120 research outputs found

    Diffusive versus local spin currents in dynamic spin pumping systems

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    Using microscopic theory, we investigate the properties of a spin current driven by magnetization dynamics. In the limit of smooth magnetization texture, the dominant spin current induced by the spin pumping effect is shown to be the diffusive spin current, i.e., the one arising from only a diffusion associated with spin accumulation. That is to say, there is no effective field that locally drives the spin current. We also investigate the conversion mechanism of the pumped spin current into a charge current by spin-orbit interactions, specifically the inverse spin Hall effect. We show that the spin-charge conversion does not always occur and that it depends strongly on the type of spin-orbit interaction. In a Rashba spin-orbit system, the local part of the charge current is proportional to the spin relaxation torque, and the local spin current, which does not arise from the spin accumulation, does not play any role in the conversion. In contrast, the diffusive spin current contributes to the diffusive charge current. Alternatively, for spin-orbit interactions arising from random impurities, the local charge current is proportional to the local spin current that constitutes only a small fraction of the total spin current. Clearly, the dominant spin current (diffusive spin current) is not converted into a charge current. Therefore, the nature of the spin current is fundamentally different depending on its origin and thus the spin transport and the spin-charge conversion behavior need to be discussed together along with spin current generation

    Tissue-specific expression of histone H3 variants diversified after species separation

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    Additional file 3: Predicted CDS of human histone H3/H4 variants, contains Table S2, which lists the CDS locus information of the predicted human histone H3 and H4 variants in an Excel file

    Glueball mass from quantized knot solitons and gauge-invariant gluon mass

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    We propose an approach which enables one to obtain simultaneously the glueball mass and the gluon mass in the gauge-invariant way to shed new light on the mass gap problem in Yang-Mills theory. First, we point out that the Faddeev (Skyrme--Faddeev-Niemi) model can be induced through the gauge-invariant vacuum condensate of mass dimension two from SU(2) Yang-Mills theory. Second, we obtain the glueball mass spectrum by performing the collective coordinate quantization of the topological knot soliton in the Faddeev model. Third, we demonstrate that a relationship between the glueball mass and the gluon mass is obtained, since the gauge-invariant gluon mass is also induced from the relevant vacuum condensate. Finally, we determine physical values of two parameters in the Faddeev model and give an estimate of the relevant vacuum condensation in Yang-Mills theory. Our results indicate that the Faddeev model can play the role of a low-energy effective theory of the quantum SU(2) Yang-Mills theory.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figures, 3 tables; a version accepted for publication in J. Phys. A: Math. Gen.; Sect. 2 and sect. 5 (old sect. 4) are modified. Sect. 4, Tables 1 and Table 3 are adde

    Workaholism, work engagement and child well-being: A test of the spillover-crossover model

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    This study examines how working parents’ work attitudes (i.e., workaholism and work engagement) are associated with their child’s psychological well-being. Based on the Spillover-Crossover model (SCM), we hypothesize that (a) work-to-family spillover (i.e., work-to-family conflict and facilitation) and (b) employee happiness will sequentially mediate the relationship between parents’ work attitudes and their child’s emotional and behavioral problems. A cross-sectional survey was conducted among Japanese dual-earner couples with pre-school child(ren). On the basis of valid data from 208 families, the hypothesized model was tested using structural equation modeling. For both fathers and mothers simultaneously, workaholism was positively related to work-to-family conflict, which, in turn, was negatively related to happiness. In contrast, work engagement was positively related to work-to-family facilitation, which, in turn, was positively related to happiness. Fathers’ and mothers’ happiness, in turn, were negatively related to their child’s emotional and behavioral problems. Results suggest that parents’ workaholism and work engagement are related to their child’s emotional and behavioral problems in opposite ways, whereby parents’ spillover and happiness mediate this relationship. These findin

    A phase II study of LFP therapy (5-FU (5-fluorourasil) continuous infusion (CVI) and Low-dose consecutive (Cisplatin) CDDP) in advanced biliary tract carcinoma

