62 research outputs found

    The Effects of Ethanolic Extract of Garcinia Kola on the Testes of Male Adult Wistar Rats

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    This study was carried out to investigate the effects of ethanolic extract of Garcinia kola on the testes of adult male wistar rats. Twenty four male adult wistar rats weighing 180-270kg were used for the study. They were divided into four groups (A, B, C & D) of six animals each. Group A serve as the experimental control and were orally administered 0.2ml of distilled water; the experimental groups received 0.3ml, 0.6ml and 0.9ml of ethanolic extract of Garcinia kola respectively for twenty eight days. Twenty four hours after the last administration, both group A and the experimental groups were weighed, sacrificed under the influence of chloroform vapour and dissected. The testes tissues were harvested weighed and fixed in 10% formalin for histological studies. The final body weight of groups C and D decreased significantly (P<0.001) compare with the control group A. The mean relative organ weight of groups C and D animals increased significantly (P<0.001) when compare with the control group A while group B had a similar mean weight with the control group. Histological findings showed necrotic changes in the interstitial cells of the testes, loss of spermatides and multinucleated giant cells in groups C and D. The result of this study revealed that consumption of the ethanolic extract of Garcinia kola at high doses may cause histopathological lesions in the testicular cells. Keywords: Testes, Organ weight, Garcinia kola, Wistar rats, Spermatide, Distilled water.

    The Effect of Ethanolic Extract of Garcinia Kola on the Spleen of Adult Wistar Rats

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    This study was designed to determine the effects of ethanolic extract of Garcinia kola on the spleen of the adult wistar rats. Twenty four (24) adults wistar rats weighing between 180-270kg were divided into four groups A, B, C & D; each consisting of six animals each. . Group A served as the control and were orally administered 0.2ml of distilled water; the experimental groups received 0.3ml, 0.6ml and 0.9ml of ethanolic extract of Garcinia kola respectively for twenty eight days. Twenty four hours after the last administration, the animals were weighed, sacrificed under the influence of chloroform vapour. The spleen were harvested, weighed and fixed in 10% formalin for histological studies. The final body weight of groups C & D decreased significantly (P<0.05) compare with the control A. The mean relative organ weight of groups C & D increased significantly (P<0.05) when compare with the control group A while group B had a similar mean weight with the control group A. Histological findings revealed distortion of the spleen cells of the experimental groups. The result of this study therefore suggests that consumption of the ethanolic extract of the Garcinia kola in high doses may put the spleen at risk of adverse histopathological conditions. Keywords: Wistar rats, Organ weight, Garcinia kola, Spleen, Distilled water

    Nijerya'nın güneybatı temel kompleks bölgesinde yüzeye çıkan granit kayaların doğal radyoaktivite ve radyolojik tehlikelerinin yerinde değerlendirilmesi

