101 research outputs found

    The Role of Aromatase Inhibitors in Male Prolactinoma

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    Background: dopamine agonists are the recommended treatment for male prolactinomas, but some patients may develop dopamine-agonist-resistant hyperprolactinemia, leading to persistent hypogonadism that requires treatment with testosterone. However, testosterone replacement therapy may be associated with a decrease in the efficacy of dopamine agonists due to the aromatization of testosterone to estradiol, which can stimulate the proliferation and hyperplasia of lactotroph cells in the pituitary, inducing resistance to dopamine agonists. Objective: this paper systematically reviewed the role of aromatase inhibitors for men with prolactinoma and dopamine-agonist-resistant or persistent hypogonadism following treatment. Method: we performed a systematic review of all studies (according to PRISMA guidelines), assessing the role of aromatase inhibitors, including anastrozole and letrozole, for male prolactinoma. An English-language search for relevant studies was conducted on PubMed from its inception to 1 December 2022. The reference lists of the relevant studies were also reviewed. Results: our systematic review identified six articles (nine patients), including five case reports and a single case series, on the use of aromatase inhibitors for male prolactinomas. Reducing estrogen levels with an aromatase inhibitor improved sensitivity to dopamine agonists, as the addition of anastrozole or letrozole improves the control of prolactin levels and may lead to the shrinkage of tumors. Conclusion: aromatase inhibitors are of potential value to patients with dopamine-agonist-resistant prolactinoma, or when hypogonadism persists while using high-dose dopamine agonists

    The Pteridophyta of Monte Zerpa, Mérida, Venezuela

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    A partir de un trabajo florístico realizado en Monte Zerpa, Mérida, Venezuela, se presenta una lista de los pteridofitos presentes en la selva nublada de la localidad. En ella se registran 68 especies pertenecientes a 15 familias, en las que existe una clara predominancia del epifitismo como estrategia adaptativa. Tomando como referencia la reciente publicación del Nuevo Catálogo de la Flora Vascular de Venezuela, se notifican nuevos registros para el estado Mérida, así como la ampliación de los límites de distribución altitudinal de algunas [email protected] is presented a list of the pteridophyta from Monte Zerpa, a cloud forest in Mérida, Venezuela. 68 species from 15 families are found with a marked predominance of epiphytism as an adaptative strategy. Using the new catalog of the vascular flora of Venezuela as a reference, new records of occurrence for Mérida are informed, as well as the widening of the elevation limits for several species

    The Clinicopathological Spectrum of Acromegaly

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    Background: Acromegaly results from a persistent excess in growth hormone with clinical features that may be subtle or severe. The most common cause of acromegaly is a pituitary tumor that causes excessive production of growth hormone (GH), and rare cases are due to an excess of the GH-releasing hormone (GHRH) or the ectopic production of GH. Objective: Discuss the different diseases that present with manifestations of GH excess and clinical acromegaly, emphasizing the distinct clinical and radiological characteristics of the different pathological entities. Methods: We performed a narrative review of the published clinicopathological information about acromegaly. An English-language search for relevant studies was conducted on PubMed from inception to 1 August 2019. The reference lists of relevant studies were also reviewed. Results: Pituitary tumors that cause GH excess have several variants, including pure somatotroph tumors that can be densely or sparsely granulated, or plurihormonal tumors that include mammosomatotroph, mixed somatotroph-lactotroph tumors and mature plurihomonal Pit1-lineage tumors, acidophil stem cell tumors and poorly-differentiated Pit1-lineage tumors. Each tumor type has a distinct pathophysiology, resulting in variations in clinical manifestations, imaging and responses to therapies. Conclusion: Detailed clinicopathological information will be useful in the era of precision medicine, in which physicians tailor the correct treatment modality to each patient

    Key to 15 families of Pteridophyta of Monte Zerpa forest, Mérida, Venezuela

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    Siguiendo un trabajo publicado anteriormente por el autor, se elaboró una clave para la identificación de 15 familias de pteridofitos de la selva de neblina de Monte Zerpa en el estado Mérida, Venezuela, usando caracteres de fácil observación en las plantas; se evita así la necesidad de observaciones microscópicas o anatómicas. Estos caracteres morfológicos han probado ser suficientes y adecuados para la separación y reconocimiento de estas [email protected] a previously published paper by the author, it is built a key to 15 pteridophytes families from the mist forest of Monte Zerpa in Mérida State, Venezuela, using easily observable plant features; this way, the need for microscopic or anatomical observations is avoided. These morphological features proved being sufficient and adequate to segregate and identify these families

