20 research outputs found


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    The problems in this study are: (1) Does motivation affect service quality in the Revenue Agency of Lampung Province, (2) Does the work environment affect the service quality of the Lampung Province Regional Revenue Agency, (3) Does motivation and work environment and motivation motivate on Service Quality at the Lampung Province Regional Revenue Agency.The research method used in this study is quantitative. The study population was 93 employees at the Lampung Province Regional Revenue Agency. While the sample is 93 people or a total sample. The research variables are Motivation (X1), and work environment (X2) as independent variables and Service Quality is the dependent variable (Y). To test the hypothesis proposed, analysis techniques are used through Multiple Regression to determine the effect of the independent variable (X1), namely Motivation and (X2) work environment and the dependent variable (Y), namely the quality of service at the Lampung Province Regional Revenue Agency.The results showed that from the adjusted R2 coefficient value of 0.674 which showed that 67.4% of the variation in service quality (YŶ) was determined jointly by motivation (X1) and work environment (X2). The remaining 33.6% is influenced by other causes not included in this research model and still requires further research. R value of 0.821 indicates a strong positive correlation between motivation (X1) and work environment (X2) with service quality (Y). Positive correlation means that ups and downs of service quality always go in the direction of the level of motivation and work environment. If motivation and work environment are at the maximum level, the quality of service will be good too. Conversely, if the motivation and work environment is not good then the quality of service will be bad too. Furthermore, strong correlation means that the results of the above regression tests are very suitable for predicting the simultaneous effect of motivation and work environment on service quality at the Lampung Province Regional Revenue Agency


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    The problems in this study are: (1) Does the Performance of the State Civil Apparatus  affect the Quality of Service in the Village Administration Section of the District of Pesawaran District (2) Does the Discipline of the Civil Service  affect the Quality of Service at the Government Division of the Regional Secretariat Village Pesawaran Regency(3) Does the Performance and Discipline of the State Civil Apparatus  jointly influence the quality of service in the Village Administration Section of the Pesawaran Regency Regional Secretariat.This research uses analytical survey method. This study aims to analyze the influence between the variables studied, namely state civil apparatus Performance (X1),  Discipline (X2), improve service quality (Y) in this study used quantitative research types to verify the research hypothesis. These methods and techniques were chosen because they allow a more extensive study of the influence of the research variables.The results showed that there was a significant influence of both state civil apparatus performance and state civil apparatus discipline on service quality in the Village Administration Section of Pesawaran District Regional Secretariat, the greatest influence of state civil apparatus performance variables and state civil apparatus discipline was state civil apparatus Performance variable which was 69.03 percent or was in the high category , state civil apparatus discipline is 67.96 percent, or it is in the sufficient category. Based on the results of the study, that the contribution of  state civil apparatus Performance variables and state civil apparatus discipline to service quality, is in the quite good category but not yet optimal. This is due to the relative lack of work facilities and the absence of optimal application of regulations, so that employees have not been able to carry out their duties optimally, which results in suboptimal quality of service in the Village Administration Section of the District of Pesawaran Distric


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    Careers involve identifying career-related goals and preparing plans to achieve goals in the workplace organization. Realistic career planning forces individuals to see opportunities that exist in relation to their abilities. Career planning for educational staff is a process by which educational staff can identify and take steps to achieve their career goals in the world of education. This writing uses the literature review method. Literature review is used to look for theories or concepts related to the selection and planning of change strategies. The management and career planning of the education staff is ultimately the responsibility of the education staff themselves. But educational organizations or institutions, of course, must intervene and play a role in the form of assistance to motivate educational staff to achieve their career goals. The role of organizations here can be in the form of providing career education, career information, and career guidance, and specifically providing orientation, training, creating fair promotions, and others


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    The implementation of Government Regulation Number 39 Year 2018 regarding Protocols in the Protocol and Communication Section of Leaders is still not going well, this is because there are still many protocol staff who do not understand the rules of the Protocol itself and are still based on existing customs. That can be an obstacle in the service of protocol in the Protocol and Communication Section of the Head of the Regional Secretariat of West Lampung Regency. The research approach uses a qualitative descriptive approach. The results showed that the implementation of Government Regulation Number 39 Year 2018 on Protocol in the Protocol and Communication Section of the Head of the Regional Secretariat of West Lampung Regency was still not going well because of the inhibiting factors, namely inadequate Human Resources  in the field of protocols as well as facilities and infrastructure tasks. protocol that has not yet fulfilled capacity


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    The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative method. The use of this method is to describe the Organizational Environment in Support of Organizational Performance at the Library and Education Service of West Lampung Regency, qualitatively examining how all data is obtained directly from informants in the field using interviews and document studies. The results showed that the organizational environment at the Department of Library and Education of West Lampung Regency is one of the causes of success in carrying out a job, because the organizational environment can affect workers, especially the organizational environment that is psychological in nature. The organizational environment at the West Lampung Regency Library and Readiness Service aims to provide maximum work comfort, so that employees in providing quality services, in the sense that if employees work and the results of the work get appreciation and recognition, then the work must be of quality. Supporting and inhibiting aspects in an effort to improve the organizational environment at the Library and Readiness Office of West Lampung Regency. These aspects can occur both internally and externally to the organization. Internal factors include elements contained in the body of the organization, namely the Library and Readiness Service of West Lampung Regency. Then the external factors of aspects that come from outside the West Lampung Regency Library and Readiness Service, such as local government, relevant agencies and the community. This occurs because a good organizational environment has been strived for, but it has not materialized as expected because there are still employees who are not fully comfortable with the existing organizational environment, such as air circulation, noise in the workplace


