272 research outputs found

    Chapter 9 Gene Drive Strategies for Population Replacement

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    Gene drive systems are selfish genetic elements capable of spreading into a population despite a fitness cost. A variety of these systems have been proposed for spreading disease-refractory genes into mosquito populations, thus reducing their ability to transmit diseases such as malaria and dengue fever to humans. Some have also been proposed for suppressing mosquito populations. We assess the alignment of these systems with design criteria for their safety and efficacy. Systems such as homing endonuclease genes, which manipulate inheritance through DNA cleavage and repair, are highly invasive and well-suited to population suppression efforts. Systems such as Medea, which use combinations of toxins and antidotes to favor their own inheritance, are highly stable and suitable for replacing mosquito populations with disease-refractory varieties. These systems offer much promise for future vector-borne disease control

    Highly Efficient Site-Specific Mutagenesis in Malaria Mosquitoes Using CRISPR.

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    Anopheles mosquitoes transmit at least 200 million annual malaria infections worldwide. Despite considerable genomic resources, mechanistic understanding of biological processes in Anopheles has been hampered by a lack of tools for reverse genetics. Here, we report successful application of the CRISPR/Cas9 system for highly efficient, site-specific mutagenesis in the diverse malaria vectors Anopheles albimanus, A. coluzzii, and A. funestus When guide RNAs (gRNAs) and Cas9 protein are injected at high concentration, germline mutations are common and usually biallelic, allowing for the rapid creation of stable mutant lines for reverse genetic analysis. Our protocol should enable researchers to dissect the molecular and cellular basis of anopheline traits critical to successful disease transmission, potentially exposing new targets for malaria control

    Sequence Expression of Supernumerary B Chromosomes: Function or Fluff?

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    B chromosomes are enigmatic heritable elements found in the genomes of numerous plant and animal species. Contrary to their broad distribution, most B chromosomes are non-essential. For this reason, they are regarded as genome parasites. In order to be stably transmitted through generations, many B chromosomes exhibit the ability to "drive", i.e., they transmit themselves at super-Mendelian frequencies to progeny through directed interactions with the cell division apparatus. To date, very little is understood mechanistically about how B chromosomes drive, although a likely scenario is that expression of B chromosome sequences plays a role. Here, we highlight a handful of previously identified B chromosome sequences, many of which are repetitive and non-coding in nature, that have been shown to be expressed at the transcriptional level. We speculate on how each type of expressed sequence could participate in B chromosome drive based on known functions of RNA in general chromatin- and chromosome-related processes. We also raise some challenges to functionally testing these possible roles, a goal that will be required to more fully understand whether and how B chromosomes interact with components of the cell for drive and transmission

    Germline Cas9 expression yields highly efficient genome engineering in a major worldwide disease vector, Aedes aegypti.

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    The development of CRISPR/Cas9 technologies has dramatically increased the accessibility and efficiency of genome editing in many organisms. In general, in vivo germline expression of Cas9 results in substantially higher activity than embryonic injection. However, no transgenic lines expressing Cas9 have been developed for the major mosquito disease vector Aedes aegypti Here, we describe the generation of multiple stable, transgenic Ae. aegypti strains expressing Cas9 in the germline, resulting in dramatic improvements in both the consistency and efficiency of genome modifications using CRISPR. Using these strains, we disrupted numerous genes important for normal morphological development, and even generated triple mutants from a single injection. We have also managed to increase the rates of homology-directed repair by more than an order of magnitude. Given the exceptional mutagenic efficiency and specificity of the Cas9 strains we engineered, they can be used for high-throughput reverse genetic screens to help functionally annotate the Ae. aegypti genome. Additionally, these strains represent a step toward the development of novel population control technologies targeting Ae. aegypti that rely on Cas9-based gene drives

    An Entry/Gateway® cloning system for general expression of genes with molecular tags in Drosophila melanogaster

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Tagged fusion proteins are priceless tools for monitoring the activities of biomolecules in living cells. However, over-expression of fusion proteins sometimes leads to the unwanted lethality or developmental defects. Therefore, vectors that can express tagged proteins at physiological levels are desirable tools for studying dosage-sensitive proteins. We developed a set of Entry/Gateway<sup>® </sup>vectors for expressing fluorescent fusion proteins in <it>Drosophila melanogaster</it>. The vectors were used to generate fluorescent CP190 which is a component of the <it>gypsy </it>chromatin insulator. We used the fluorescent CP190 to study the dynamic movement of related chromatin insulators in living cells.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The Entry/Gateway<sup>® </sup>system is a timesaving technique for quickly generating expression constructs of tagged fusion proteins. We described in this study an Entry/Gateway<sup>® </sup>based system, which includes six P-element destination vectors (P-DEST) for expressing tagged proteins (eGFP, mRFP, or myc) in <it>Drosophila melanogaster </it>and a TA-based cloning vector for generating entry clones from unstable DNA sequences. We used the P-DEST vectors to express fluorecent <it>CP190 </it>at tolerable levels. Expression of <it>CP190 </it>using the UAS/Gal4 system, instead, led to either lethality or underdeveloped tissues. The expressed eGFP- or mRFP-tagged CP190 proteins are fully functional and rescued the lethality of the homozygous <it>CP190 </it>mutation. We visualized a wide range of CP190 distribution patterns in living cell nuclei, from thousands of tiny particles to less than ten giant ones, which likely reflects diverse organization of higher-order chromatin structures. We also visualized the fusion of multiple smaller insulator bodies into larger aggregates in living cells, which is likely reflective of the dynamic activities of reorganization of chromatin in living nuclei.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We have developed an efficient cloning system for expressing dosage-sensitive proteins in <it>Drosophila melanogaster</it>. This system successfully expresses functional fluorescent CP190 fusion proteins. The fluorescent CP190 proteins exist in insulator bodies of various numbers and sizes among cells from multiple living tissues. Furthermore, live imaging of the movements of these fluorescent-tagged proteins suggests that the assembly and disassembly of insulator bodies are normal activities in living cells and may be directed for regulating transcription.</p