    Gender Effect on Harnessing Social Capital

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    “Is it a boy or a girl?” The above is typically the first question asked of a new-born baby. Across the diversity of human societies – from the third world to the first world, conservative to liberal, religious to secular – the question of gender arises at the very beginning of life and plays a central role throughout. Human experiences and perspectives, the way they relate to each other and the expectations society places upon them – all are shaped by this accident of birth. If humans are a gendered species, they are also a social one. While modern technology continuously provides new tools for socialising and building networks, humanity remains as gendered as the early homo sapiens at the dawn of the human race or, if one prefers, as Adam and Eve. Clearly, these two facets of humanity – its gendered nature and its social nature – interact with and influence one another on multiple levels

    He prole ekphorá: La forma de base en eI Perì Synlaxeos de ApoIonio Díscolo

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    El presente estudio tiene por objetivo rastrear la noción de estructura profunda propuesta por Chomsky en el Perì Synlaxeos de Apolonio Díscolo. Para ello se realizo una revisión teórica sobre la noción de estructura profunda en las principales obras lingüísticas de Chomsky, con la finalidad de observar su evolución dentro de los desarrollos teóricos de la gramática generativa. Asimismo, siguiendo las pautas que Householder propone en su traducción del Perì Synlaxeos, se llevo a cabo una lectura minuciosa de dicho tratado, tanto en lengua original como en traducciones al español e inglés, con el objetivo de confrontar las diferentes propuestas exegéticas del texto. La lectura del Perì Synlaxeos demostró que, efectivamente, es identificable una noción de estructura sintáctica mas abstracta encargada de la pre-configuración de las unidades para la final emisión de enunciados. Dicha noción se ve reflejada no solo a nivel teórico sino a nivel léxico mediante expresiones como prote ekphorá o prote thésis, y verbos como apoteleo y lemmatízo. De igual forma, se pudo comprobar la presencia de la idea de transformaci6n en el léxico empleado por Apolonio en el Perì Synlaxeos: sustantivos como metalepsis y verbos como metalambámo ponen de manifiesto esta idea dentro de su teoría sintáctica.Universidad de Los AndesMaestríaThe main purpose of this study is to trace the notion of deep structure proposed by Chomsky on the Apolonius Dyscolus ' Perì Synlaxeos. In order to do so, a theoretical review of the notion of deep structure was done on Chomsky's main linguistic works to observe its evolution on the generative grammar theory. At the same time, the guidelines proposed by Householder on his Peri Syntaxeos English translation were followed and a thorough reading was done of this treatise in its original language as well as in its English and Spanish translations-all of this in order to confront the different interpretations of the text in question. The reading of Perì Synlaxeos proved that there is indeed a notion of a more abstract syntactic structure in charge of pre-configuring all the elements for the final emission of utterances. This notion is present not only at a theoretical level, but also at a lexical one through expressions such as prOle ekphora or prOte thesis, and verbs like apoteleo and lemmatizo. Likewise, it was established that the idea of transformation is also present in the vocabulary used by Apolonius in his Perì Synlaxeos -nouns like metátlepsis and verbs such as metalambáno show this notion in his syntactic theor

    The Role of Aromatase Inhibitors in Male Prolactinoma

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    Background: dopamine agonists are the recommended treatment for male prolactinomas, but some patients may develop dopamine-agonist-resistant hyperprolactinemia, leading to persistent hypogonadism that requires treatment with testosterone. However, testosterone replacement therapy may be associated with a decrease in the efficacy of dopamine agonists due to the aromatization of testosterone to estradiol, which can stimulate the proliferation and hyperplasia of lactotroph cells in the pituitary, inducing resistance to dopamine agonists. Objective: this paper systematically reviewed the role of aromatase inhibitors for men with prolactinoma and dopamine-agonist-resistant or persistent hypogonadism following treatment. Method: we performed a systematic review of all studies (according to PRISMA guidelines), assessing the role of aromatase inhibitors, including anastrozole and letrozole, for male prolactinoma. An English-language search for relevant studies was conducted on PubMed from its inception to 1 December 2022. The reference lists of the relevant studies were also reviewed. Results: our systematic review identified six articles (nine patients), including five case reports and a single case series, on the use of aromatase inhibitors for male prolactinomas. Reducing estrogen levels with an aromatase inhibitor improved sensitivity to dopamine agonists, as the addition of anastrozole or letrozole improves the control of prolactin levels and may lead to the shrinkage of tumors. Conclusion: aromatase inhibitors are of potential value to patients with dopamine-agonist-resistant prolactinoma, or when hypogonadism persists while using high-dose dopamine agonists

    Información Investigador: Akirov Litvinov, Alejandra

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    Universitario17 - 2003Diciembre de 2004+58 274 2401884Facultad de Humanidades y Educació[email protected]