3 research outputs found

    Structurally controlled landscape evolution in Kula badlands, Western Turkey

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    Badlands are extensively eroded landscapes consisting of weakly consolidated deposits within highly dense drainage systems. Their controlling and shaping factors can differ in relation to various internal and external conditions and processes that are not always well understood. This study focuses on the development of a badland landscape affecting Miocene and Quaternary sand-clay sediments in the extensional tectonic regime of Western Turkey with a multidisciplinary approach. The area between Kula and Selendi towns exhibits a badland topography with extensively eroded surface features, deepened gullies within poorly consolidated, sand clay-sized sediments. The results of structural field mapping and morphometric analyses using a 5 m resolution DEM to study the role of structural control in the development of badlands are presented in this study. Field data analysis supported by the quantitative assessment of longitudinal gully profiles illustrates the role of pre-existing structures as faults, their orientation and geometry in net erosion-sedimentation and the development of deepened gully networks. Representative illustrations, field photographs and block diagrams are presented to show the relationship between the rock structure and badland landscape. The connection between the extensional tectonics, erosional dynamics and geomorphology point to a structurally-controlled landscape in the Kula badlands in Western Turkey

    Slope Failure in a Period of Increased Landslide Activity: Sennwald Rock Avalanche, Switzerland

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    The Säntis nappe is a complex fold-and-thrust structure in eastern Switzerland, consist-ing of numerous tectonic discontinuities and a range of hillslopes prone to landsliding and large slope failures that modify the topography irreversibly. A slope failure, namely the Sennwald rock avalanche, occurred in the southeast wall of this fold-and-thrust structure due to the rock failure of Lower Cretaceous Helvetic limestones along the Rhine River valley. In this research, this palaeo-landslide is examined in a multidisciplinary approach for the first time with detection and mapping of avalanche deposits, dynamic run-out modelling and cosmogenic nuclide dating. During the rock failure, the avalanche deposits were transported down the hillslope in a spreading-deck fashion, roughly preserving the original stratigraphic sequence. The distribution of landslide deposits and surface exposure age of the rock failure support the hypothesis that the landslide was a single catastrophic event. The36Cl surface exposure age of avalanche deposits indicates an age of 4.3 ± 0.5 ka. This time coincides with a notably wet climate period, noted as a conditioning factor for landslides across the Alps in the mid-Holocene. The contemporaneity of our event at its location in the Eastern Alps provide additional support for the contention of increased regional seismic activity in mid-Holocene.ISSN:2076-326

    Çoklu Sistemik İnflamatuvar Sendrom Tanılı Olguların Değerlendirilmesi (Türk MISC Çalışma Grubu)

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