14 research outputs found

    Direct Observation of Parallel Folding Pathways Revealed Using a Symmetric Repeat Protein System

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    AbstractAlthough progress has been made to determine the native fold of a polypeptide from its primary structure, the diversity of pathways that connect the unfolded and folded states has not been adequately explored. Theoretical and computational studies predict that proteins fold through parallel pathways on funneled energy landscapes, although experimental detection of pathway diversity has been challenging. Here, we exploit the high translational symmetry and the direct length variation afforded by linear repeat proteins to directly detect folding through parallel pathways. By comparing folding rates of consensus ankyrin repeat proteins (CARPs), we find a clear increase in folding rates with increasing size and repeat number, although the size of the transition states (estimated from denaturant sensitivity) remains unchanged. The increase in folding rate with chain length, as opposed to a decrease expected from typical models for globular proteins, is a clear demonstration of parallel pathways. This conclusion is not dependent on extensive curve-fitting or structural perturbation of protein structure. By globally fitting a simple parallel-Ising pathway model, we have directly measured nucleation and propagation rates in protein folding, and have quantified the fluxes along each path, providing a detailed energy landscape for folding. This finding of parallel pathways differs from results from kinetic studies of repeat-proteins composed of sequence-variable repeats, where modest repeat-to-repeat energy variation coalesces folding into a single, dominant channel. Thus, for globular proteins, which have much higher variation in local structure and topology, parallel pathways are expected to be the exception rather than the rule

    Construction of a novel phagemid to produce custom DNA origami scaffolds.

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    DNA origami, a method for constructing nanoscale objects, relies on a long single strand of DNA to act as the 'scaffold' to template assembly of numerous short DNA oligonucleotide 'staples'. The ability to generate custom scaffold sequences can greatly benefit DNA origami design processes. Custom scaffold sequences can provide better control of the overall size of the final object and better control of low-level structural details, such as locations of specific base pairs within an object. Filamentous bacteriophages and related phagemids can work well as sources of custom scaffold DNA. However, scaffolds derived from phages require inclusion of multi-kilobase DNA sequences in order to grow in host bacteria, and those sequences cannot be altered or removed. These fixed-sequence regions constrain the design possibilities of DNA origami. Here, we report the construction of a novel phagemid, pScaf, to produce scaffolds that have a custom sequence with a much smaller fixed region of 393 bases. We used pScaf to generate new scaffolds ranging in size from 1512 to 10 080 bases and demonstrated their use in various DNA origami shapes and assemblies. We anticipate our pScaf phagemid will enhance development of the DNA origami method and its future applications

    Ensemble Force Changes that Result from Human Cardiac Myosin Mutations and a Small-Molecule Effector

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    Cardiomyopathies due to mutations in human β-cardiac myosin are a significant cause of heart failure, sudden death, and arrhythmia. To understand the underlying molecular basis of changes in the contractile system’s force production due to such mutations and search for potential drugs that restore force generation, an in vitro assay is necessary to evaluate cardiac myosin’s ensemble force using purified proteins. Here, we characterize the ensemble force of human α- and β-cardiac myosin isoforms and those of β-cardiac myosins carrying left ventricular non-compaction (M531R) and dilated cardiomyopathy (S532P) mutations using a utrophin-based loaded in vitro motility assay and new filament-tracking software. Our results show that human α- and β-cardiac myosin, as well as the mutants, show opposite mechanical and enzymatic phenotypes with respect to each other. We also show that omecamtiv mecarbil, a previously discovered cardiac-specific myosin activator, increases β-cardiac myosin force generation

    DNA origami patterning of synthetic T cell receptors reveals spatial control of the sensitivity and kinetics of signal activation

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    Receptor clustering plays a key role in triggering cellular activation, but the relationship between the spatial configuration of clusters and the elicitation of downstream intracellular signals remains poorly understood. We developed a DNA-origami-based system that is easily adaptable to other cellular systems and enables rich interrogation of responses to a variety of spatially defined inputs. Using a chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cell model system with relevance to cancer therapy, we studied signaling dynamics at single-cell resolution. We found that the spatial arrangement of receptors determines the ligand density threshold for triggering and encodes the temporal kinetics of signaling activities. We also showed that signaling sensitivity of a small cluster of high-affinity ligands is enhanced when surrounded by nonstimulating low-affinity ligands. Our results suggest that cells measure spatial arrangements of ligands, translate that information into distinct signaling dynamics, and provide insights into engineering immunotherapies