85 research outputs found

    集団の雰囲気とパーソナリテイに関する実験的研究(2) : 絶対的尺度による裏づけと,雰囲気の評価・診断用スケールの作成及びその適用

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    In the study (1), we came to the conclusion that, in order to cause the behavior change from defense motive to achivement motive, it was above all important for us to think much of the affiliation motive\u27s role and group atmosphere related with those motives in human relations. It is necessary here to prove these findings from another actual point of view. Therefore, based on \u27the principle of behavior change\u27 found out in the study (1), a program of human relation\u27s training was planned up, and the effects tested in both two experimental groups and one control group were evaluated with TAT. These results indicated that the achievement motive increased itself just after the test comparing with the motive just before the test (x^2 test, P<.005), but the control group did not change. Next, interrelation between \u27merit rating\u27 and TAT or the cognitive discrepancy of group atmosphere was proved. The better group in \u27merit rating\u27 showed achievement motive more frequently and showed some tendency to less discrepancy than the worse group. Thirdly, a \u27Standard Scale for Diagnosis of Group-atmosphere\u27 was tried to create according to some research data in a company and to \u27the principle of behavior change and structural model about group atmosphere\u27 found out in the study (1). The scale was applied to the actual atmosphere of four companies in Japan. Some evidence about validity and reliability was given by above study

    集団の雰囲気とパーソナリティに関する実験的研究(4) : 心理的マージナリティの定量化と日本的風土における操作的研究法の探索(共同研究 : マージナルマンの学際的研究)

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    本研究では心理的風土の認知のズレ(偏差値を根拠とするDスコア)にもとづいて,心理的マージナリティの定量化が試みられた。そして,1) KY 社(本店,N=122)において,地理的,社会的な空間の中心に位置すると見られる公式組織の管理者(N=男31)は,必ずしも心理的空間におけるセントラルマンでないこと,2) 自己概念との関係では,心理的風土のDスコアと自己概念のDスコアが有意に対応しており,自己概念 の理想と現実の差などは有意ではないこと(M大学生男92),K女子大生129),3) 風土及び自己概念の因子分析結果は,Dスコアの大及び小郡間において,認知構造の違いを示唆していること(M大学生男92),などが見出された。 このことは,心理的風土という外界に対する知覚においても,自己という内界に対する知覚においても,心理的マージナルマンはそれぞれの心理的空間において,同時に,その中心に位置(存在)しないということを示唆するものであろう。これについては,臨床心理学的観点から,自己概念の因子分析結果なども加味しつつ,適応ないし自己受容の概念を用いてその心理的マージナリティ の意味が考察された。また心理的マージナリティの標識であるDスコアの妥当性も検討された。あわせて,日本的人間関係のキー概念を,心理的マージナリティの中に導入する操作的な研究方法を設定し,心理的風土の認知のズレに寄与する文化的要因について探索がおこなわれた 。First, the "psychological marginality" was quantified, based on the discrepancies (D score computed from deviation values) of perceptions of psychological climate. Findings on D scores were: (1) Managers (N=31, male) of KY company (the head office, N=122) who are presumably located at the organizational center of the social space, were not always "central-man" in the psychological space (t-test). (2) D scores of psychological climate are significantly related to D scores of self-concept, but not significantly related to the differences between "ideal" and "real" self-concept (t-test; sample: students, male N=92, female N=129). (3) Factor analyses of climate (atmosphere) and self-concept suggested some differences of cognitive structures between high-D score and low-D score (Sample: students, male N=92). Second, the meaning of "psychological marginality was discussed from clinical psychologicol standpoint. Validity of the D score that should indicate the "psychological marginality" was also examined. Finally, an operational method to introduce key-concepts of Japanese human relations into the "psychological marginality" was designed and some factors which might affect the D scores of psychological climate were explored

