247 research outputs found

    Assessing Job Satisfaction of Public Universities in Ghana: A Case Study of KNUST

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    Job satisfaction affects employee performance. Still, the level of job satisfaction of various categories of staff within an organisation, its motivation factors and implications on the management of human resources demand an in-depth study to uncover issues that have not been adequately addressed. This paper probes into these factors affecting job satisfaction of various categories of staff at KNUST to improve job satisfaction and work performance. The study adopted the quantitative approach to research, using stratified and simple random sampling techniques to collect data and SPSS to analyse the data. The study revealed a significant statistical relationship between the category of staff and the level of job satisfaction. It was also found that the factor which mainly contributes to job satisfaction of junior staff is anachievement. For senior staff, it is relationships, while for senior members, it is the work itself. The study further revealed that improving teaching and working conditions is the preferred way of improving job satisfaction. The study, therefore, recommends placement of emphasis on the provision of a congenial environment and the requisite tools and facilities, among others, to improve the job satisfaction of staf

    Dynamics of Inflation and Financial Development: Empirical Evidence from Ghana

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    The study examines the dynamic link between inflation and financial development in Ghana using annual time series from 1964-2012. Specifically, the paper assessed whether the direction of causality between the two differs in the short and long run. In the short run, the paper established a dual negative relationship between the two, while a unidirectional negative effect of inflation on financial development was detected in the long run using sequence of econometric techniques. Inflationary effect was much stronger on Private Credit/GDP than on M2/GDP, while the dampening effect of financial development on inflation largely originated from Private Credit/GDP. Keywords: Inflation, Financial Development, Deepening, Intermediation, Bivariate, Multivariate, Correlation Analysis, Engel-Granger Causality, Vector Error Correction, Vector Autoregression Models, Variance Decomposition, Impulse Response and Ghana. *Disclaimer: This Working Paper should not be reported as representing the views of Bank of Ghana. The opinions expressed in this working paper reflect those of the author and do not represent those of the Central Bank

    The influence of African migrant parents on their children's career choices in a new culture

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    Peter Akosah-Twumasi explored the acculturation strategies and perceived parental influences on career constructions among Sub-Saharan African youth migrants in Australia. He developed three theoretical models, which provided in-depth understanding of the positive parental roles and identified challenges with reconciling personal interests with parents' expectations. His results could foster development of more inclusive counselling interventions

    Attitude of Ghanaian University Students Towards Online Counselling

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    Online counselling is a complement to the traditional face-to-face approach to counselling. Experts in counselling, however, strongly believe that before online counselling is introduced, it is necessary to ascertain its potential utilization by clients. This study, therefore, investigated the attitude of Ghanaian students towards online counselling using the descriptive survey design. Two research questions and hypotheses guided the study. The population of the study comprised all regular undergraduate students in the University of Cape Coast in Ghana. A sample of 600 students made up of 360 males and 240 females was used. Proportional stratified sampling and simple random sampling techniques were employed. Two online counselling attitude scales were used to source for data. The data were analysed using means, standard deviations and independent samples t-test. The study revealed that respondents’ attitude towards online counselling was both positive and negative. The study also found that although both male and female students expressed positive attitude towards online counselling, females expressed a more positive attitude towards online counselling than their male counterparts. Similarly, both genders demonstrated negative attitude towards online counselling, but males showed a more negative attitude towards online counselling as compared to their female counterparts. However, no significant differences were found in students’ attitudes towards online counselling on the basis of gender. A major implication of the findings was that students have the potential to utilise online counselling, since they demonstrated positive attitude towards online counselling. Based on the findings, it was recommended that counsellors should introduce online counselling to complement the traditional face-to-face approach to counselling. Again, counsellors should educate students on the benefits of online counselling so as to reduce their negative attitude towards online counselling. Keywords: Online counselling; positive attitude; negative attitude; university student

    High School Teachers' Mathematical Knowledge Base for Effective Instruction in Ghana: A Systematic Review

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    This systematic review examines the state of high school teachers' mathematical knowledge base for effective instruction in Ghana. The review encompasses studies conducted between 2014 and the present. The objective is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the current status, strengths, weaknesses, and factors influencing teachers' mathematical knowledge. The review also explores the implications of teachers' mathematical knowledge on instructional practices and student learning outcomes. The study reveals that while some teachers in Ghana possess a strong mathematical knowledge base, there are challenges in developing and maintaining this knowledge. Limited access to professional development opportunities, time constraints, and lack of resources are key obstacles. The review emphasizes the importance of pre-service teacher education programs, ongoing professional development, supportive networks, and curriculum design in enhancing teachers' mathematical knowledge. Recommendations include strengthening pre-service education, providing professional development opportunities, and creating supportive networks. The findings underscore the critical role of teachers' mathematical knowledge in effective mathematics instruction and call for further research and investment in teacher professional development to improve mathematics education in high schools. Keywords: mathematical knowledge, high school teachers, effective instruction, Ghana, systematic review, pre-service teacher education, professional development, curriculum design, knowledge sharin


