2 research outputs found

    Tradition and Art Appreciation: A Boost to Cultural Tourism in Nigeria

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    It is abysmal and disheartening to observe that Nigeria is depleted of parts of its cultural treasury to looters. It is delighted to deduce that these assets (tradition and art) are indispensable to our cultural pride and are potential assets to tourism, which has recently become world�s �gold mine�. The paper examines the implications of non-challant attitudes of Nigerians toward cultural preservation which adversely perch on our cultural bearing and disposition. It suggests solutions to some upheavals been faced by cultural tourism in Nigeria. It further unveils the deception and antics used by foreigners to dispossess us of our cultural heritage, which is consequently repackaged and sold back to us at extortionate prices. This study endeavors to document the inventory of some museums in Nigeria. In essence, the earlier Nigerians realize this, the better for us to start to reap the unflinching prospects inherent in our cultural heritage and endowment. The paper recommends that there is need for individual citizens to develop profound interest in Nigeria�s cultural heritage for development of tourism industry via cultural assets, so as to generate substantial foreign exchange earnings, accelerate rural urban development, generate employment and promote local cultural exchange for national unity and identity.&nbsp

    Art as a Tool in the Built Environment

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    Man’s interaction with the environment dates back to creation. The interaction of man with its environment has been crucial to the continuous existence of man in relation to solving the fundamental or basic needs of food, shelter and clothing. This has been woven into a web of different cultural environment. This type of cultural environment includes palaces, shrines, markets, malevolent forest and places of social interaction. Man retreated into the protective warmth of cave while the environment threatened his survival (wild animals and weather condition). It was at this period that attempt was made at artistic creation. From this natural habitat developed the more comfortable houses that have been built up till today. Basically, traditional African society operates in environments that advance healthy living, moral values and steady communal growth. They built many houses that are architectural master pieces and decorated them aesthetically without architects and professional designers. The cities and villages were set up according to the dictates of the environment within which they lived without town planners, yet, some of them can be likened to streets in Amsterdam (Denyer 1978). The absence of the architects and town planners were adequately catered for by artists (carvers, moulders, painters and other craftsmen). Today, many of our towns and cities are reflections of great wealth without commensurate aesthetic value, while some others portray signs of poverty of ideas and skilled men because art has been neglected. The thrust of this paper is to access the invaluable role that art plays in nationbuilding through the built environment that we can call our own. It also emphasized the significance of the role of professional artists in the support of a reliable and conducive environment, which was very prominent among the traditional people