154 research outputs found

    Islam in Australia

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    The challenge of being Muslim

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    The Arab revolution is bad news for Iran

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    Containing Iran : the neo-conservatives and the Obama approach

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    Democracy promotion versus engagement with Iran

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    C - Journal Article

    Obama and the US policy change on Iran

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    Introduction: Avicenna stated interesting points on the symptoms of rib bone fractures, their physical examination, and also treatment and management of the complications in his master piece Canon in Tibb. Method: We reviewed Avicennaā€™s Canon and his viewpoints on the anatomy of the rib bones and their fractures and compared it with conventional medicine. Result: He described the anatomy of the ribs; he explained the effectiveness of their structure in the protection of vital organs. He also suggested some methods for the management of rib fractures, such as using vacuum at the fracture site or open surgery in case of complications. Conclusion: Avicennaā€™s point of view on the approach toward rib fractures had some similarities and differences with conventional practice. Some of his suggestions could be taken into account.Uvod: U svom remek-djelu Canon u Tibbu Avicena je iznio zanimljiva glediÅ”ta vazana uz simptome prijeloma rebrenih kostiju i njihov fizički pregled te liječenje komplikacija. Metoda: Donosimo pregled Avicenina Canona i njegova pogleda na anatomiju rebrenih kostiju i njihove prijelome i uspoređujemo ih s konvencionalnom medicinom. Rezultat: Avicena je opisao anatomiju rebara; objasnio je djelotvornost njihove strukture u zaÅ”titi vitalnih organa. Predložio je i neke od metoda za liječenje prijeloma rebara poput upotrebe vakuuma na mjestu prijeloma ili otvorene operacije u slučaju komplikacija. Zaključak: Avicenin pogled na pristup liječenju prijeloma rebara imao je neke sličnosti i razlike s konvencionalnom praksom. Neka od njegovih razmiÅ”ljanja mogu se i danas uzeti u obzir

    Beyond repair: ruptures in the foundations of the Islamic Republic of Iran

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    Framing the debate on Islam and human rights

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    The institutionalisation of political Islam in Iran

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