4 research outputs found

    The Importance of Experimental-Traсeologic Research for Studying of Ancient Osseous Products

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    Osseous raw materials were widely used in the economic life of diff erent historical epochs in order to make various tools; ornaments; household and military items. Experimental-traceological studies are of great importance for the study of these materials. As a result of many years activity of specialized expeditions organized by the Leningrad Branch of Institute of Archaeology of the USSR Academy of Sciences / Institute for the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences it has been developed a methodology for the integrated study of items from the antler; horn and bone; which included analysis of the features of the preliminary treatment of osseous raw materials; the technology of processing and using various tools and other products; the identifi cation of signs of their utilization; and the characteristics of the main types of stone and metal bone processing tools. The continuation of these studies; undertaken in connection with the accumulation of new sources; allows us to detail the features of the ancient osseous processing industr

    Préhistoires méditerranéennes Hors Série Multilingual lexicon of bone industries Version 2 sous la direction d' Aline Averbouh

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    International audienceCe lexique multilingue a été établi dans le cadre des travaux du Groupement De Recherche Européen « Exploitation des matières osseuses dans l’Europe préhistorique » (GDRE PREHISTOS) du CNRS. Il est conçu comme un outil de travail qui vise à répertorier et à traduire dans les différentes langues parlées au sein du Groupement, les principaux termes - d’ordre technique, typologique ou fonctionnel - utilisés dans l’étude des industries en matières dures animales. Cette version fait suite à celle publiée en 2010 et propose une liste élargie de termes traduits en 12 langues (français, anglais, allemand, danois, espagnol, italien, portugais, roumain, bulgare, polonais, russe et hongrois)