5 research outputs found

    Inflation and Economic Growth: a Review of The International Literature

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    This paper surveys the existing literature on the relationship between inflation and economic growth in developed and developing countries, highlighting the theoretical and empirical indications. The study finds that the impact of inflation on economic growth varies from country to country and over time. The study also finds that the results from these studies depend on country鈥憇pecific characteristics, the data set used, and the methodology employed. On balance, the study finds overwhelming support in favour of a negative relationship between inflation and growth, especially in developed economies. However, there is still much controversy about the specific threshold level of inflation that is appropriate for growth. Most previous studies on this subject just assume a unidirectional causal relationship between inflation and economic growth. To our knowledge, this may be the first review of its kind to survey, in detail, the existing research on the relationship between inflation and economic growth in developed and developing countries

    Inflacja a wzrost gospodarczy: przegl膮d literatury mi臋dzynarodowej

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    Artyku艂 stanowi przegl膮d istniej膮cej literatur臋 dotycz膮cej zale偶no艣ci mi臋dzy inflacj膮 a wzrostem gospodarczym w krajach rozwini臋tych i rozwijaj膮cych si臋, z uwzgl臋dnieniem zar贸wno aspekt贸w teoretycznych jak i empirycznych. W wyniku przeprowadzonego badania stwierdzono, 偶e wp艂yw inflacji na wzrost gospodarczy jest zr贸偶nicowany w r贸偶nych pa艅stwach i w czasie. Opracowanie wskazuje r贸wnie偶, 偶e wyniki tych bada艅 s膮 zale偶ne od specyfiki danego kraju, wykorzystanego zestawu danych i zastosowanej metodologii. Generalnie badania wskazuj膮 na wyst臋powanie zdecydowanie negatywnego zwi膮zku mi臋dzy inflacj膮 a wzrostem gospodarczym, zw艂aszcza w krajach rozwini臋tych. Nadal jednak istnieje wiele kontrowersji na temat konkretnego progu poziomu inflacji, kt贸ry jest korzystny z punktu widzenia wzrostu. Wi臋kszo艣膰 wcze艣niejszych bada艅 nad tym tematem zak艂ada jedynie jednokierunkowy zwi膮zek przyczynowy mi臋dzy inflacj膮 a wzrostem gospodarczym. Niniejsze opracowanie jest by膰 mo偶e pierwsz膮 pr贸b膮 dokonania szczeg贸艂owego przegl膮du istniej膮cych bada艅 nad zale偶no艣ciami mi臋dzy inflacj膮 a wzrostem gospodarczym w krajach rozwini臋tych i rozwijaj膮cych si臋.This paper surveys the existing literature on the relationship between inflation and economic growth in developed and developing countries, highlighting the theoretical and empirical indications. The study finds that the impact of inflation on economic growth varies from country to country and over time. The study also finds that the results from these studies depend on country鈥憇pecific characteristics, the data set used, and the methodology employed. On balance, the study finds overwhelming support in favour of a negative relationship between inflation and growth, especially in developed economies. However, there is still much controversy about the specific threshold level of inflation that is appropriate for growth. Most previous studies on this subject just assume a unidirectional causal relationsship between inflation and economic growth. To our knowledge, this may be the first review of its kind to survey, in detail, the existing research on the relationship between inflation and economic growth in developed and developing countries

    Inflacja a wzrost gospodarczy: przegl膮d literatury mi臋dzynarodowej

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    Artyku艂 stanowi przegl膮d istniej膮cej literatur臋 dotycz膮cej zale偶no艣ci mi臋dzy inflacj膮 a wzrostem gospodarczym w krajach rozwini臋tych i rozwijaj膮cych si臋, z uwzgl臋dnieniem zar贸wno aspekt贸w teoretycznych jak i empirycznych. W wyniku przeprowadzonego badania stwierdzono, 偶e wp艂yw inflacji na wzrost gospodarczy jest zr贸偶nicowany w r贸偶nych pa艅stwach i w czasie. Opracowanie wskazuje r贸wnie偶, 偶e wyniki tych bada艅 s膮 zale偶ne od specyfiki danego kraju, wykorzystanego zestawu danych i zastosowanej metodologii. Generalnie badania wskazuj膮 na wyst臋powanie zdecydowanie negatywnego zwi膮zku mi臋dzy inflacj膮 a wzrostem gospodarczym, zw艂aszcza w krajach rozwini臋tych. Nadal jednak istnieje wiele kontrowersji na temat konkretnego progu poziomu inflacji, kt贸ry jest korzystny z punktu widzenia wzrostu. Wi臋kszo艣膰 wcze艣niejszych bada艅 nad tym tematem zak艂ada jedynie jednokierunkowy zwi膮zek przyczynowy mi臋dzy inflacj膮 a wzrostem gospodarczym. Niniejsze opracowanie jest by膰 mo偶e pierwsz膮 pr贸b膮 dokonania szczeg贸艂owego przegl膮du istniej膮cych bada艅 nad zale偶no艣ciami mi臋dzy inflacj膮 a wzrostem gospodarczym w krajach rozwini臋tych i rozwijaj膮cych si臋.This paper surveys the existing literature on the relationship between inflation and economic growth in developed and developing countries, highlighting the theoretical and empirical indications. The study finds that the impact of inflation on economic growth varies from country to country and over time. The study also finds that the results from these studies depend on country鈥憇pecific characteristics, the data set used, and the methodology employed. On balance, the study finds overwhelming support in favour of a negative relationship between inflation and growth, especially in developed economies. However, there is still much controversy about the specific threshold level of inflation that is appropriate for growth. Most previous studies on this subject just assume a unidirectional causal relationsship between inflation and economic growth. To our knowledge, this may be the first review of its kind to survey, in detail, the existing research on the relationship between inflation and economic growth in developed and developing countries