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    BACKGROUND: Unresectable biliary tract carcinoma is known to demonstrate a poor prognosis. We conducted a single arm phase II study of LFP therapy (5-FU (5-fluorourasil) continuous infusion (CVI) and Low-dose consecutive (Cisplatin) CDDP) for advanced biliary tract malignancies basically on an outpatient basis. METHODS: Between February 1996 and September 2003, 42 patients were enrolled in this trial. LFP THERAPY: By using a total implanted CV-catheter system, 5-FU (160 mg/m(2)/day) was continuously infused over 24 hours for 7 consecutive days and CDDP (6 mg/m(2)/day) was infused for 30 minutes twice a week as one cycle. The administration schedule consisted of 4 cycles as one course. RESIST criteria (Response evaluation criteria for solid tumors) and NCI-CTC (National Cancer Institute-Common Toxicity Criteria) (ver.3.0) were used for evaluation of this therapy. The median survival time (MST) and median time to treatment failure (TTF) were calculated by the Kaplan-Meier method. RESULTS: Patients characteristics were: mean age 66.5(47–79): male 24 (54%): BDca (bile duct carcinoma) 27 GBca (Gallbladder carcinoma) 15: locally advanced 26, postoperative recurrence 16. The most common toxicity was anemia (26.2%). Neither any treatment related death nor grade 4 toxicity occurred. The median number of courses of LFP Therapy which patients could receive was two (1–14). All the patients are evaluable for effects with an over all response rates of 42.9% (95% confidence interval C.I.: 27.7–59.0) (0 CR, 18 PR, 13 NC, 11 PD). There was no significant difference regarding the anti tumor effects against both malignant neoplasms. Figure 2 Shows the BDca a longer MST and TTF than did GBca (234 vs 150, 117 vs 85, respectively), but neither difference was statistically significant. The estimated MST and median TTF were 225 and 107 days, respectively. The BDca had a longer MST and TTF than GBca (234 vs 150, 117 vs 85, respectively), but neither difference was statistically significant. CONCLUSION: LFP therapy appears to be useful modality for the clinical management of advanced biliary tract malignancy

    The Effects of Mechanical Stress on the Growth, Differentiation, and Paracrine Factor Production of Cardiac Stem Cells

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    Stem cell therapies have been clinically employed to repair the injured heart, and cardiac stem cells are thought to be one of the most potent stem cell candidates. The beating heart is characterized by dynamic mechanical stresses, which may have a significant impact on stem cell therapy. The purpose of this study is to investigate how mechanical stress affects the growth and differentiation of cardiac stem cells and their release of paracrine factors. In this study, human cardiac stem cells were seeded in a silicon chamber and mechanical stress was then induced by cyclic stretch stimulation (60 cycles/min with 120% elongation). Cells grown in non-stretched silicon chambers were used as controls. Our result revealed that mechanical stretching significantly reduced the total number of surviving cells, decreased Ki-67-positive cells, and increased TUNEL-positive cells in the stretched group 24 hrs after stretching, as compared to the control group. Interestingly, mechanical stretching significantly increased the release of the inflammatory cytokines IL-6 and IL-1β as well as the angiogenic growth factors VEGF and bFGF from the cells in 12 hrs. Furthermore, mechanical stretching significantly reduced the percentage of c-kit-positive stem cells, but increased the expressions of cardiac troponin-I and smooth muscle actin in cells 3 days after stretching. Using a traditional stretching model, we demonstrated that mechanical stress suppressed the growth and proliferation of cardiac stem cells, enhanced their release of inflammatory cytokines and angiogenic factors, and improved their myogenic differentiation. The development of this in vitro approach may help elucidate the complex mechanisms of stem cell therapy for heart failure

    Heat Shock Factor 1 Contributes to Ischemia-Induced Angiogenesis by Regulating the Mobilization and Recruitment of Bone Marrow Stem/Progenitor Cells

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    Bone marrow (BM)-derived stem/progenitor cells play an important role in ischemia-induced angiogenesis in cardiovascular diseases. Heat shock factor 1 (HSF1) is known to be induced in response to hypoxia and ischemia. We examined whether HSF1 contributes to ischemia-induced angiogenesis through the mobilization and recruitment of BM-derived stem/progenitor cells using HSF1-knockout (KO) mice. After the induction of ischemia, blood flow and microvessel density in the ischemic hindlimb were significantly lower in the HSF1-KO mice than in the wild-type (WT) mice. The mobilization of BM-derived Sca-1- and c-kit-positive cells in peripheral blood after ischemia was significantly lower in the HSF1-KO mice than in the WT mice. BM stem/progenitor cells from HSF1-KO mice showed a significant decrease in their recruitment to ischemic tissue and in migration, adhesion, and survival when compared with WT mice. Blood flow recovery in the ischemic hindlimb significantly decreased in WT mice receiving BM reconstitution with donor cells from HSF1-KO mice. Conversely, blood flow recovery in the ischemic hindlimb significantly increased in HSF1-KO mice receiving BM reconstitution with donor cells from WT mice. These findings suggest that HSF1 contributes to ischemia-induced angiogenesis by regulating the mobilization and recruitment of BM-derived stem/progenitor cells