7 research outputs found

    مصادر تمويل عجز الموازنة وأثرها على النمو الاقتصادي في سورية خلال الفترة 1994-2012

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    تعاني الموازنة العامة للدولة في سورية من عجز بنيوي يعكس اختلالات الاقتصاد الكلي، ويظهر ضعف مصادر تمّويل الموازنة وانخفاض كفاءة الإنفاق العام وعدم القدرة على ترشيده، وقصور السياسات الاقتصادية والمالية في مواجهة ذلك العجز. يتكون البحث من جزأين رئيسين: يتضمن الجزء الأول دراسة تطوّر العجز وبنية الموازنة العامة في سورية، من خلال تحليل هيكل النفقات والإيرادات العامة بهدف تشخيص أهمّ أسباب العجز، أمّا الجزء الثاني، فقد تضمن دراسة طرق تمّويل العجز، وأثر ذلك في النموّ الاقتصادي في سورية. ويخلص البحث إلى أنّ عجز الموازنة العامة للدولة في سورية هو عجز هيكلي يؤثّر في النموّ الاقتصادي تأثيراً سلبياً واتّضحت ملامحه مع تراجع حجم إنتاج النفط، ثمّ تفاقمت آثاره السلبية خلال سنوات الأزمة، ويعزى عجز الموازنة العامة إلى أسباب عديدة، أهمّها: ضعف الإدارة الضريبية، والتهرب الضريبي، وانخفاض كفاءة الاستثمار الخاص والعام

    Assessment of knowledge, attitude, and practice regarding the disposal of expired and unused medications among the Lebanese population

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    Abstract Background Medication waste is a public health problem affecting developed and developing countries. In Lebanon, a developing country in the Middle East, efforts are being deployed in hospitals but not in the community. Objective This study aimed to validate a questionnaire to explore the knowledge, attitude, and practice (KAP) towards the disposal of unused and expired medicines among the Lebanese population and then identify the factors associated with these variables comparatively between the general population and healthcare professionals. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted among the general Lebanese population in May–June 2022 using a standardized questionnaire. The validity and reliability of the KAP scales were assessed, then a thorough statistical analysis was done to explore the factors associated with these scales. Results The KAP scales generated by this study were valid and reliable. Using these scales, 24.5%, 22.6%, and 21% of participants demonstrated proper knowledge, attitude, and practice, respectively. Higher knowledge scores were significantly associated with female gender (Beta = 0.97), a high monthly income (Beta = 1.68), a secondary (Beta = 6.11) or university (Beta = 6.80) education level, and postgraduate education (Beta = 7.13). However, older age (Beta = − 0.06) and a low monthly income (Beta = − 3.06) were significantly associated with lower knowledge scores. A higher knowledge score (Beta = 0.06) was significantly associated with a more positive attitude regarding unused or expired medication disposal. Being a healthcare professional (Beta = 0.72) was significantly associated with a higher practice score, while being a female (Beta = − 0.32) and living in a rural area (Beta = − 0.37) were significantly associated with lower practice scores. Conclusion This study validated KAP scales regarding medication waste in Lebanon and showed low KAP scores in the majority of respondents. Factors associated with higher KAP scores in various aspects of medication disposal, including gender, age, education level, and profession (healthcare professionals), suggest the need to consider those when implementing targeted corrective measures. Although further studies are required to confirm our findings, this study could be the ground for a medication waste management national strategy in Lebanon

    Photovoltaic cells based on ternary P3HT:PCBM: Ruthenium(II) complex bearing 8-(diphenylphosphino)quinoline active layer

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    ptical, morphological and photovoltaic properties are investigated for ternary solar cells containing a traditional poly(3-hexylthiophene-2,5-diyl):[6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric-acid-methyl ester (P3HT:PCBM) bulkheterojunction (BHJ) active layer modified with different concentrations of a novel ruthenium complex [Ru(N-P)2_2(O-O)], where N-P abbreviates 8-(diphenylphosphino)quinolone and O-O = oxalate dianion. At a low concentration of the Ru-complex (2.5 wt%) the device efficiency is improved by 50% compared with the reference binary devices at ambient conditions. This substantial efficiency enhancement is attributed to the role of the Ru-complex in improving light absorption over a wavelength range of (295–800 nm) in combination with a better matching of the energy levels of the ternary blend system. Moreover, at low concentration, the Ru-complex has a positive impact on the morphology of the active layer in the device. The inclusion of Ru-complex increases the P3HT crystallinity substantially with virtually no effect on the size and orientation of the crystalline lamellae. The enhancement in device efficiency becomes less pronounced with increasing the concentration of the Ru-complex due to the formation of several micron-size domains of [Ru(N-P)2_2(O-O)] in the ternary active layers. These large domains negatively affect the optical properties and morphology, thus inhibiting efficient charge generation and transport in the corresponding solar cells