4 research outputs found

    Non syndromic supernumerary teeth: management of two clinical cases

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    Supernumerary teeth are extra teeth or tooth-like structures. Single, double, or multiple teeth that occur in one or both jaws may be erupted or unerupted and unilateral or bilateral. Supernumeraries are less common in primary dentition than in permanent dentition. The etiology of ST is still unknown. A number of theories have been postulated to try to explain their presence, including atavism (evolutionary throwback), tooth germ dichotomy, genetic and environmental factors, and hyperactivity of the dental lamina. However, all theories are hypothetical due to the inability to obtain sufficient embryologic material on their origin. The aim of this paper is two present two case reports of non syndromic supernumerary teeth in female patients and their management

    Les particularités de la prise en charge des patients sous antivitamines K : mise au point

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    La prise en charge en odontologie des patients qui ont tendance à développer un risque hémorragique élevé en raison de l’utilisation d’anticoagulants pose un défi dans la pratique quotidienne des professionnels des soins dentaires. Une connaissance suffisante des mécanismes de l’hémostase et la gestion optimisée de ces patients, sont donc des paramètres très importants. À ce propos, de nombreuses études récentes ont mis en évidence la possibilité de pratiquer les interventions de chirurgie orale sans interruption ou diminution de posologie des antivitamines K. L’objectif de ce travail est de discuter les différentes recommandations actuelles et la démarche clinique pour la prise en charge des patients sous traitement antivitamines K (AVK) devant bénéficier d’une intervention de chirurgie dentaire

    Esthetic improvement of a nasolabial cutaneous sinus tract

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    A cutaneous sinus tract of dental origin is relatively uncommon and may easily be misdiagnosed, owing to its uncommon occurrence and absence of dental symptoms. Such a lesion continues to be a diagnostic dilemma. The case described here presented a nasolabial cutaneous sinus tract of dental origin that was treated by a surgical approach with an excellent esthetic improvement