5 research outputs found

    Triassic palynostratigraphy and palynofloral provinces: evidence from southern Xizang (Tibet), China

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    Palynological analysis was carried out on Middle to Upper Triassic strata from Tulong, Nyalam County, southern Xizang (Tibet), China. Well-preserved miospore (pollen and spore) assemblages and sparse acritarch occurrences were identified. We recognized four formal and one informal biozones based on stratigraphically important taxa and compositional changes through the succession, in ascending order: the Triplexisporites Interval Zone (Anisian), the Staurosaccites quadrifidus Taxon-range Zone (upper Anisian to lower Norian), the Striatella Interval Zone (lower Norian), the Craterisporites rotundus Taxon-range Zone (middle to upper Norian) and the informal ‘Dictyophyllidites harrisii zone’ (Rhaetian). The zonation was supported by marine fossils (e.g., ammonoids and conodonts), and compositional similarity between the zones was examined using non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS). Correlation with other representative palynological sequences across Gondwana was also conducted. The presence of miospore taxa not previously recovered from the Late Triassic North and South China palynofloral provinces (e.g., Ashmoripollis reducta, Craterisporites rotundus, Enzonalasporites vigens, Minutosaccus crenulatus, Samaropollenites speciosus and Staurosaccites quadrifidus) calls for a new province in southwestern China, i.e., the Southern Xizang Province. It is proposed here that the modern expression of the northern boundary runs along the Yarlung Zangbo Suture, the remnant of the Tethys that separated the Indian Plate (southern Xizang) and the Lhasa Block during the Late Triassic. This new palynofloral province comprises typical elements of the Onslow Microflora, indicating the need for an extension of this microflora in southern Xizang, China.This work was made possible by the support of the Strategic Priority Research Program (B) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (XDB03010103), UNESCO grant IGCP 632, the Swedish Research Council, grant VR 2015-04264 and the China Scholarship Council (201504910609).</p

    Palynostratigraphy of dinosaur footprint-bearing deposits from theTriassic–Jurassic boundary interval of Sweden

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    The Triassic–Jurassic boundary (c. 200 Ma) marks one of the five largest Phanerozoic mass extinction events and is characterized by a major turnover in biotas. A palynological study of sedimentary rock slabs bearing dinosaur footprints from Rhaeto–Hettangian strata of Skåne, Sweden was carried out. The theropod dinosaur footprints (Kayentapus soltykovensis) derive from the southern part of the abandoned Vallåkra quarry (Höganäs Formation) and were originally dated as earliest Jurassic (Hettangian) based on lithostratigraphy. Our results reveal that two of the footprints are correlative with the latest Triassic (latest Rhaetian) disaster zone typified by a high abundance of the enigmatic gymnosperm pollen Ricciisporites tuberculatus and Perinopollenites elatoides together with the key taxon Limbosporites lundbladii and fern spores. Two footprints are dated to correlate with the Transitional Spore-spike Interval. One footprint is interpreted as Hettangian in age based on the relatively high abundance of Pinuspollenites spp. together with the presence of the key taxa Retitriletes semimuris and Zebrasporites intercriptus. Our new palynological study suggests that the Kayentapus ichnogenus already appeared in the end of Triassic, and our study highlights the use of palynology as a powerful tool to date historical collections of fossils in museums, universities and elsewhere. The Hettangian footprint reflects a marine influence while all other studied ichnofossil specimens occur in non-marine (floodplain and delta interdistributary) sediments. The sediments associated with the Hettangian footprint include a significant proportion of charcoal transported from land after wildfires. The Rhaeto–Hettangian vegetation was otherwise characterized by multi-storey gymnosperm–pteridophyte communities