14 research outputs found


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    Flexibilní formy zaměstnávání v oblasti informačních technologií v Jihomoravském kraji

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    Thе bаchеlоr thеsis is fоcusеd оn flеxiblе fоrms оf thе еmplоymеnt in thе filеd оf infоrmаtiоn tеchnоlоgiеs thе Sоuth Mоrаviаn rеgiоn. Thе аim is tо mаp thе fiеld оf flеxiblе fоrms оf еmplоymеnt, tо dеscribе thе vаriоus fоrms оf еmplоymеnt, tо dеscribе thе аdvаntаgеs аnd disаdvаntаgеs аnd tо еvаluаtе thеir аpplicаbility аs а tооl in influеncing unеmplоymеnt. In thе litеrаry rеsеаrch thеrе will bе а dеfinitiоn оf tеrms such аs еmplоymеnt rеlаtiоnship, wоrking timе, thе lаyоut оf wоrking timе, unеmplоymеnt аnd infоrmаtiоn tеchnоlоgy. Thе mеtоdicаl аnd prаcticе pаrts will fоcus оn hоmеwоrking. Quаntitаtivе rеsеаrch fоcusеs оn IT‘s еmplоyееs оpiniоn аbоut hоmеwоrking, thеir еxpеriеncе аnd intеrеst in this fоrm оf wоrk оrgаnizаtiоn, thеir knоwlеdgе оf thе аdvаntаgеs аnd disаdvаntаgеs оf hоmеwоrking. In thе discussiоn pаrt thе prе-dеtеrminеd rеsеаrch quеstiоns will bе cоnfirmеd оr rеfrаinеd. Thе cоnclusiоn оf thе thеsis will includе а summаry оf thе cоnsеquеncеs оf using оf flеxiblе fоrms оf еmplоymеnt оn thе lеvеl оf unеmplоymеnt thаt will аrisе during wоrk.Formula clause:Flexible forms of employment in the filed of information technologie


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    The article gives an overview of Indian musical art. The author dwells upon history of Indian music, which descends from sacred hymns and songs of ancient India. Music has always been the most important part of Indian life. Religious ceremonies used to play and still play a signifcant role in the life of Indian people. This is the reason why each community has its own musicians and performers of hymns and songs. These songs are mentioned in the most important works of Indian philosophical literature, such as «Rig Veda», «Athharva Veda», «Sama Veda», «Natya Shastra». Music has been an essential part of all Indian holidays since the ancient times till now. With the emergence of Indian theatre the art of singers and musicians comes into high demand. Music has changed with time. However the theory of music and songs presented in ancient books preserved in new forms. Thanks to their careful attitude to classic forms Indian people managed to keep traditions of their music through the centuries. The work presents a classifcation of the music, giving specifc features of classic and folk music. It also briefly presents Indian musical gamma. Ancient Indian music is a synthetic genre which combines singing, dance and music. Indian music is divided into classic and folk music. The classic music is subdivided into northern and southern branches. The author describes complicated classical music gamma which consists of seven notes. There is also a short description of raga in the article. Raga is the basis of Indian classic music. Raga has wide emotional spectrum. It depicts different feelings, such as joy, happiness, sadness. According to his desire, a musician choses and creates a rich rhythmical composition. There is also a description of contemporary cinema music and other kinds of modern musical art. An important thing is an unbreakable connection between contemporary and classic music, the preservation of Indian originality in the process of Western influence

    Diagnostics of myocardial damage in premature newborns with transient heart disease in the early neonatal period

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    Purpose. To assess frequency and severity of myocardial damage in premature infants with transient myocardial ischemia in the early neonatal period.Materials and methods. The study includes 73 newborns of a gestational age of 31–36 weeks with respiratory failure and oxygen dependence in the first 2 hours of life. Newborns are divided into groups: Group 1: classic electrocardiographic criteria of transient myocardial ischemia and an increase in the level of troponin I in the blood; Group 2: electrocardiographic criteria for transient myocardial ischemia and a normal level of troponin I; Group 3: no ECG changes and normal troponin I level. We assessed blood gases, conducted electrocardiography, determined troponin I in the blood on the 1st and 7th day of life, assesses duration of oxygen therapy in all the children.Results. Group I: troponin I concentration on the 7th day of life – 0.415 [0.222; 0.639] ng/ml, Group II – 0.073 [0.051; 0.104] ng/ml and Group III – 0.017 [0.006; 0.051] ng/ml. Transient myocardial ischemia was detected in 41% of examined patients, and destructive myocardial changes – in 21.9%. An analysis of the gas composition of blood in the first 2 hours demonstrated that there was a significant predominance of the level of bases in the children of Group I. The duration of artificial ventilation in children of Group I was 56 [3; 96] hours, exceeding the indicators of children of Group II (9 [8; 11]) by 5 times, and Group III (20.5 [13; 72]) – by 2.5 times. Also newborns in Group I experienced a maximum need for oxygen therapy through a mask.Conclusion. 21.9% of premature infants experience destructive myocardial changes against the background of transient myocardial ischemia; newborns with transient myocardial ischemia and destructive changes have a significantly more pronounced metabolic acidosis in the first hours of life and a longer need for oxygen therapy