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    Radioactive emission (gamma ray) emanating from rock materials constitutes threats to humans and their environment. Hence, the natural radioactivity and radiological hazard indices of some granite gneiss outcrops with their residual soils from two different localities within the Southwestern Basement Complex of Nigeria were assessed using Gamma-ray spectrometry. The study aimed at determining the natural radiation levels of granite gneissic rocks and associated radiological threats to people living in the study area from gamma ray exposure. Data were collected along six geophysical traverses of 200 m each with station spacing of 5 m using the portable hand-held Gamma-ray Spectrometer. The results of weighted mean values of the elemental and activity concentrations for 40K, 238U, and 232Th are 2.00 ± 1.43%, 3.13 ± 0.90 ppm, 12.32 ± 4.99 ppm and 629.28 ± 447.29, 38.58 ± 11.02, 49.96 ± 20.23 respectively. The obtained mean concentration ratios of 1.32 for U/Th and 2.14 for Th/U were higher than 0.26 and lower than 3.5 global standard ratios respectively. The increase in activity concentrations and concentration ratio may have suggested the enrichment of radioactive minerals in the granite gneissic rocks. The annual outdoor and indoor effective doses of gamma ray exposure for people living in the study area were below the world permissible standard of 1 , thus, the area is radiologically safe. However, increase in estimated mean of AGDE and ELCR; 525.620 and 1.273 above the world permissible standards of 300 and respectively does not translate to significant radiological threats. Therefore, control measure by constant monitoring of the radioactivity levels of the area and rocks should be practiced.Kaya materyallerinden kaynaklanan radyoaktif emisyon (gama ışını) insanlara ve çevresine tehdit oluşturur. Bu nedenle, Nijerya'nın Güneybatı Temel Kompleksi'nde iki farklı bölgeden yüzeye çıkan granit kayalar ile bunların kalıntısı olan toprakların doğal radyoaktivite ve radyolojik tehlike endeksleri Gamma-ray spektrofotometre kullanılarak değerlendirilmiştir. Bu çalışmada, granit yapıdaki kayaların doğal radyasyon düzeylerinin ve bağlantılı radyolojik tehlikelerin çalışma alanında yaşayan ve gama ışınına maruz kalan insanlar üzerindeki etkilerinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Veriler, taşınabilir Gamma-ray Spektrometresi kullanılarak her biri 200 m’lik altı jeofizik travers boyunca 5 m’lik istasyon aralığı ile toplanmıştır. 40K, 238U ve 232Th için temel ve aktivite konsantrasyonlarının ağırlıklı ortalama değerlerinin sonuçları sırasıyla %2.00 ± 1.43, 3.13 ± 0.90 ppm, 12.32 ± 4.99 ppm ve 629.28 ± 447.29, 38.58 ± 11.02, 49.96 ± 20.23 dir. Elde edilen U/Th (1.32) ve Th/U (2.14) ortalama konsantrasyon oranları, sırasıyla, genel standart oranları olan 0.26’dan yüksek ve 3.5’tan düşüktür. Aktivite konsantrasyonları ve konsantrasyon oranlarındaki artış, yüzeye çıkan granit kayalarda radyoaktif minerallerin zenginleştiği anlamına gelebilir. Çalışma alanında yaşayan insanlar için gamma ışını maruziyetinde uygulanan yıllık dış ve iç etkili dozları dünyanın izin verilen 1 standardının altında olduğundan, alan radyolojik olarak güvenlidir. Bununla birlikte, AGDE ve ELCR'nin tahmini ortalamaları olan 525.620 ve 1.273 x10-3 değerlerindeki artışın, izin verilen 300 ve 0.29 x10-3 standart miktarların üzerinde olması da ciddi radyolojik tehditler anlamına gelmemelidir. Bu nedenle, alanın ve kayaların radyoaktivite seviyesinin sürekli izlendiği kontrol önlemleri tatbik edilmelidir


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    Geophysical subsurface investigations use the principles of physics to unravel intrinsic Earth’s subsurface features and nature of the underlying geology. Over the past two decades, the use of Seismic Refraction Tomography (SRT) and Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) for subsurface investigations has greatly improved the quality of acquired data for two- and three-dimensional (2D and 3D) surveys. SRT employs more shotpoints and receivers than the conventional seismic refraction for its imaging technique. ERT uses automated multi-electrode array systems to improve the confidence of large and dense data collection. SRT and ERT techniques use powerful inversion algorithms to achieve high resolution subsurface inversion models for resolving subsurface characteristics and geological conditions over a complex and larger area that may be difficult with the use of their conventional methods. The 2D and 3D inversion models (tomograms) generated from the field data sets of these techniques efficiently ameliorate inaccurate subsurface boundaries and structural delineation with higher depth resolution, especially the 3D inversion models for areas of complex geology. These state-of-the-art techniques have extensively been used for groundwater, environmental, engineering and mining investigations among others. This study provides insight from theories to data inversion techniques for the known tomography techniques (SRT and ERT) in use for subsurface investigations.Geofizičko istraživanje podzemlja temelji se na fizikalnim načelima kojima se objašnjava intrinistička priroda geoloških pojava. Tijekom zadnja dva desetljeća primjena seizmičke refrakcijske tomografije (skr. SRT) te one električne otpornosti (skr. ERT) značajno je povećala kvalitetu 2D i 3D interpretacije prikupljenih podataka. Tehnika SRT-a rabi veći broj točaka i prijamnika negoli konvencionalna seizmička refrakcija. Tehnika ERT-a koristi automatizirane višeelektrodne nizove s ciljem prikupljanja većega broja podataka na manjoj površini. Obje se temelje na naprednim algoritmima inverzije kako bi omogućile stvaranje visokorazlučivih modela podzemlja na kojima je moguće interpretirati složene geološke odnose. Stoga je primjena takvih 2D i 3D modela višestruka; za određivanje granica podzemnih tijela ili promjena u njima, opažanja podzemnih voda, rješavanje inženjersko-geoloških problema, u rudarskim istraživanjima itsl. Ova studija je obuhvatila teorijske osnove tih tehnika te nekoliko primjera njihove uporabe

    Kartiranje dubine osnovne stijene u granitnom okruženjukombiniranjem metode električne tomografije i bušotinskih podataka

