2 research outputs found

    Monitoring dan Evaluasi Kegiatan Penanaman Mangrove (Kasus: Desa Sebuntal, Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara)

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    Damage to mangrove ecosystems in coastal areas could result in biotic and abiotic physical changes. This damage might occur due to natural factors or human activities. Among the damaged mangrove ecosystems in East Kalimantan Province is Sebuntal Village. The aim of this research is to monitor and evaluate the survival rate of mangrove seedlings in Sebuntal village, Kutai Kartanegara Regency. The research population used in this research was all mangrove seedlings (Avicennia spp) planted during community service activities on August 9th, 2023. The research method used in this study was the survey method. It was found that the survival rate in this study was only 8.2%. This research showed that individual mangroves' survival rates were unsuccessful due to inappropriate planting times, hydro-oceanographic patterns that are poorly studied, and poor seed preparation

    The Role of the Military in Handling Covid-19 in Banjarmasin

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    Has prompted many countries to involve various actors, one of which includes the military. Military involvement has been carried out since the beginning of handling Covid-19 until it enters a new normal era. Such involvement is indeed permitted in the context of military operations other than war (OMSP), as regulated in Law No. 34/2004 concerning the TNI. In the long history of the TNI, the contribution of the TNI to the Nation and the State is not only through military war operations but also through military operations other than war. The attitude of helping people who are facing natural disasters, including in dealing with the current Covid-19 pandemic, the Indonesian people express their highest appreciation and appreciation to the extended family and TNI institutions to the soldiers who are on duty anywhere are always at the forefront of humanitarian missions. , who is actively involved in handling victims of natural disasters and forest fires as well as an active role in handling the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, both in disciplining the application of health protocols and in treatment at TNI hospitals (President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ir. Joko Widodo, 2021). According to the President, if it is likened to a war, fighting the current Covid-19 pandemic is like a war that drains energy, mind, mentality, and fighting spirit. A war that requires vigilance, speed, synergy, and the use of science and technology. Keywords: TNI; Pandemic; Covid-19; OMSP; DOI: 10.7176/NMMC/100-04 Publication date: January 31st 2022