65 research outputs found

    Atomic frequency comb memory in an isotopically pure 143Nd3+:Y7LiF4 crystal

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    © 2016 Astro Ltd. We implemented the atomic frequency comb protocol for optical quantum memory in an isotopically pure crystal of Y7LiF4 doped by 143Nd3+ ions. Echo signals were observed on the 4I9/2(1)-4F3/2(1) transition, which had inhomogeneous broadening much smaller than the hyperfine splitting of the ground and excited states. We performed hole-burning spectroscopy measurements on several transitions, obtaining information about the hyperfine state lifetimes. An intrinsic hole structure was found on some of the transitions, which allowed us to prepare a comb structure with two clearly defined periods and to observe echo pulses with different time delays

    Anisotropy and porosity as factors of fluctuations in exothermic processes during grain storage

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    Scientific-based assessment and management of the state of stored grain based on reliable information provides a reliable forecast of the direction of interrelated physical, chemical and biochemical processes in order to take timely measures to prevent quantitative and qualitative losses and food safety of grain. Based on the stationary nature of the grain storage process, it is proposed to use a system of differential equations describing the conditions of heat transfer by convective transfer, thermal conductivity, and oxygen diffusion through a layer of anisotropic, porous material to prevent self-heating of the grain. The level of the activation barrier Eа=123 kJ/mol of the grain mass is established as a thermodynamic system, when it reaches a stable internal heat source. To take into account the main factors and forecast possible exothermic processes in the grain mass (on currents, in elevators, during transportation, storage, etc.), it is proposed

    Efficient optical-to-terahertz conversion in large-area InGaAs photo-Dember emitters with increased indium content

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    Optical-to-terahertz (THz) conversion of 800 nm femtosecond laser pulses in large-area bias-free InGaAs emitters based on photo-Dember (PD) and lateral photo-Dember (LPD) effects is experimentally investigated. We use metamorphic buffers to grow submicro-meter thick InxGa1-xAs layers with indium mole fractions x=0.37, 0.53, and 0.70 on a GaAs substrate. A strong enhancement of THz output energy with an increase of indium content is observed. On the surface of the sample providing the strongest emission (x=0.7), we have fabricated a 1.5 cm2 area of asymmetri-cally shaped metallic grating for LPD emission. This LPD emitter allows achieving high conversion efficiency of 0.24 . 10-3 and a broad generation band-width of up to 6 THz. We also demon-strate that there is no significant differ-rence in the conversion efficiency when operating at 1 and 200 kHz repetition rates. Our results show that large area LPD emitters give a convenient, competitive way to generate intense high-repetition-rate THz pulses

    Incidence and Risk Factors for Pneumonitis Associated With Checkpoint Inhibitors in Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: A Single Center Experience

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    INTRODUCTION: Immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI) pneumonitis causes substantial morbidity and mortality. Estimates of real-world incidence and reported risk factors vary substantially. METHODS: We conducted a retrospective review of 419 patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) who were treated with anti-PD-(L)1 with or without anti-CTLA-4 therapy. Clinical, imaging, and microbiological data were evaluated by multidisciplinary adjudication teams. The primary outcome of interest was grade ≥2 (CTCAEv5) pneumonitis. Clinicopathologic variables, tobacco use, cancer therapies, and preexisting lung disease were assessed for univariate effects using Cox proportional hazards models. We created multivariate Cox proportional hazards models to assess risk factors for pneumonitis and mortality. Pneumonitis, pneumonia, and progression were modeled as time-dependent variables in mortality models. RESULTS: We evaluated 419 patients between 2013 and 2021. The cumulative incidence of pneumonitis was 9.5% (40/419). In a multivariate model, pneumonitis increased the risk for mortality (HR 1.6, 95% CI, 1.0-2.5), after adjustment for disease progression (HR 1.6, 95% CI, 1.4-1.8) and baseline shortness of breath (HR 1.5, 95% CI, 1.2-2.0). Incomplete resolution was more common with more severe pneumonitis. Interstitial lung disease was associated with higher risk for pneumonitis (HR 5.4, 95% CI, 1.1-26.6), particularly in never smokers (HR 26.9, 95% CI, 2.8-259.0). CONCLUSION: Pneumonitis occurred at a high rate and significantly increased mortality. Interstitial lung disease, particularly in never smokers, increased the risk for pneumonitis