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    Real exchange rate misalignment and macroeconomic implications: Recent evidence from Ghana

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    We evaluate the degree of real exchange rate (REER)  misalignment and its macroeconomic implications for the  Ghanaian economy using quarterly data (2000Q1-2015Q3). Our results uncovered a clear misalignment of the actual REER from its equilibrium level throughout the sample period, although the REER was close to its equilibrium level at the end of 2012. The study also revealed a weak positive undervaluation-economic growth nexus for Ghana. Overvaluation was observed to exert disinflationary pressures, while undervaluation tends to increase inflationary pressures in Ghana. The study thus suggests that the use of REER undervaluation as a deliberate industrial policy instrument for sustained economic growth may be  counterproductive in the context of Ghana, as such policy may potentially undermine price stability objective of the central bank.Keywords: Equilibrium Exchange Rate; Misalignment;Ghana

    Bible translation in Christian mission : a case study of the spiritual and socio-cultural impact of the Bible translation strategy of the Ghana Institute of Linguistics, Literacy and Bible Translation on the Dega people of Ghana.

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    Thesis (M.Th.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2004After participants had been told of the processes of Bible translation during a prayer partners meeting of Ghana Institute of Linguistics, Literacy and Bible Translation (GILLBT), one of them asked, "After the people have been given the Scriptures, what happens?" This study has been an attempt to supply answers to such questions. It attempts to ascertain the impact that the Bible translation strategy (BTS) of GILLBT has had on the Dega people of Ghana, especially their socio-cultural and spiritual lives. The study uses Darrell Whiteman's conceptual framework of Integral Human Development to analyse how the Bible translation strategy has contributed to their human development. The BTS comprises linguistic and anthropological research, Bible translation, literacy and development and Scripture-In-Use. The dissertation traces the historical origins and the rich but distinctive cultural beliefs and practices of the Dega. The results have shown that rete WJ bi ka, tete WJ bi kyere, "the past has a lot to say and teach us". The emergence of the Church and the BTS in the Dega Hare (Degaland) has also been outlined. One fact that runs through all the stories is the conspicuous role that the laity played in bringing the Church to Dega Hare. The Church came as early as in the 1930s, mostly from the south of the country. However, the situation is changing and from the 1990s Dega initiated churches are emerging. The BTS has been in Dega Hare since 1981 and some of the fruits have been the Deg New Testament, an ongoing Old Testament translation, a literacy program that has made over three thousand Dega literate in Deg, a Scripture use promotion program called Scripture-In-Use and an indigenous organisation, Deg Language Project. The dissertation analyses the socio-cultural and spiritual impact that the BTS has had on Dega in chapters four and five. It uses human interest stories and testimonies to depict the impact on the lives of individuals and communities. The dissertation ends with a summary of the findings and some recommendations for the future

    Assessment of Adolescent Risk Behaviours in Junior High Schools in the Cape Coast Metropolis of Ghana

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    The study investigated adolescent risk behaviours in public junior high schools of the OLA circuit in the Cape Coast Metropolis using the descriptive survey design. Five research questions and two hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. The target population of the study was all students in the OLA Circuit of the Cape Coast Metropolis. The accessible population was all students from the three selected schools in the OLA Circuit. The Multi-stage sampling procedure was used to select 155 students for the study. Proportional stratified sampling and simple random sampling techniques were employed.  The data were analysed using means, standard deviations and independent samples t-test. The study revealed that students’ engagement in any of the adolescents risk behaviours thus violence-related behaviour, alcoholism, smoking, risky sexual behaviours and suicidal tendencies were very minimal. There was a significant difference between male and female risky sexual behaviours. However, there was no significant difference between male and female on the basis of suicidal tendencies. Based on these findings, it was recommended that the Ministries of Health, Education, Youth and Sports, National population Council (NPC), among others continue to intensify their campaigns against adolescents risk behaviours. Keywords: assessment, adolescence; adolescent; risk behaviours; junior high school students DOI: 10.7176/JEP/10-25-05 Publication date:September 30th 201
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