20 research outputs found

    Impact of technological diversity on innovation performance in Chinese automobile industry

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    Studies on innovation are attracting a lot of researchers’ attention all over the world due to its crucial role in today's competitive world. In our paper we made an attempt to find the nature of the relationship between technological diversity and innovation performance. We have collected the data for 59 firms from China's automobile industry, from the State Intellectual Property Office of the People's Republic of China. Then we used the Negative binomial regression to test the hypothesis with four models. We found that correlation between technological diversity and innovation performance has an inverse U-shape form. Keywords: diversification, patents, specializatio

    Chlamydiosis in Sheep: Immunological Examination And Pathomorphological Changes

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    The article provides information on the stability of the immune system and path morphological changes in chlamydia when using the formalin GOA vaccine against chlamydia in sheep

    Education as an Instrument of Russian “Soft Power” in Russian-Mongolian Relations at the End of XX - Beginning of XXI Centuries

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    The article is devoted to the analysis of the development of cooperation in the field of education between Russia and Mongolia in recent history. The transformation of bilateral ties in the educational sphere under the influence of various factors is discussed in the study. Attention is paid to the prerequisites for reducing the intensity of bilateral contacts, as well as the implementation of specific projects that, to one degree or another, stimulate the growth of academic mobility. It is shown that the historical processes of the late twentieth century in Mongolia had an impact on the cooling of relations between countries. It is noted that in the 2000s, Mongolian-Chinese relations, including in the humanitarian sphere were intensified. It is affirmed that China’s “soft power” in the form of various kinds of programs for young people is systemic and influences the formation of public consciousness in relation to the “southern neighbour”. The author considers it necessary to recognize that, for objective reasons, Russia is inferior to China in the field of humanitarian projects. At the same time, the benevolent attitude towards the Russians and to Russia as a whole on the part of the population of Mongolia, especially the older generation is noted. The relevance of the study is to identify trends, factors that determine the nature of the mutual influence of Russia and Mongolia in the field of education in the latest period of historical development. The nature of the interaction of Mongolia and the regions of Russia and their role in the development of bilateral relations are analyzed

    Higher Education System of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (People’s Republic of China) in 1950s-1960s

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    This study analyzes the establishment and development of higher education in the first autonomous region within the People’s Republic of China (PRC). After the establishment of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (IMAR) in 1947, the regional leadership made efforts to develop the education sector. Improving literacy rates was a strategic goal for the development of the region and the entire country. The preparation of highly qualified personnel was also crucial for the accelerated development of the state. The novelty of this study lies in the utilization of original sources on the history of education in the PRC during its initial stages of construction. The author concludes that the establishment of the first higher education institution, the Pedagogical Institute of IMAR, met the needs of the region and stimulated the development of the entire educational system. In the early years of educational development in IMAR, special attention was given to the study of the Mongolian language and script, as well as the bilingual implementation of educational programs. This was necessary for the development of intercultural interaction and ideological consolidation among the population of IMAR

    Mongolian Labor Migration to Republic of Korea in Recent Historical Period: Forced Mobility and Social Event

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    The issues of the reasons, factors and features of labor migration of Mongolian citizens to the Republic of Korea in the post-socialist period of the country’s development are considered. The results of a comparative analysis of the data of official statistics, government bodies of Mongolia and the Republic of Korea, as well as international organizations are presented. A review of scientific works on this issue by domestic, Mongolian, South Korean authors is carried out. The relevance of the study is due to the need to analyze migration processes, which in the near future will determine the socio-economic development of the states of Northeast Asia, taking into account the age, professional, gender characteristics of the “receiving” and “arriving” communities. It has been proven that the government of Mongolia pays great attention to migration policy, which emphasizes the migration of Mongolian citizens to the Republic of Korea. The authors identified the main factors influencing migration flows, and also determined the mechanisms of state regulation in the recent historical period. In the conclusion, the results of the analysis carried out on the problem and the prospects for the development of the study are formulated, including in the field of studying migration flows from the border regions of the Russian Federation

    Life Cycle Rites in Worldview System of Buryat People (Material from Archive of S. P. Baldaev)