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    This study used the efficiency of electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) and borehole logs to map the soil-rock interface beneath four traverses (RS1, RS2, RS3, and RS4) in the granitic terrain of Perak, Peninsular Malaysia. The study aimed to evaluate the impacts of the soil-rock characteristic features and interfaces on groundwater and infrastructure development to meet the needs of the increasing inhabitants yearly. The borehole- and ERT-derived lithologic units are strongly correlated. The delineated lithologic units include the topsoil, weathered granitic units (medium stiff to hard silty clay or clayey silt with <800 Ωm), thin to wide-sized weathered/fractured units, and fresh granitic bedrock. These soil-rock profiles and weathered/fractured apertures support sustainable groundwater developments with drill depths above 45 m. In contrast, the delineated clay/silt alternating with stiffer soils, low load-bearing deep-weathered/fractured zones, and bedrock boulders in most places, except beneath traverse RS3, have high affinities for water retention and differential stresses. These features can adversely impact poorly reinforced foundations. Hence, structural elements of the foundations, such as footings or piles, should be placed on stable bedrock, particularly in the central to western parts of the study area. This study has reduced the paucity of information on using ERT and borehole logs for soil-rock interface studies in the study area.U ovoj studiji korišteni su električna tomografija (ERT) i bušotinski podatci za kartiranje dubine osnovne stijene ispod četiri profila (RS1, RS2, RS3 i RS4) u granitnom terenu Peraka, poluotoka Malezije. Cilj studije bio je procijeniti utjecaje karakterističnih značajki dubine osnovne stijene na podzemne vode i razvoj infrastrukture kako bi se zadovoljile potrebe godišnjeg porasta broja stanovnika. Litološke jedinice izvedene iz bušotinskih zapisa i ERT-a snažno su povezane. Određene litološke jedinice uključuju gornji sloj tla, istrošene granitne jedinice (srednje čvrsta do tvrda muljevita glina ili glinasti mulj s < 800 Ωm), tanke do široke istrošene/raspucane jedinice i svježu granitnu podlogu. Ovakvi profili tlo-stijena i istrošeni/raspucani otvori podržavaju održivi razvoj podzemnih voda s dubinama bušenja iznad 45 m. Nasuprot tome, utvrđeni slojevi gline/mulja koji se izmjenjuju s tvrđim tlima, zonama s duboko istrošenim/raspucanim stijenama slabe nosivosti i gromadama osnovne stijene na većini mjesta, osim ispod profila RS3, imaju velike sklonosti za zadržavanje vode i diferencijalna naprezanja. Ove značajke mogu negativno utjecati na loše ojačane temelje. Stoga, konstruktivne elemente temelja, kao što su podnožja ili piloti, treba postaviti na stabilnu stijensku podlogu, posebno u središnjem do zapadnom dijelu istraživanog područja. Ovo je istraživanje smanjilo nedostatak informacija o korištenju metode ERT i bušotinskih podataka u istraživanjima dubine osnovne stijene u razmatranom područj

    Elucidating the Biological Role of Autologous Derived Platelet-Rich Plasma Gel in the Treatment of Chronic Diabetic Foot Ulcers.

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    MD (Res)The molecular basis for the use of synthetic growth factors (GFs) in tissue reparation has been poorly investigated. More recently, autologous derived platelet rich growth factor has gained popularity in the field of regenerative/ reparative medicine, mostly because it fits the description of an ideal naturally existing constellation of GFs. However, its efficacy remains controversial. Hence, this study is designed to further elucidate the physiological role of PRP in treating chronic diabetic foot ulcers. Platelet -rich plasma (PRP) and Platelet -poor plasma (PPP) were prepared from blood samples taken from healthy donors and diabetic patients through the use of platelet collecting and concentrating system. The GFs released were measured through immunoassay technique. The effects of the varying concentrations of PRP/PPP in culture media was assessed through tissue culture assay (proliferation, cell migration and angiogenesis assay) on human epithelia keratinocyte, dermal fibroblast and umbilical vein endothelia cell. Furthermore, immuno-histochemistry technique was used to evaluate the differentiation, proliferation, migration and extracellular matrix alterations occurring along wound margins of patients with chronic diabetic ulcers following PRP treatment. A significant difference was observed when the expression of platelet derived growth factor-AA, epidermal growth factor, vascular endothelia growth factor, transforming growth factor and thrombospodin-I released from PRP/PPP were compared between the two groups. There was a significant proliferative, migratory and angiogenic effect of PRP over PPP in the tissue culture assay; however this effect was most prominent with 5% PRP. Overall, hyperproliferative keratin, CD44 and β1-integrin were upregulated in diabetic ulcer keratinocytes as compared with normal foot skin. The clinical study showed that 3 of the 7 diabetic foot ulcer patients treated with PRP achieved complete wound re-epithelisation. We have been able to demonstrate through in vitro studies that PRP has a positive biological effect which mimics normal physiological tissue reparation process.Barts and the London Charity Fun

