13 research outputs found

    Quantitative Mass Spectrometry Analysis Using PAcIFIC for the Identification of Plasma Diagnostic Biomarkers for Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm

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    BACKGROUND: Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is characterized by increased aortic vessel wall diameter (>1.5 times normal) and loss of parallelism. This disease is responsible for 1-4% mortality occurring on rupture in males older than 65 years. Due to its asymptomatic nature, proteomic techniques were used to search for diagnostic biomarkers that might allow surgical intervention under nonlife threatening conditions. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Pooled human plasma samples of 17 AAA and 17 control patients were depleted of the most abundant proteins and compared using a data-independent shotgun proteomic strategy, Precursor Acquisition Independent From Ion Count (PAcIFIC), combined with spectral counting and isobaric tandem mass tags. Both quantitative methods collectively identified 80 proteins as statistically differentially abundant between AAA and control patients. Among differentially abundant proteins, a subgroup of 19 was selected according to Gene Ontology classification and implication in AAA for verification by Western blot (WB) in the same 34 individual plasma samples that comprised the pools. From the 19 proteins, 12 were detected by WB. Five of them were verified to be differentially up-regulated in individual plasma of AAA patients: adiponectin, extracellular superoxide dismutase, protein AMBP, kallistatin and carboxypeptidase B2. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Plasma depletion of high abundance proteins combined with quantitative PAcIFIC analysis offered an efficient and sensitive tool for the screening of new potential biomarkers of AAA. However, WB analysis to verify the 19 PAcIFIC identified proteins of interest proved inconclusive save for five proteins. We discuss these five in terms of their potential relevance as biological markers for use in AAA screening of population at risk

    Talking about Gypsies:Β the notion of discourse as control.

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    The file attached to this record is the authors final peer reviewed version. The final published version can be found on the publisher's website. http://www.informaworld.com/Gypsies and Travellers are increasingly part of a debate by politicians and the media in the U.K. This discourse is not a benign reflection of events; instead it is part of a complex mechanism of control. There is a difficult relationship between the settled and travelling communities which inhibits political discussion of a strategy for site provision. In this context, the paper examines the links between discourse and control, by paying attention to Foucaultian notions of the β€˜gaze’, amongst other explanations. Drawing on findings from analysis of the media, focus groups with Travellers and a case study in one local authority planning consultation exercise, the paper proposes a theoretical explanation for the link between the discourse used around Gypsies and Travellers and the control that is exercised over them, particularly in inhibiting their right to a travelling lifestyle

    ENETS Consensus Guidelines for the Management of Patients with Digestive Neuroendocrine Neoplasms: Functional Pancreatic Endocrine Tumor Syndromes

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