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    The National Family Planning Program is one of the programs to improve the quality of the population, the quality of human resources, health and social welfare which has so far been implemented through birth control, maturing the age of marriage, increasing family resilience and family welfare. The policy to increase the participation of men in family planning and reproductive health was only launched in the new era of family planning in 2000. The policy of increasing the participation of men in family planning is still relatively new so that the implementation in the field is still uneven. Some have implemented the policy, some have just been socialized and some have not been touched at all. One of the many targets that will be achieved by the family planning program in the long term in order to achieve quality families in 2021. The purpose of this study was to determine the participation of male acceptors in the family planning program. This research is a qualitative research which contains descriptive research and tends to use analysis. The results of this research will be published in national or international journals


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    The essence of local government in an area is to provide services to the community both in terms of quality and quantity, which means that the government as a public servant is required to "perform" well so that it has an impact on increasing community satisfaction. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy on public satisfaction at the Menggala District Office, Tulang Bawang Regency, either partially or simultaneously . The data collection techniques in this study were observation, questionnaires and documentation. The population in this study amounted to 58 people. The research method uses associative descriptive method. In this study the authors used qualitative and quantitative data analysis.In general, the results of this research are as follows: 1) Tangibles have a positive effect on public satisfaction at the Menggala District Office, Tulang Bawang Regency, 2) Reliability has a positive effect on public satisfaction at the Menggala District Office, Tulang Bawang Regency, 3) Responsiveness has a positive effect on public satisfaction at the Menggala District Office, Tulang Bawang Regency, 4) Assurance has a positive effect on public satisfaction at the Menggala District Office, Tulang Bawang Regency, 5) Empathy has a positive effect on public satisfaction at the Office Menggala District, Tulang Bawang Regency and 6) Tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy together have a positive effect on public satisfaction at the Menggala District Office, Tulang Bawang Regency

    Coronavirus Diseases -19: an overview in education, agriculture, and communication perspectives

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    As it emerged at the end of December 2020 in Wuhan, China, Coronavirus has now spread to many countries, which affected several sectors of human life. This paper aims to describe the impact of covid-19 on education, agriculture, and communication in Indonesia. In education, COVID-19 impacted the teaching methods. Teachers utilized e-learning during the COVID-19 pandemic, such as Schoology, Edmodo, Google Classroom, Facebook, WhatsApp, and Zoom. In agriculture, coronavirus impacted downstream and upstream agriculture. As the main food producer, farmers should be protected from the dangers of the coronavirus to maintain food security. All people need to consume food based on agricultural products. In communication, coronavirus makes society change in the use of communication media. New media is more interactive and creates a new understanding of interpersonal communication

    Culture Approach as Innovation in Development of Infrastructure

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    The cultural approach to implementing public infrastructure policies is new. The approaches commonly used in implementing policies are structural approaches (organizational roles), procedural and management approaches (network planning and control; program evaluation and review techniques), behavioral approaches: communication, complete information at each stage and a political approach (interdepartemental aspects of politics). This shows that, the cultural approach is an innovation of policy implementation to establish a model of policy implementation innovation with a cultural approach, researchers investigate in a case study of a simultaneous village building program (GSM) in the Tulang Bawang regency of Lampung Province. This study uses a qualitative approach that describes and explains the symptoms and trends in phenomena that appear at the research location.The results obtained, the implementation of the GSMK program is based on the value of mutual cooperation which in local terms Lampung is called sakai sambayan. Sakai Sambayan, covering a broad understanding, such as mutual cooperation, help to help, tolerance to others and to others both morally and materially at times of pleasure and distress.This value provides a spirit in the implementation of the GSMK program in Tulang Bawang Regency. The GSMK program is a movement carried out by, from, and for the people of Tulang Bawang Regency to do good together in an effort to accelerate infrastructure development in 147 villages simultaneously throughout the Tulang Bawang Regency with a budget sourced from non-government organizations, private parties from each village and Community Direct Assistance (BLM) of the APBD of Tulang Bawang Regency. This program is considered quite successful by many people, the innovation of cultural approaches in the implementation of policies makes it an alternative so that policies can be successful and goals can be achieved. Keywords: Cultural Approaches; Innovation; Implementation of infrastructure programs DOI: 10.7176/PPAR/9-9-07 Publication date:September 30th 201

    Application of Sharia Principles in Sharia Financial Institutions

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    This study analyzes related to Islamic Financial Institutions (LKS). Which currently exists and is growing quite rapidly. There have been numerous variations of LKS throughout Indonesia, including Islamic institutions. LKS is a financial institution that operates following Sharia law. LKS, a financial institution with Sharia principles, was originally present as an option and a solution for Muslims who want to avoid the practice of conventional banks or financial institutions. LKS was originally offered as a sharia-compliant financial organization for Muslims who want to escape the practice of banks or traditional financial institutions that use the interest system, but they can also be a choice for non-Muslims. Therefore, there are problems why the application of Sharia principles by LKS is an urgent problem and what are the conditions for applying Sharia principles by LKS. The research method used is normative legal research with a case approach. The study results indicate that the LKS organizer is expected to have a vision in which the LKS remains in the principles of Sharia