12 research outputs found

    Detection of 3D Genome Folding at Multiple Scales

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    Understanding 3D genome structure is crucial to learn how chromatin folds and how genes are regulated through the spatial organization of regulatory elements. Various technologies have been developed to investigate genome architecture. These technologies include ligation-based 3C Methodologies such as Hi-C and Micro-C, ligation-based pull-down methods like Proximity Ligation-Assisted ChIP-seq (PLAC Seq) and Paired-end tag sequencing (ChIA PET), and ligation-free methods like Split-Pool Recognition of Interactions by Tag Extension (SPRITE) and Genome Architecture Mapping (GAM). Although these technologies have provided great insight into chromatin organization, a systematic evaluation of these technologies is lacking. Among these technologies, Hi-C has been one of the most widely used methods to map genome-wide chromatin interactions for over a decade. To understand how the choice of experimental parameters determines the ability to detect and quantify the features of chromosome folding, we have first systematically evaluated two critical parameters in the Hi-C protocol: cross-linking and digestion of chromatin. We found that different protocols capture distinct 3D genome features with different efficiencies depending on the cell type (Chapter 2). Use of the updated Hi-C protocol with new parameters, which we call Hi-C 3.0, was subsequently evaluated and found to provide the best loop detection compared to all previous Hi-C protocols as well as better compartment quantification compared to Micro-C (Chapter 3). Finally, to understand how the aforementioned technologies (Hi-C, Micro-C, PLAC-Seq, ChIA-PET, SPRITE, GAM) that measure 3D organization could provide a comprehensive understanding of the genome structure, we have performed a comparison of these technologies. We found that each of these methods captures different aspects of the chromatin folding (Chapter 4). Collectively, these studies suggest that improving the 3D methodologies and integrative analyses of these methods will reveal unprecedented details of the genome structure and function

    LncRNA RP11-19E11 is an E2F1 target required for proliferation and survival of basal breast cancer

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    Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) play key roles in the regulation of breast cancer initiation and progression. LncRNAs are differentially expressed in breast cancer subtypes. Basal-like breast cancers are generally poorly differentiated tumors, are enriched in embryonic stem cell signatures, lack expression of estrogen receptor, progesterone receptor, and HER2 (triple-negative breast cancer), and show activation of proliferation-associated factors. We hypothesized that lncRNAs are key regulators of basal breast cancers. Using The Cancer Genome Atlas, we identified lncRNAs that are overexpressed in basal tumors compared to other breast cancer subtypes and expressed in at least 10% of patients. Remarkably, we identified lncRNAs whose expression correlated with patient prognosis. We then evaluated the function of a subset of lncRNA candidates in the oncogenic process in vitro. Here, we report the identification and characterization of the chromatin-associated lncRNA, RP11-19E11.1, which is upregulated in 40% of basal primary breast cancers. Gene set enrichment analysis in primary tumors and in cell lines uncovered a correlation between RP11-19E11.1 expression level and the E2F oncogenic pathway. We show that this lncRNA is chromatin-associated and an E2F1 target, and its expression is necessary for cancer cell proliferation and survival. Finally, we used lncRNA expression levels as a tool for drug discovery in vitro, identifying protein kinase C (PKC) as a potential therapeutic target for a subset of basal-like breast cancers. Our findings suggest that lncRNA overexpression is clinically relevant. Understanding deregulated lncRNA expression in basal-like breast cancer may lead to potential prognostic and therapeutic applications

    Prognostic role of elevated mir-24-3p in breast cancer and its association with the metastatic process