    Development Of Novel Geophysical–geotechnical Relationships Of Granitic Environments In Penang Island, Malaysia

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    The characterization of near-surface soil-rock conditions is challenging in tropical crystalline terrains due to complex geology and lack of distinct stratigraphic markers. These features can adequately be mapped using velocity-resistivity relationships via statistically optimized soil-rock quality modeling, especially in areas with overburden <50 m. The approach has not been used in tropical granitic terrains. To achieve the research goals, Penang Island, Malaysia; a tropical granitic terrain, was considered a suitable area due to its intrinsic soil-rock characteristics and the need to resolve environmental-related issues. This research, therefore, develops velocity-resistivity statistical relationships for granitic terrains based on complex collocated geotomographic (electrical resistivity tomography and seismic refraction tomography [SRT]) modeling. To this end, four detailed methodological scenarios were utilized, leveraging borehole logs, rock quality designation (RQD), soil penetration test (SPT N-values), and supervised regression analysis. The results show that the borehole lithologic logs correlate well with resistivity- and SRT-based lithological models at the eastern (Sungai Ara), southern (Batu Maung), and northern (Jelutong) sections of Penang Island. The areas are characterized by sandy silt topsoil, silty sand to sandy weathered units, weathered/fractured units, and integral/fresh granitic bedrock. The rock quality assessment, via borehole-based RQD, and SRT- and resistivity-based RQD models, had empirical prediction accuracies of 95.8% to 100%

    Analysis of Radio Refractivity Variations Across Geographical Coordinates of Nigeria

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    Radio refractivity variations across geographical coordinates of Nigeria has been studied using relative humidity, air pressure and air temperature data from 2012 to 2013 obtained from archives of Nigeria Air Space Development Research Agency, Department of meteorological Service, Oshodi, Lagos and Department of Pure and Applied Physics, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, automated weather station. Using regression analysis technique on the data obtained, a model was developed which established the relation between average annual surface radio refractivity and latitude across geographical coordinates of Nigeria. The results from the model have shown that average annual radio refractivity decreases with increase in latitude across Nigeria from the Tropical wet climate via Savanna North to the Semi-arid climate. The computed values of the refractivity gradient for the period of years under study showed that both Tropical wet and Savanna North climates were super-refractive in the first 1km above the sea surface while the Semi-arid was sub-refractive except Yola which is exceedingly close to the Savanna North. Keywords: Radio refractivity, Geographical coordinate, Regression technique, Mode

    DERIVATIVES AND ANALYTIC SIGNALS: Improved Techniques for Lithostructural Classification.

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    In this study, derivatives and Analytic Signal (AS) techniques were employed to reveal the nature of rocks and lithostructural relationships that exist within the basement complexes around Ekiti and Ondo States. The derivatives techniques were used to enhance theReduction to Equator Total Magnetic Intensity (RTE_TMI) data. In order to make the results from derivatives techniques worthwhile and robust, Analytic Signal (AS) technique was then applied. The results of the derivatives and analytic signals revealed seven different lithological suites, namely: migmatite (M), migmatite-gneiss (MGn), gneiss and granite (Gn/G), schist and quartzite schist (S/Qs), granitegneiss and charnockite (Gn/Ch), charnockite and granite (Ch/G), and granite (G). Five different major lineaments/faults, folds and lithological contacts were also identified. The lineaments/faults were classified as F1, F2, F3, F4 and F5 with NW-SE, NNE-SSW, NE-SW, E-W and NNW-SSE trends respectively. Folds were classified into S1, S2, S3, S4 and S5 as symmetrical, asymmetrical, recumbent, ptygmatic and drag folds respectively. While lithological contacts were classified into C1, C2, C3, C4 and C5 as sharp contact of migmatite and granite, migmatite and granite-gneiss/charnockite/granite, migmatite and gneiss/granite, migmatite and schist/quartzite schist, and migmatite and gneiss respectively. It is evident from the study that migmatites and gneisses which form the basement in the area have been highly deformed and evince many intrusives. A detailed geological map for the study area is proposed as deduced from results analyses