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    The significance of this study lies in the necessity of conducting a scientific analysis of folklore and ethnographic materials collected by one of the first folklorists in ethnic Buryatia, S. P. Baldaev. The analysis was carried out on texts recorded in the Transbaikal and Pre-Baikal regions, which relate to the rituals of the Buryat life cycle, including wedding rituals, childbirth rituals, and initiation rituals. These rituals had a fundamental influence on the formation of the worldview of traditional Buryat society. It is emphasized that the life cycle rituals clearly differentiated gender and age responsibilities and regulated interpersonal relationships within the family. Folklore and ethnographic data preserved in the Center for Eastern Manuscripts and Xylographs of the Institute of Mongolian Studies, Buddhist Studies, and Tibetology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences are introduced into scientific circulation. The results of the study will contribute to enriching the Buryat understanding of the world order with new facts and historical materials, which are relevant both for academic science and for contemporary society, which has a demand for the revival of traditional values

    The importance of science and education using advanced information communication technologies

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    Implementation of the Principles of Sustainable Development in the Baikal Region: Historical, Cultural and Educational Aspects

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    The issue of the implementation of certain aspects of the concept of sustainable development as a new civilizational paradigm in the conditions of the Baikal region is considered. The authors consider the experience of implementing the principles of sustainable development in the Baikal region, taking into account the socio-ecological, cultural and educational factors. The relevance of the study lies in the need to develop a new technology that can reduce the anthropogenic impact on the ecosystem of the lake itself and the coastal area. According to the authors, the most effective technology is the implementation of the principles of “education for sustainable development” (ESD). The solution to its problems is revealed through the educational efforts of teachers to preserve the ethnic culture of indigenous peoples, through the development of civic consciousness and patriotism of students, through the development of the intercultural competence of the individual. The novelty of the research is seen in the fact that the team of authors was one of the founders of education for sustainable development in the Republic of Buryatia, the creation of an international network of eco-oriented schools, the implementation of ESD courses at the university, practical environmental protection in the form of various grants and international collaboration for more than 25 years within the framework of a public organization. For the first time the historical periodization of the implementation of the principles of sustainable development in the Baikal region is presented in the article

    The Australian Vector of Mongolian Migration: Basic Parameters and Trends

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    Goals. The article aims to characterize some key aspects of present-day migration from Mongolia to Australia. Materials and methods. The study employs a comprehensive methodology to analyze international and national statistics data from the United Nations, UNESCO, Governments of Australia and Mongolia, etc. It also involves discourse analyses of Russian-, Mongolian- and English-language print and online publications dealing with the migration of Mongolian citizens to Australia. Survey methods have proved as instrumental, e. g., expert surveys, informal interviews, and questionnaires. Field research was conducted in the summer of 2022. Results. The study reveals key characteristic features of Mongolian migration to Australia. Firstly, Mongolian migrants in Australia are a fastest growing group of foreign migrants. Currently, Australia is becoming an increasingly popular labor (third place after the Republic of Korea and the USA) and educational (fourth place after China, Korea and Japan) destination for Mongolian citizens. Secondly, the main driving force of labor migration from Mongolia to Australia is the economic motive; however, non-financial factors play an equally important role — low population density, similar to landscapes, high living standards and quality of life, favorable migration situation in the host society. Thirdly, educational migration from Mongolia to Australia, as well as labor migration, has a high potential, is associated with further employment prospects and professional self-realization for Mongolian citizens both at home and in the destination country. Labor and educational migration is stimulated by active special government programs within operating Australia-Mongolia agreements both in industrial/economic (primarily in mining) and humanitarian spheres (various scholarships, academic mobility). The countries anticipate an expansion of economic, cultural and educational cooperation, which shall make it possible to implement mutually beneficial projects

    Theoretical Models of Buddhist Economy

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    The article is dedicated to the description of sociological approaches to studying the Buddhist economy. The researches of Buddhism have not sufficiently studied institutes of economy of Buddhist communities, and methods and mechanisms of the resource provision of their needs. The researches of Buddhism study mainly its religious and philosophical, political, cultic aspects, while economic ones are almost not touched upon. Along with this, Buddhism fulfilled important economic functions. Some Western researchers devoted their works to studying them. They laid basis for the development of scientific directions of the Buddhist economy. It is possible to single out several theories in the history of sociology. Problems related to the impact of Buddhism on economic development were researched within their framework. The article is an attempt to reveal basic variables of the theoretic analysis of economy in Buddhist communities and to describe the economic functions of Buddhist institutions. As a result of the analysis, three theoretical models of Buddhist economy that had non-equivalent impact on the science and in some periods competed were described. The article considers works of the Marxist direction and their interpretation of the Buddhist impact on economy. The contribution of M. Weber in the development of the Buddhist sociology is stated. The concept of the “Buddhist economy” of E. Schumacher is described. Keywords: Buddhism, Buddhist economy, K. Marx, M. Weber, E. Schumacher, Buryatia. JEL Classifications: H76; R11; R58; Z1