    集団の雰囲気とパーソナリティに関する実験的研究(3) : 試作スケールの適用と比較研究及び因子分析

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    The "Diagnosis scale of group atmosphere" developed in the study (2) was tested here, using the results of having administered the Group Atmosphere Questionnaire to business organizations in Japan. The subjects were 2,570 employees belonging to 91 work groups (including departments, sections, and branches) in 7 different companies. Five of 7 companies were banking facilities and the subjects were 2,301 employees in 81 work groups in total. Relationships among the 81 work groups were examined by X^2-and t-test to investigate, whether all groups were sampled at random from the same population. The results suggested that there were two representative types of organizational climate (atmosphere) in banking facilities. One is the type derived from a bank (54 work groups, N=1686 in total) of higher productivity. The other is derived from the banks (27 work groups of 4 banks, N=615 in total) of lower productivity. It seems that the diagnostic scale developed in study (2) rather represents the latter type of climate. In X^2-and t-test, significantly different items of the questionnaire between these two types were as follows: No.4 (open & at ease), No.6 (cohesiveness), No.13 (consideration), No.14 (challenge), No.16 (Communication), No.18 (Feeling of trust). This scale was, through the same procedures, tested in the other organizations, i.e., 7 sales departments and one manufacturing industry. In summary, considering the early stage of development of the scale, further researches will be needed for examining varidity of this scale. Next, t-tests of means differences among sex, age and status were also made using the data of 6 companies mentioned above. Overall, it may be said that men and managers have a tendency to perceive their work group climates better than women and non-managerial employees. Third scale (a priori criteria) internal consistency and scale independence of the questionnaire were not so adequate through analyses of item intercorrelations and scale (criteria) intercorrelations. Then, the data were factor analyzed using a principal-components factor analysis with varimax rotation. Samples were 12 organizations (N=122, 143, 1686, 22, 24, 123, 34, 28, 373, 42, 30, 185) and they were respectively analyzed. After integrating these results, 7 common factors in all samples were designated as follows: (1) Intimacy and Consideration, (2) Group Identity, (3) Autonomy and Responsibility, (4) Risk-taking in Decision Making, (5) Challenge and Conflict, (6) Rule Pressure in Structure, (7) Constraining Conformity. All of them are factors of "perceptual (or perceived)" climate. It is also a further issue to study "objective" measures of climate, and to develop the psychological climate measure that reflects social or cultural situations of Japanese organizational climate

    組織風土の変革に関する実証的研究 : 組織開発の実践的論拠を求めて

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    日本の心理的風土に関するQ技法-因子分析と測定用具の開発(1) : 予備的研究

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    日本の組織における心理的風土を対象として,(1)その文化的特質を客観的かつ操作的な手続で抽出すること,(2)それにもとづいて,日本の心理的風土の特質を,可能な限り具体的に把握しうるような測定用具を開発すること,が本研究の目的である。基礎データとして,日本の心理的風土に関する直接的かつ現象的なデータが,現実の職域における従業員から収集され,それらを集約した形で,84枚のQ分類用カードが作成された。学識経験者100名(男65,女35)及びD社管理職男55名に実施したQ分類の結果にもとづいて,Q技法-因子分析を行なった。予備的研究の意味から,ここでは一応10個の因子を抽出し,足立(1981)の因子分析結果との関連で6個までを試みに解釈した。足立(1981)における一般的な心理的風土の6個の因子に関して,それぞれ日本の文化的要因を含んだ測定項目を選定するために,上記手続で抽出された因子別の因子列にもとづいて,測定用具作成に関するプリテスト用の予備的な調査項目が72個作成された。The purpose of this study was: (a) to consider some characteristics of Japanese culture in psychological climates, using a Q-technique factor analysis, and (b) to explore the development of a measuring instrument of psychological climates of Japanese organizations or groups, based on the above findings. A considerable amount of phenomenal data that should reflect the characteristics of Japanese culture was collected by means of a preliminary survey. These data were summarized into 84 "Q-sort" cards. "Q-sort" and a principal components factor analysis with varimax rotation were performed. One sample represents 100 men and women among whom 20% scholars (male, 65; female, 35), and another represents managerial personnel (male, 55) in a company. 6 factors were hypothetically interpreted by means of the factor array of each derived factor. In order to select measurement items representing the 6 climate factors, 72 items for pre-tests were prepared, referring to the resultant factor array of the Q-technique factor analysis

    集団の雰囲気とパーソナリティに関する実験的研究(I) (創立20周年記念号)

