1 research outputs found

    Investigation of Corneal Biomechanical Properties in Patients with High Myopia

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    Amaç: Yüksek miyopi olgularında oküler cevap analizörü kullanılarak korneanın biyomekanik özelliklerini araştırmak.Gereç ve Yöntem: İleriye dönük randomize-kontrollü çalışmada sferik eşdeğeri (SE) >=-6.00 Diyoptri (D) olan 24 olgunun 42 gözü çalışma grubu, yaş-cinsiyet bakımından benzer, +0.50 -12.00 D [Grup 3]). Gruplar korneanın biyomekanik özellikleri (korneal histerezis [CH], korneal direnç faktörü [CRF], Goldmann uyumlu göziçi basıncı [IOPg] ve korneadan bağımsız göziçi basıncı [IOPcc]), aksiyel uzunluk (AL) ve merkezi kornea kalınlığı (MKK) bakımından karşılaştırıldı. Bulgular: AL, CH, CRF, IOPcc ve MKK çoklu grup karşılaştırmasında farklı iken (p=-6.00 Diopters (D) were included in the study group and 43 eyes of 27 age-sex matched patients with +0.50-12.00D group 3). Biomechanic properties of cornea (corneal hysteresis [CH], corneal resistance factor [CRF], Goldmann-correlated pressure [IOPg], corneal-compensated pressure [IOPcc]), axial length (AL) and central corneal thickness (CCT) were compared between groups.Results: AL, CH, CRF, IOPcc and CCT were different in multiple group analysis (p<0.001), IOPg was similar (p=0.321). CH and CRF values were lower in high myopia groups (CHp1-2 =0.004, p1-3<0.001; CRFp1-2=0.012, p1-3<0.001). IOPcc was higher in high myopia groups (p1-2=0.049, p1-3<0.001). Between group 1-3, CCT was statistically different (p=0.002) whereas there were no difference between group 1-2, and between group 2-3 (p1-2=0.106, p2-3=0.719). While there was a strong relation between SE and CH, CRF, IOPcc and AL (r=-0.554 p<0.001; r=-0.428 p<0.001; r=0.402 p<0.001; r=0.916 p<0.001, respectively) there was a moderate relation with CCT.Discussion: According to this study CH and CRF values decrease while SE and AL increase. While there is a strong positive relation between IOPcc with AL and SE no relation was with IOPg. So it may be assumed that measuring intraocular pressure (IOP) lower than normal may probably be a result of decrease in corneal biomechanical power. In high myopic patients IOP measurement techniques which take corneal biomechanic properties into consideration should be use