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    MicroRNAs have been shown to play important roles in breast cancer progression and can serve as biomarkers. To assess the prognostic role of a panel of miRNAs in breast cancer, we collected plasma prospectively at the time of initial diagnosis from 1,780 patients with stage I-III breast cancer prior to definitive treatment. We identified plasma from 115 patients who subsequently developed distant metastases and 115 patients without metastatic disease. Both groups were matched by: age at blood collection, year of blood collection, breast cancer subtype, and stage. The median follow up was 3.4 years (range, 1-9 years). We extracted RNA from plasma and analyzed the expression of 800 miRNAs using Nanostring technology. We then assessed the expression of miRNAs in primary and metastatic breast cancer samples from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA). We found that, miR-24-3p was upregulated in patients with metastases, both in plasma and in breast cancer tissues. Patients whose primary tumors expressed high levels of miR-24-3p had a significantly lower survival rate compared to patients with low mir-24-3p levels in the TCGA cohort (n=1,024). RNA-Seq data of the samples with the highest miR-24-3p expression versus those with the lowest miR-24-3p in the TCGA cohort identified a specific gene expression signature for those tumors with high miR-24-3p. Possible target genes for miR-24-3p were predicted based on gene expression and binding site, and their effects on cancer pathways were evaluated. Cancer, breast cancer and proteoglycans were the top three pathways affected by miR-24-3p overexpression

    Systematic evaluation of chromosome conformation capture assays [preprint]

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    Chromosome conformation capture (3C)-based assays are used to map chromatin interactions genome-wide. Quantitative analyses of chromatin interaction maps can lead to insights into the spatial organization of chromosomes and the mechanisms by which they fold. A number of protocols such as in situ Hi-C and Micro-C are now widely used and these differ in key experimental parameters including cross-linking chemistry and chromatin fragmentation strategy. To understand how the choice of experimental protocol determines the ability to detect and quantify aspects of chromosome folding we have performed a systematic evaluation of experimental parameters of 3C-based protocols. We find that different protocols capture different 3D genome features with different efficiencies. First, the use of cross-linkers such as DSG in addition to formaldehyde improves signal-to-noise allowing detection of thousands of additional loops and strengthens the compartment signal. Second, fragmenting chromatin to the level of nucleosomes using MNase allows detection of more loops. On the other hand, protocols that generate larger multi-kb fragments produce stronger compartmentalization signals. We confirmed our results for multiple cell types and cell cycle stages. We find that cell type-specific quantitative differences in chromosome folding are not detected or underestimated by some protocols. Based on these insights we developed Hi-C 3.0, a single protocol that can be used to both efficiently detect chromatin loops and to quantify compartmentalization. Finally, this study produced ultra-deeply sequenced reference interaction maps using conventional Hi-C, Micro-C and Hi-C 3.0 for commonly used cell lines in the 4D Nucleome Project

    Organization and dynamics of the nonhomologous end-joining machinery during DNA double-strand break repair

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    Nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ) is the main pathway for repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), the most cytotoxic form of DNA damage resulting from ionizing radiation, chemotherapeutics, and normal cellular processes. The mechanisms that control NHEJ play key roles in development, in immunity, and in response to cancer therapy; however, the current state of knowledge regarding the physical nature of the NHEJ repair process is limited. Here we used super-resolution microscopy to define the organization of NHEJ complexes in cells, showing that long filaments form at either side of the break. Single-molecule FRET revealed dynamic behavior in which breaks can pair in an adjacent, non–end-to-end configuration

    Abundance of Plant-Associated Gammaproteobacteria Correlates with Immunostimulatory Activity of Angelica sinensis

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    Background: Angelica sinensis is a medicinal plant known for a variety of biological effects, including its ability to stimulate innate immune cells in humans. Recent studies indicate that the immunostimulatory activity of A. sinensis arises from microbe-associated molecular patterns (MAMPs) of plant-associated bacteria. However, it is unknown which bacterial taxa in A. sinensis are responsible for the production of immunostimulatory MAMPs. Methods: Samples of A. sinensis were subjected to a cell-based assay to detect monocyte-stimulation and 16S ribosomal RNA amplicon sequencing, which revealed their immunostimulatory activity and microbial communities. The resulting data were analyzed by Linear discriminant analysis effect size (LEfSe), an online biostatistical tool for metagenomic biomarker discovery, to identify the bacterial taxonomical features correlated with the immunostimulatory activity. Results: A series of bacterial taxa under Gammaproteobacteria correlated positively with the immunostimulatory activity, whereas several Gram-positive taxa and Betaproteobacteria correlated negatively with the activity. Conclusions: The identified bacterial taxa set a new stage to characterize immunostimulatory MAMPs in plants

