3 research outputs found


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    Materi biokimia di SMA dipelajari pada kelas XII dengan salah satu pembahasan mengenai biomolekul protein. Pada pandemi COVID-19, terjadi perubahan sistem pembelajaran yang membutuhkan berbagai inovasi agar pembelajaran berlangsung efektif. Program pengabdian pada masyakarat ini, melakukan pengembangan pembelajaran struktur dan fungsi biomolekul protein bagi guru MGMP Wilayah Jakarta Timur-1 melalui desiminiasi elektonik modul Struktur dan Fungsi Protein hasil penelitian sebelumnya serta praktikum berbasis bahan rumahan dengan teknik blended learning. Pelaksanaan P2M yang dilakukan bersama Tim UNJ pada Guru-guru Kimia MGMP Jakarta Timur wilayah 1 berjalan dengan lancar. Peserta sangat antusias mengikuti materi yang disampaikan dan ikut berkontribusi dalam pelaksanaan dan mengamati praktikum uji kualitatif asam amino dan protein menggunakan bahan-bahan yang ada disekitar rumah, ramah lingkungan, dan sekaligus menerapkan konsep green chemistry. Berdasarkan hasil umpan balik, 90% peserta merasa puas dengan penyampaian materi yang disampaikan, memperoleh wawasan baru, relevan dengan yang diharapkan, dapat diimplementasikan di sekolah, dan menimbulkan ide baru untuk mendesain pembelajaran yang inovatif. Sehingga diharapkan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang dilakukan oleh dosen Universitas Negeri Jakarta bekerjasama dengan MGMP wilayah Jakarta Timur 1 sebagai wilayah binaan yang meliputi kecamatan Cakung, Duren Sawit, Jatinegara, Matraman, dan Pulogadung, dapat bermanfaat dalam menyebarluaskan IPTEKS dan meningkatkan kompetensi guru

    The Potential of grxB Gene for Detection of C. sakazakii in Infant Formula Milk Using Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction

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    Cronobacter sakazakii is one of the bacteria that causes food poisoning that contaminates infant formula. This pathogen causes necrotizing enterocolitis, sepsis, and meningitis in infants or neonates with reported case fatality rates ranging from 40% to 80%. Therefore, it is necessary to develop fast and accurate detection of C. sakazakii in infant formula milk. This research aims to develop a method for detecting C. sakazakii bacteria using real-time PCR with high sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy. A rapid detection method using real-time PCR with the target gene grxB successfully detects the presence of C. sakazakii DNA in artificially contaminated formula milk. The results of the real-time PCR test showed that C. sakazakii DNA with a concentration of 53 ng/µL could be amplified by the grxB gene primer pair with a Ct value of 12 and a Tm value of 85.8ºC. The specificity test showed that the grxB primer could differentiate between target and some non-target bacteria. The sensitivity test showed the ability of the grxB primer to detect the smallest concentration of 3,392 pg/µL with a Ct of 24,06. Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that the grxB primer has the potential to be used as rapid detection method for C. sakazakii bacteria in infant formula using real-time PCR

    The Potential of

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    Cronobacter sakazakii is one of the bacteria that causes food poisoning that contaminates infant formula. This pathogen causes necrotizing enterocolitis, sepsis, and meningitis in infants or neonates with reported case fatality rates ranging from 40% to 80%. Therefore, it is necessary to develop fast and accurate detection of C. sakazakii in infant formula milk. This research aims to develop a method for detecting C. sakazakii bacteria using real-time PCR with high sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy. A rapid detection method using real-time PCR with the target gene grxB successfully detects the presence of C. sakazakii DNA in artificially contaminated formula milk. The results of the real-time PCR test showed that C. sakazakii DNA with a concentration of 53 ng/µL could be amplified by the grxB gene primer pair with a Ct value of 12 and a Tm value of 85.8ºC. The specificity test showed that the grxB primer could differentiate between target and some non-target bacteria. The sensitivity test showed the ability of the grxB primer to detect the smallest concentration of 3,392 pg/µL with a Ct of 24,06. Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that the grxB primer has the potential to be used as rapid detection method for C. sakazakii bacteria in infant formula using real-time PCR