6 research outputs found

    Sistemi meşrulaştırma ve düzenleme odağı yöneliminin namus ve namus temelli şiddetin onaylanmasına etkisi.

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    The aim of this study was to explore the association between System Justification Theory (SJT), Regulatory Focus Theory (RFT), honor endorsement (HE) and attitudes towards honor based violence against women (ATHRV). In some cultures, honor is associated with women’s sexual purity. The obsession with honor leads to domination and control of women. Besides, women who are thought to spoil their honor are exposed to violence that can result in death. RFT offers two distinct orientations to self-regulation: promotion and prevention focus. One of the main assumptions of RFT is that dominant promotion focus is concerned with ideals and dominant prevention focus is concerned with oughts. SJT suggests that people have a motivation to justify the system even at the expense of ego and group justification needs. People tend to justify traditional gender roles and believe that women deserve what they get. It can be argued that prevention focused self-regulation can play a significant role in the justification of honor and honor related violence. Specifically, through three studies this research aimed to show whether SJT and RFT are linked to honor and interact with each other in predicting HE, ATHRV, and implicit outcomes associated with honor. Study I (N = 553) developed and established a valid scale of Honor System Justification (HSJ). Study II (N = 366) tested this scale and demonstrated that prevention focus plays a role in understanding HE and ATHRV. HSJ was also associated with honor and mediated the relationship between prevention focus and HE and ATHRV. Study III (N = 214) employed two additional implicit measures. HSJ mediated the relationship between regulatory focus and HE and ATHRV. Moreover, participants showed implicit support for honor. Through three studies, a new perspective was provided to literature to understand positive attitudes towards honor and prevent honor based violence against women. Findings of the studies were discussed in the light of relevant literature.Ph.D. - Doctoral Progra

    The mediating effect of honor system justification on the relationship between regulatory focus and honot related violence

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    The purpose of the study was to examine the mediating effect of honor system justification on the relationship between promotion-prevention regulatory focus and attitudes toward honor related violence against women in Turkey which is accepted as honor cultur

    Honor and violence against women in the name of honor in honor cultures

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    The purpose of this article is to review studies focusing on honor, especially honor defined over women’s behavior, and violence against women in the name of honor in the cultures of honor. In this regard, first of all the meaning of honor in different cultures is mentioned and then the meaning of honor in the cultures of honor is discussed. Through addressing the traditional roles in the cultures of honor, different roles and responsibilities of men and women in relation to honor is given. The perception of the word honor in Turkey is emphasized and social psychological variables (such as sexism, patriarchy, religion, self-worth, insult and shame) which are associated with honor are presented. Firstly, the effects of sexism, patriarchy, masculinity and femininity on attitudes toward women and the perception of honor and honor violence are explained. Then, research on the relationship between religion and honor is presented. Later, the relation among socio-economic status, protecting self-worth and honor is stated. In addition, through emphasizing the relationship between insult and emotion, research focusing on the relations among honor, social image, shame, and violence are presented. Then, honor crimes including honor killings are focused. Finally, research findings about how people who commit honor killings are perceived by the society and what kind of emotions the honor killers have are shared and a general conclusion and suggestions are givenBu makalenin amacı namus kültürlerinde özellikle kadın üzerinden tanımlanan namus kavramına odaklanarak namus, namus adına kadına uygulanan şiddet ve namus cinayetleri hakkında yapılan çalışmaları derlemektir. Bu bağlamda, öncelikle namus kavramının farklı kültürlerdeki anlamına değinilmekte ve sonrasında namus kültürlerinde ne anlama geldiği tartışılmaktadır. Namus kültürlerinde geleneksel roller ele alınarak, kadınların ve erkeklerin farklı rol ve sorumluluklarının namus ile ilişkisinden bahsedilmektedir. Namus kelimesinin Türkiye’de nasıl algılandığı üzerinde durulmakta ve konuyla ilişkili sosyal psikolojik değişkenler ele alınmaktadır. İlk olarak, kadına yönelik tutumların açıklanmasında önemle üzerinde durulan ve birbirleri ile bağlantılı olan cinsiyetçilik, ataerkillik, erkeksilik ve kadınsılık değişkenlerinin namus algısı ve namus suçları üzerindeki etkisi açıklanmaktadır. Dindarlığın ve özellikle Müslümanlığın namus ile ilişkisi hakkında yapılan araştırmalar sunulmaktadır. Ardından, sosyo-ekonomik düzey ve benlik değerini korumanın namus ile ilişkisini inceleyen araştırmalara değinilmektedir. Ayrıca, namus, hakaret etme ve duygu durum arasındaki ilişki üzerinde durularak, namusun bireylerin sosyal imajıyla doğrudan bağlantılı olduğu, bu imaja yönelik bir tehdidin kızgınlık ve utanca neden olarak bireyleri şiddete yöneltebileceğine değinen çalışmalar sunulmaktadır. Sonrasında, namus suçları ve namus cinayetlerine odaklanılmaktadır. Tüm dünyada ve Türkiye’de, kadınların namussuz olarak değerlendirilen çeşitli davranışlarından dolayı şiddete maruz kalmasını ve öldürülmesini konu alan yayınlara değinilmektedir. Son olarak, namus cinayeti işleyen kişilerin toplum tarafından nasıl algılandığı ve namus cinayeti işleyenlerin ne tür bir duygu durumda bulundukları ile ilgili araştırma sonuçları paylaşılarak genel bir sonuç ve öneriler bölümü sunulmaktadı

    The role of mortality salience and reason of conflict in victim blaming

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    The present study examined the role of mortality salience and reason of conflict in victim blaming. Participants who contemplated about their own death expressed more tolerance toward victim in the honor-based conflict condition than in the financial conflict condition

    Dolaylı Utanma Ölçeğinin Amerika Örnekleminde Geçerlik ve Güvenirliği

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    Embarrassment is a self-conscious, unpleasant emotional response that results from violation of social conventions and expectations. Recent studies have shown that people may also experience embarrassment resulting from witnessing embarrassing behaviors of strangers. This emotional response to the mishaps of others is known as 'empathic embarrassment' or 'vicarious embarrassment'. The purpose of this study is to test the reliability and validity of Vicarious Embarrassment Scale in an American sample (Ns = 616) and examine its correlates with related constructs. As a result, people scoring higher in vicarious embarrassment also scored higher in susceptibility to embarrassment, fear of negative evaluation, empathy and perspective-taking, but scored lower in self-esteem. In addition, the findings suggest that vicarious embarrassment involves more than just empathy and perspective-taking