210 research outputs found

    Experimental study of direct photon emission in K- --> pi- pi0 gamma decay using ISTRA+ detector

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    The branching ratio in the charged-pion kinetic energy region of 55 to 90 MeV for the direct photon emission in the K- --> pi- pi0 gamma decay has been measured using in-flight decays detected with the ISTRA+ setup operating in the 25 GeV/c negative secondary beam of the U-70 PS. The value Br(DE)=[0.37+-0.39(stat)+-0.10(syst)]*10^(-5) obtained from the analysis of 930 completely reconstructed events is consistent with the average value of two stopped-kaon experiments, but it differs by 2.5 standard deviations from the average value of three in-flight-kaon experiments. The result is also compared with recent theoretical predictions.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    Measurement of the K+μ+νμγK^+\rightarrow{\mu^+}{\nu_{\mu}}{\gamma} decay form factors in the OKA experiment

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    A precise measurement of the vector and axial-vector form factors difference FVFAF_V-F_A in the K+μ+νμγK^+\rightarrow{\mu^+}{\nu_{\mu}}{\gamma} decay is presented. About 95K events of K+μ+νμγK^+\rightarrow{\mu^+}{\nu_{\mu}}{\gamma} are selected in the OKA experiment. The result is FVFA=0.134±0.021(stat)±0.027(syst)F_V-F_A=0.134\pm0.021(stat)\pm0.027(syst). Both errors are smaller than in the previous FVFAF_V-F_A measurements.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Послеоперационная когнитивная дисфункция – является ли она проблемой для анестезиолога-реаниматолога?

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    Postoperative cognitive dysfunction is a cognitive impairment developing in the postoperative period and confirmed by the data of neuropsychological testing. The article presents the results of a survey among practicing anesthesiologists-resuscitators in the Russian Federation on the problem of postoperative cognitive dysfunction. Methods. From January 21, 2019 to April 26, 2019, the survey was conducted among practicing anesthesiology and resuscitation physicians from 20 different regions of the Russian Federation, both in the online format and on paper. 340 questionnaires were analyzed, including 11 questions about the problem of cognitive impairment in the postoperative period. Microsoft Excel, Survio, Statistica 8.0 were used for statistical processing of the results.Results. It was revealed that 74.7% of respondents were aware of the problem of postoperative cognitive impairment. At the same time, doctors ranked second in terms of the frequency of clinical manifestations, symptoms that were more characteristic of postoperative delirium. 18.5% had difficulty in describing the clinical manifestations of postoperative cognitive disorders. Analysis of the answers on the diagnosis of postoperative cognitive dysfunction showed that 45.3% of specialists considered neuropsychological testing mandatory in all patients undergoing surgery, 40% noted the need for mandatory testing of the cognitive functions in patients at risk, but 37.6% of doctors were not able to name a single method, and 34% answered that doctors of other specialties were engaged in neuropsychological testing. The survey results also showed the absence of a single treatment strategy for cognitive dysfunction.Сonclusions. The analysis of respondents' answers revealed insufficient awareness of specialists about clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment of postoperative cognitive dysfunction. Послеоперационная когнитивная дисфункция представляет собой когнитивные нарушения, развивающиеся в послеоперационном периоде, подтвержденные данными нейропсихологического тестирования. В статье представлены результаты анкетирования практикующих врачей анестезиологов-реаниматологов Российской Федерации о проблеме послеоперационной когнитивной дисфункции.Методика. Проведено анонимное анкетирование практикующих врачей анестезиологов-реаниматологов 20 различных регионов Российской Федерации путем онлайн-опроса или с использованием бумажных носителей в период с 21 января по 26 апреля 2019 г. Проанализировано 340 анкет, включавших 11 вопросов о проблеме когнитивных нарушений в послеоперационном периоде. Статистическую обработку результатов выполняли с использованием программ Microsoft Excel, Survio, Statistica 8.0.Результаты. Выявлено, что 74,7% респондентов осведомлены о проблеме послеоперационных нарушений когнитивной сферы. При этом на втором месте по частоте клинических проявлений врачи называли симптомы, в большей степени характерные для послеоперационного делирия. У 18,5% возникли затруднения в описании клинических проявлений послеоперационных когнитивных расстройств. Анализ ответов, посвященных диагностике, показал, что 45,3% специалистов считают проведение нейропсихологического тестирования обязательным у всех пациентов, которым планируются оперативные вмешательства, 40% отметили необходимость обязательного обследования когнитивной сферы у пациентов группы риска, однако 37,6% врачей не смогли назвать ни одного метода, а 34% ответили, что нейропсихологическим тестированием занимаются врачи других специальностей. Результаты опроса также показали отсутствие единой лечебной стратегии в отношении когнитивных расстройств.Выводы. Анализ ответов респондентов выявил недостаточную информированность специалистов в области клинических проявлений, диагностики и лечения послеоперационной когнитивной дисфункции

    Experimental Study of the Radiative Decays K+ -> mu+ nu e+e- and K+ -> e+ nu e+e-

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    Experiment 865 at the Brookhaven AGS obtained 410 K+ -> e+ nu e+e- and 2679 K+ -> mu+ nu e+e- events including 10% and 19% background. The branching ratios were measured to be (2.48+-0.14(stat.)+-0.14(syst.))x10^-8 (m_ee>150 MeV) and (7.06+-0.16+-0.26)x10^-8 (m_ee>145 MeV), respectively. Results for the decay form factors are presented.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, RevTeX

    Test of exotic scalar and tensor interactions in K_e3 decay using stopped positive kaons

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    The form factors of the decay K+ --> pi0 e+ nu (K_e3) have been determined from the comparison of the experimental and Monte Carlo Dalitz distributions containing about 10^5 K_e3 events. The following values of the parameters were obtained: lambda_+ = 0.0278 +- 0.0017(stat) +- 0.0015(syst), f_S/f_+(0) = 0.0040 +- 0.0160(stat) +- 0.0067(syst) and f_T/f_+(0) = 0.019 +- 0.080(stat) +- 0.038(syst). Both scalar f_S and tensor f_T form factors are consistent with the Standard Model predictions of zero values.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, contributed to the proceedings of NANP Conference, Dubna, June 19-23, 200

    Study of the K- -> pi0 e- nu decay

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    The decay K- -> pi0 e- nu has been studied using in-flight decays detected with "ISTRA+" setup operating at the 25 GeV negative secondary beam of the U-70 PS. About 130K events were used for the analysis. The lambda_+ parameter of the vector formfactor has been measured: lambda_+ = 0.0293 +- 0.0015(stat) +- 0.002(syst). The limits on the possible tensor and scalar couplings have been derived: f_T/f_+(0)=-0.044 +0.059 -0.057 (stat) f_S/f_+(0)=-0.020 +0.025 -0.016 (stat)Comment: 11 pages, Latex, 9 picture