    The impact of financial liberalization on economic growth in sub-Saharan Africa

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    This study examines the impact of financial liberalization on economic growth, given the discrepancy and the gap in the literature, using a sample of 30 sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries. The study applies a dynamic panel estimation to examine the special role of financial liberalization and banking crises on economic growth in SSA. The linear generalized method of moments is estimated according to the Arellano and Bover approach. We also examine whether differences in income levels across countries in sub-Saharan Africa will affect the relative impact of financial liberalization in SSA. Our findings indicate that the coefficient of the financial liberalization variable is positive and significant for SSA. However, the financial liberalization dummy sign changed to negative for low-income countries, even though it was statistically insignificant. The results also show that there is a negative relationship between a banking crisis and economic growth, showing that the period of a banking crisis can drastically affect economic growth in sub-Saharan Africa. Considering the crucial role played by most financial intermediaries in developing countries, the results have some implications for different African countries, especially countries whose economies are still undergoing financial reforms

    Inflacja a wzrost gospodarczy: przegl膮d literatury mi臋dzynarodowej

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    Artyku艂 stanowi przegl膮d istniej膮cej literatur臋 dotycz膮cej zale偶no艣ci mi臋dzy inflacj膮 a wzrostem gospodarczym w krajach rozwini臋tych i rozwijaj膮cych si臋, z uwzgl臋dnieniem zar贸wno aspekt贸w teoretycznych jak i empirycznych. W wyniku przeprowadzonego badania stwierdzono, 偶e wp艂yw inflacji na wzrost gospodarczy jest zr贸偶nicowany w r贸偶nych pa艅stwach i w czasie. Opracowanie wskazuje r贸wnie偶, 偶e wyniki tych bada艅 s膮 zale偶ne od specyfiki danego kraju, wykorzystanego zestawu danych i zastosowanej metodologii. Generalnie badania wskazuj膮 na wyst臋powanie zdecydowanie negatywnego zwi膮zku mi臋dzy inflacj膮 a wzrostem gospodarczym, zw艂aszcza w krajach rozwini臋tych. Nadal jednak istnieje wiele kontrowersji na temat konkretnego progu poziomu inflacji, kt贸ry jest korzystny z punktu widzenia wzrostu. Wi臋kszo艣膰 wcze艣niejszych bada艅 nad tym tematem zak艂ada jedynie jednokierunkowy zwi膮zek przyczynowy mi臋dzy inflacj膮 a wzrostem gospodarczym. Niniejsze opracowanie jest by膰 mo偶e pierwsz膮 pr贸b膮 dokonania szczeg贸艂owego przegl膮du istniej膮cych bada艅 nad zale偶no艣ciami mi臋dzy inflacj膮 a wzrostem gospodarczym w krajach rozwini臋tych i rozwijaj膮cych si臋.This paper surveys the existing literature on the relationship between inflation and economic growth in developed and developing countries, highlighting the theoretical and empirical indications. The study finds that the impact of inflation on economic growth varies from country to country and over time. The study also finds that the results from these studies depend on country鈥憇pecific characteristics, the data set used, and the methodology employed. On balance, the study finds overwhelming support in favour of a negative relationship between inflation and growth, especially in developed economies. However, there is still much controversy about the specific threshold level of inflation that is appropriate for growth. Most previous studies on this subject just assume a unidirectional causal relationsship between inflation and economic growth. To our knowledge, this may be the first review of its kind to survey, in detail, the existing research on the relationship between inflation and economic growth in developed and developing countries