışı ankete katılan diğer iller ortalamasından daha yüksek olmuştur. Pandemi ile birlikte, istidamın önemli oranda yükünü taşıyan KOBİ’lerle ilgili yeni ekonomik paketlerin açıklanması işsizlikle mücadelede ciddi destek olacaktır. Bu desteklerin, özellikle istihdam yükünü artıracak sektör ve bölgelere göre farklılaşması, pandemi sonrası ülkede resesyon riskini de azaltabilir
Küreselleşme, Yoksulluk ve Genetiği Değiştirilmiş Tarım Ürünleri
Poverty and income equality have become to stand in the forefront of the world that globalised through neo-classical policies after 1980. Besides technological dependence, globalisation wave has also led to a commercial dependence of surrounding countries to the central countries as well. The purpose of this study is to evaluate globalisation process in the world through its results of technological development and poverty.
Production of genetically modified products which were justified as a solution to poverty caused by growing population; however, only appeals to the commercial considerations of developed countries. Due to profit ambition, these products have entered into our lives fast before they are discussed ethically and examined about their possible effects on the human health and ecology.
This study consists of material, secondary data and literature about the subject. The method used in the study is descriptionary examination of the relationship between poverty (the problem of hunger) and technological development through globalisation.
As a result, besides and relative poverty, neo-classical economic theories also bring human poverty in the forefront . Especially, economic considerations should not be highlighted in the technology policies for agriculture fields but the hazards of these technologies on ecology and human beings should also be taken into consideration
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