    Frontal Cortex Transcriptome Analysis of Mice Exposed to Electronic Cigarettes During Early Life Stages

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    Electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes), battery-powered devices containing nicotine, glycerin, propylene glycol, flavorings, and other substances, are increasing in popularity. They pose a potential threat to the developing brain, as nicotine is a known neurotoxicant. We hypothesized that exposure to e-cigarettes during early life stages induce changes in central nervous system (CNS) transcriptome associated with adverse neurobiological outcomes and long-term disease states. To test the hypothesis, pregnant C57BL/6 mice were exposed daily (via whole body inhalation) throughout gestation (3 h/day; 5 days/week) to aerosols produced from e-cigarettes either with nicotine (13–16 mg/mL) or without nicotine; following birth, pups and dams were exposed together to e-cigarette aerosols throughout lactation beginning at postnatal day (PND) 4–6 and using the same exposure conditions employed during gestational exposure. Following exposure, frontal cortex recovered from ~one-month-old male and female offspring were excised and analyzed for gene expression by RNA Sequencing (RNA-Seq). Comparisons between the treatment groups revealed that e-cigarette constituents other than nicotine might be partly responsible for the observed biological effects. Transcriptome alterations in both offspring sexes and treatment groups were all significantly associated with downstream adverse neurobiological outcomes. Results from this study demonstrate that e-cigarette exposure during early life alters CNS development potentially leading to chronic neuropathology

    Tungsten-induced carcinogenesis in human bronchial epithelial cells

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    Metals such as arsenic, cadmium, beryllium, and nickel are known human carcinogens; however, other transition metals, such as tungsten (W), remain relatively uninvestigated with regard to their potential carcinogenic activity. Tungsten production for industrial and military applications has almost doubled over the past decade and continues to increase. Here, for the first time, we demonstrate tungsten's ability to induce carcinogenic related endpoints including cell transformation, increased migration, xenograft growth in nude mice, and the activation of multiple cancer-related pathways in transformed clones as determined by RNA sequencing. Human bronchial epithelial cell line (Beas-2B) exposed to tungsten developed carcinogenic properties. In a soft agar assay, tungsten-treated cells formed more colonies than controls and the tungsten-transformed clones formed tumors in nude mice. RNA-sequencing data revealed that the tungsten-transformed clones altered the expression of many cancer-associated genes when compared to control clones. Genes involved in lung cancer, leukemia, and general cancer genes were deregulated by tungsten. Taken together, our data show the carcinogenic potential of tungsten. Further tests are needed, including in vivo and human studies, in order to validate tungsten as a carcinogen to humans

    Organization and dynamics of the nonhomologous end-joining machinery during DNA double-strand break repair

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    Nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ) is a major repair pathway for DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), involving synapsis and ligation of the broken strands. We describe the use of in vivo and in vitro single-molecule methods to define the organization and interaction of NHEJ repair proteins at DSB ends. Super-resolution fluorescence microscopy allowed the precise visualization of XRCC4, XLF, and DNA ligase IV filaments adjacent to DSBs, which bridge the broken chromosome and direct rejoining. We show, by single-molecule FRET analysis of the Ku/XRCC4/XLF/DNA ligase IV NHEJ ligation complex, that end-to-end synapsis involves a dynamic positioning of the two ends relative to one another. Our observations form the basis of a new model for NHEJ that describes the mechanism whereby filament-forming proteins bridge DNA DSBs in vivo. In this scheme, the filaments at either end of the DSB interact dynamically to achieve optimal configuration and end-to-end positioning and ligation