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    The interrelation between group atmosphere and personality was investigated on the view of cognitive discrepancy of atmosphere and psychodynamic approach (TAT and Rorschach test). The results were as follows (Ss: 112 freshmen in a company). (1) Cognitive discrepancy of atmosphere represents the degree of adjustment. The less the discrepancy is, the significantly stronger achievement motive is. The more serious the discrepancy is, the significantly stronger both defence motive and affiliation motive are. (2) Cognitive patterns of atmosphere related significantly to the above motives were as follows: (1) achievement motive-support, frankness in talking (2) affiliation motive-reward (3) defence motive-responsibility, risk-taking, warmth, identification (4) achievement motive and defence motive-identification (5) defence motive and affiliation motive-identification (6) affiliation motive and achievement motive-goal standards. (3) The above findings suggest that these motives are organically related to each other about \u27identification\u27. Affiliation motive represents the distortion of interpersonal relation, that is, \u27ambivalent identification\u27, and the more serious the distortion becomes, the more strongly affiliation motive may tend to take up defence motive into symptoms. On the other hand, a situation in which affiliation motive has been just solved may be equivalent to the base which triggers achievement motive, \u27mutual identification\u27. Therefore, it would be considered that affiliation motive catalizes the interrelation between defence motive and achievement motive. This idea is the hypothetical principle of changing behavior presented in this paper. Based on this principle, a program of human relation training or of organization development can be suggested

    Switching and Emergence of CTL Epitopes in HIV-1 Infection

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    Background Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) class I restricted Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes (CTLs) exert substantial evolutionary pressure on HIV-1, as evidenced by the reproducible selection of HLA-restricted immune escape mutations in the viral genome. An escape mutation from tyrosine to phenylalanine at the 135th amino acid (Y135F) of the HIV-1 nef gene is frequently observed in patients with HLA-A*24:02, an HLA Class I allele expressed in ~70% of Japanese persons. The selection of CTL escape mutations could theoretically result in the de novo creation of novel epitopes, however, the extent to which such dynamic “CTL epitope switching” occurs in HIV-1 remains incompletely known. Results Two overlapping epitopes in HIV-1 nef, Nef126-10 and Nef134-10, elicit the most frequent CTL responses restricted by HLA-A*24:02. Thirty-five of 46 (76%) HLA-A*24:02-positive patients harbored the Y135F mutation in their plasma HIV-1 RNA. Nef codon 135 plays a crucial role in both epitopes, as it represents the C-terminal anchor for Nef126-10 and the N-terminal anchor for Nef134-10. While the majority of patients with 135F exhibited CTL responses to Nef126-10, none harboring the “wild-type” (global HIV-1 subtype B consensus) Y135 did so, suggesting that Nef126-10 is not efficiently presented in persons harboring Y135. Consistent with this, peptide binding and limiting dilution experiments confirmed F, but not Y, as a suitable C-terminal anchor for HLA-A*24:02. Moreover, experiments utilizing antigen specific CTL clones to recognize endogenously-expressed peptides with or without Y135F indicated that this mutation disrupted the antigen expression of Nef134-10. Critically, the selection of Y135F also launched the expression of Nef126-10, indicating that the latter epitope is created as a result of escape within the former. Conclusions Our data represent the first example of the de novo creation of a novel overlapping CTL epitope as a direct result of HLA-driven immune escape in a neighboring epitope. The robust targeting of Nef126-10 following transmission (or in vivo selection) of HIV-1 containing Y135F may explain in part the previously reported stable plasma viral loads over time in the Japanese population, despite the high prevalence of both HLA-A*24:02 and Nef-Y135F in circulating HIV-1 sequences

    Suppression of mitochondrial oxygen metabolism mediated by the transcription factor HIF-1 alleviates propofol-induced cell toxicity

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    A line of studies strongly suggest that the intravenous anesthetic, propofol, suppresses mitochondrial oxygen metabolism. It is also indicated that propofol induces the cell death in a reactive oxygen species (ROS)-dependent manner. Because hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF-1) is a transcription factor which is involved in cellular metabolic reprogramming by modulating gene expressions of enzymes including glycolysis pathway and oxygen utilization of mitochondria, we examined the functional role of HIF-1 activity in propofol-induced cell death. The role of HIF-1 activity on oxygen and energy metabolisms and propofol-induced cell death and caspase activity was examined in renal cell-derived RCC4 cells: RCC4-EV cells which lack von Hippel-Lindau protein (VHL) protein expression and RCC4-VHL cells, which express exogenous VHL, and in neuronal SH-SY5Y cells. It was demonstrated that HIF-1 is involved in suppressing oxygen consumption and facilitating glycolysis in cells and that the resistance to propofol-induced cell death was established in a HIF-1 activation-dependent manner. It was also demonstrated that HIF-1 activation by treatment with HIFα-hydroxylase inhibitors such as n-propyl gallate and dimethyloxaloylglycine, alleviated the toxic effects of propofol. Thus, the resistance to propofol toxicity was conferred by HIF-1 activation by not only genetic deletion of VHL but also exposure to HIFα-hydroxylase inhibitors