79 research outputs found

    Ways to improve texture technology reflective chromite ore of Kazakhstan

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    The article presents the results of laboratory tests on the use of fluxing agents for improving the sintering technology of refractory chromite ore in Kazakhstan. It is shown that reduction to solve the most efficient thermal process level through the use of fluxing agents having a low melting temperature and low temperature promote the formation of compounds in interaction with components of the ore phase. As an effective flux is proposed to use the calcined colemanite and basaltic rocks. The optimal cost fluxing agents, ensuring reduction of the thermal level the firing process at 100 °C

    Mathematical model of charts melt viscosity of the СаО - SiO2 - Al2O3 – MgО

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    Experimentally using electric vibration viscometer and the method of design of experiments on the simplex studied the melt viscosity of the system CaO - SiO2 - Al2O3 - MgО. Developed its mathematical model and computer program that allows calculation of viscosity in the temperature range 1 573 - 1 823 К. Using the model diagrams are constructed in the form of isothermal sections of the tetrahedron on MgO. It is concluded that the use of the model is more efficient than Chart, so it does not require a complex geometric constructions tetrahedron when the viscosity values, and, moreover, can be used in automatic process control in real time

    Mathematical model of phase composition diagram of CaO – SiO2 - Fe2O3 - В2О2 system

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    There is developed a method of the mathematical description of a phase composition diagram of n-component systems in the (n - 1) - dimensional space. There is built a phase composition diagram of the CaO – SiO2 - Fe2O3 - В2О2 system and developed its mathematical model. It permits to determine its phase composition according to the chemical composition of the initial material. There is also solved the reverse problem: determination of the appearance and quantity of components of the initial furnace charge for obtaining a product of the required phase composition. An example of the use of models to estimate the phase composition of iron ore pellets

    Thermodynamic modeling of the borbarium ferroalloy smelting technological process

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    A complete thermodynamic modeling of chemical transformations during carbothermic reduction of barium and boron from oxides has been performed. It was shown that during the processing of charge with a high BaO: BaO:B2O3(3:1), barium carbide (BaC2), iron boride (FeB), and barium hexaboride (BaB6) are present as phase components in the smelting products, with the former predominantly noticeable. The data obtained allow us to conclude that it is possible to produce a new ferroalloy containing boron and barium

    Metallothermic Production of Boron-containing Silicon Barium

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    Silicon barium is an effective modifier for ferrous and non-ferrous metals. In Kazakhstan, it is produced at the Aksu Ferroalloy Plant, but its smelting volumes are significantly lower than those of traditional ferroalloys, moreover, it is melted only to order. To improve the consumer properties of silicon barium, we proposed to introduce boron to it, possessing a high effect of a positive impact on the quality of metals at low (0.001– 0.003%) concentrations. The core of the proposed technology is reduced to pouring out silicon barium from the ore-smelting furnace into a ladle with boron-containing oxide material. Silicon and barium of the molten metal were assumed to reduce boron from B2O3 in accordance with such reactions, for instance: 4Si + 2B2O3 = B4Si + 3SiO2 and 10Ba + 3B2O3 = BaB6 + 9BaO. We have carried out a complete thermodynamic analysis of the proposed technology using the TERRA software package, having enriched its database with the compounds anticipated in the products of smelting. A possibility of fulfilling the technology in principle has been established. It has been found that a share of barium participation in the recovery processes increases with increasing its concentration in the metal being poured off from the furnace. The experiments using an industrial sample of ferrosilicobarium have been carried out in a high-temperature laboratory furnace. The recovery of boron was within the limits of 48–71%, showing its progressive fall while attempting to obtain a metal with a higher boron content. Judging by the weight loss of reducing agents in the metal being poured off, barium is the main participant in the process. Based on thermodynamic and physical simulation, we have made a conclusion on the possibility to obtain a boron-containing silicobarium by the metallothermic method in a ladle and necessity to carry out industrial testing. Keywords: modification, silicon barium, boron, ladl

    Mathematical model of the diagram of the Fe-Si-B composition system

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    A diagram of the phase composition of the Fe – Si – B system is constructed in the form of elementary triangles of coexisting phases and its mathematical model was created. Its isothermal sections are given in the temperature range of 300 - 2 000 K. The diagram is composed of one-component phases Fe, Si, B, binary compounds Fe3Si, Fe2Si, Fe5Si3, FeSi, FeSi2, FeB, Fe2B, SiB4, SiB6, SiB14, as well as ternary phases Fe5SiB2 and Fe5Si2B. To estimate the sizes of crystallization fields, the areas of elementary triangles were calculated, the probability of existence (prevalence) of each compound in the phase space of the diagram was established

    Mathematical models of viscosity diagrams and crystallization temperatures of melts of the CaO – SiO2 – Al2 O3 – B2 O3 system

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    Mathematical diagrams of viscosity and crystallization temperatures of melts of the CaO – SiO2 – Al2 O3 – B2 O3 system were created. To obtain them, experimental studies were carried out using the simplex-lattice method of experiment planning. It was used to study 35 slags containing (wt.%) 9.8-52 CaO, 33.6-70.4 SiO2, 16.0-51.52 Al2 O3, 0-20 B2O3. The experiments were carried out on an electrovibrational viscometer in molybdenum equipment, in a stream of purified argon in the temperature range of 1 473–1 923 K

    Viscosity and electric conductivity of melt system of CaO – Al2O3 - B2O3

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    It was studied the viscosity and electric conductivity of the melt system CaO - Al2O3 - B2O3. On the base of experimental data it was created the mathematical model of studied features dependence on chemical structure of melt and temperature. There were created the computer programs which allow to calculate the temperature range at 1 823 – 1 973 K. There were constructed the triaxial diagrams based on models. It was found the reduction of viscosity and extension of electric conductivity of melt CaO - Al2O3 by adding B2O3

    Steel Micro-alloying with Boron: A Perspective Direction to Reduce the Consumption of Manganese Ferroalloys

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    Manganese ferroalloys occupy a strategically important place in the total production of ferroalloys, since no steel grade can be made without the manganese addition. Today, the metallurgical complex of Russia is fully dependent on imports of manganese products (raw ore and ferroalloys), so special attention should be paid to the issues of more rational use of manganese. In particular, one should more widely use the methods of direct micro-alloying of steel with manganese in steel-smelting units and ladle-furnaces unit (LFU) and expand the range of high-strength steel with reduced manganese content, micro-alloyed with high-performance elements. Among the micro-alloying elements, a special place is occupied by boron. Its introduction into the metal in the amount of 0.001–0.005% makes it possible to save expensive and scarce alloying elements, in particular manganese, and to provide an increase in the strength of steel without reducing ductility. The results of the studies of the physicochemical properties of slags of the system CaO–SiO2–B2O3–Al2O3–MgO had formed the basis for the technology development for the formation of basic boron-containing slags, that implementation at the LFU in the converter shop of JSC “ArcelorMittal Temirtau” provided the smelting of boron-containing steel economically doped with manganese with low-content of sulfur and high strength and plastic properties. The developed technology provided, depending on the steel grade, a boron content of 0.001–0.008% by weight, low concentration of sulfur in the metal, not more than 0.004–0.014% by weight, and reducing the manganese ferroalloys consumption from 0.5 to 1.4 kg/ton of steel. Keywords: pipe steel, manganese, sulfur, boron, mechanical properties, structur