    Исследование влияния длительного введения водорастворимых полисахаридов аира болотного (Acorus calamus L.) на функциональные показатели лабораторных животных

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    An investigation has been performed as to the effect of a long-term parenteral introduction of the sum of water-soluble polysaccharides (WSPS) calamus root (Acorus calamus L.) extracted by means of the in-house technology on the functions of experimental animals. As it follows from the results of the experiments, the intragastric introduction of the WSPS to rats in the doses of 20, 100, and 200 mg/kg during a three-month term and the intravenous introduction to rabbits in the doses of 25 and 50 mg/kg during a one-month term do not lead to the death of the animals or to any pathological changes in their general condition, the dynamics of the general weight, or the functional activity of the investigated internal organs and systems.Исследование посвящено изучению влияния длительного парентерального введения суммы водорастворимых полисахаридов (ВРПС), выделенных из корневищ аира болотного (Acorus calamus L.) по оригинальной технологии, на функциональные показатели внутренних органов лабораторных животных. По результатам проведенных экспериментов установлено, что введение ВРПС крысам внутрибрюшинно в дозах 20, 100 и 200 мг/кг массы тела в течение 3 мес и кроликам внутривенно в дозах 25 и 50 мг/кг массы тела в течение 1 мес не вызывало гибели животных и каких-либо патологических изменений их общего состояния, динамики общей массы тела и функциональной активности изученных внутренних органов и систем

    Исследование острой токсичности комплекса водорастворимых полисахаридов корневищ аира болотного (Acorus calamus L.)

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    An investigation for a possible acute toxicity of the complex of water-soluble polysaccharides (WSPS) extracted from calamus root (Acorus calamus L.) has been performed. No toxic effect has been observed on the organisms of experimental animals after a twofold intragastric, subcutaneous, and intravenous introduction of the highest maximum dose of the WSPS being investigated. The results of the experiments did not allow detecting the average fatal dose (LD50) of the WSPS being investigated as no deaths among the experimental animals had been observed. The obtained data lead to the conclusion that the WSPS of calamus root are to be added to Substance Hazard Class IV (low hazard substances) in compliance with State Standard GOST 12.1.007-76.Проведено исследование острой токсичности комплекса водорастворимых полисахаридов (ВРПС), выделенного из корневищ аира болотного. При двукратном внутрижелудочном, подкожном и внутривенном введении исследуемых ВРПС в максимально возможных дозах не наблюдалось их токсического влияния на организм экспериментальных животных. По результатам экспериментов не удалось определить среднюю летальную дозу изучаемых ВРПС, так как не наблюдалось гибели животных. Полученные результаты дают основание отнести ВРПС корневищ аира болотного согласно ГОСТ 12.1.007-76 к IV классу опасности (малоопасные вещества)

    Влияние препарата «Кумазид» на функциональное состояние внутренних органов крыс

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    An investigation of Kumazid medication influence on functional condition of experimental animal main organs and and systems, that were subjected to intragastric injection during three monthes, was made. It was determined that the Kumasid medication dosed 1—100 mkg/kg administrated to rats intragastically during three monthes doesn’t change internal conditions of lab animals.Проведено исследование влияния препарата «Кумазид» на функциональное состояние основных органов и систем при длительном (3-месячном) внутрижелудочном введении препарата экспериментальным животным. Установлено, что препарат «Кумазид» при 3-месячном курсе внутрижелудочного введения крысам в дозах 1-100 мкг/кг массы тела не оказывает достоверных изменений состояния внутренних органов лабораторных животных