58 research outputs found

    Co-synthesis of Human Ξ΄-Aminolevulinate Dehydratase (ALAD) Mutants with the Wild-type Enzyme in Cell-free Systemβ€”Critical Importance of Conformation on Enzyme Activityβ€”

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    Properties of mutant Ξ΄-aminolevulinate dehydratase (ALAD) found in patients with ALAD porphyria were studied by enzymological and immunological analyses after the synthesis of enzyme complexes using a cell-free system. Enzyme activities of homozygous G133R, K59N/G133R, V153M, and E89K mutants were 11%, 22%, 67%, and 75% of the wild-type ALAD, respectively, whereas that of K59N, a normal variant, was 112%. Enzyme activities of L273R, C132R and F12L were undetectable. Co-synthesis of F12L, L273R, G133R, K59N/G133R, or C132R mutants with the wild-type at various ratios showed that ALAD activity was proportionally decreased in the amount of the wild-type in the complex. In contrast, co-synthesis of V153M, K59N, and E89K with the wild-type did not influence enzyme activity of the wild-type. Surface charge changes in K59N, E89K, C132R and G133R predicted by mutations were also confirmed by native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. A compound E89K and C132R complex showed ALAD activity similar to that was found in erythrocytes of the patient. These findings indicate that cell-free synthesis of ALAD proteins reflects enzymatic activities found in patients, and suggest that, in addition to the direct effect of mutations on the catalytic activity, conformational effects play an important role in determining enzyme activity

    Purification and characterization of cysteine aminotransferase from rat liver cytosol.

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    Cysteine aminotransferase (L-cysteine: 2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase, EC was purified over 400-fold from the high-speed supernatant fraction of rat liver. The purified enzyme was homogeneous as judged by gel filtration, isoelectric focusing and disc electrophoresis. The molecular weight of the enzyme was about 74,000 by gel filtration and the isoelectric point was 6.2 (4 degrees C). The enzyme catalyzed transamination between L-cysteine and 2-oxoglutarate and the reverse reaction. The optimum pH was 9.7. The Km value for L-cysteine was 22.2 mM, and that for 2-oxoglutaric acid was 0.06 mM. L-Aspartate was a potent inhibitor of the cysteine aminotransferase reaction. The enzyme was very active toward L-alanine 3-sulfinic acid at pH 8.0, and was also very active toward L-aspartic acid (Km = 1.6 mM). Ratios of activities for L-aspartic acid and L-cysteine were essentially constant during the purification of the enzyme. Evidence based on substrate specificity, enzyme inhibition, and physicochemical properties indicates that cytosolic cysteine aminotransferase is identical with cytosolic aspartate aminotransferase (L-aspartate: 2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase, EC</p

    Tissue contents and urinary excretion of taurine after administration of L-cysteine and L-2-oxothiazolidine-4-carboxylate to rats.

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    &lt;p&gt;Tissue contents and urinary excretion of taurine were studied in rats after the administration of L-cysteine and its derivatives. Average taurine content in the liver of rats fed a 25% casein diet for 7 days increased 2-fold 2h after the intraperitoneal administration of 5 mmol of L-cysteine per kg of body weight, whereas that in rats fed a 5% casein diet for 2 days increased only slightly. The difference in the liver taurine contents between these two groups was discussed in relation to cysteine dioxygenase. Taurine contents in the heart, brain and blood did not differ significantly between these two groups or between the control and the group of rats which received L-cysteine. The increase in liver taurine concentrations after L-cysteine administration was much higher than that after L-cystine administration, suggesting a difference in their absorption. The intraperitoneal administration of 5 mmol/kg of L-2-oxothiazolidine-4-carboxylate (OTCA) resulted in a 3-fold increase in liver taurine content. The average increase in taurine excretion in the 24-h urine after OTCA administration corresponded to about 6.0% and that in the next 24-h urine to about 2.6% of OTCA administered, suggesting that nearly 10% of OTCA was metabolized to taurine and excreted in the urine.&lt;/p&gt;</p

    Determination of hypotaurine and taurine in blood plasma of rats after the administration of L-cysteine.

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    A method for the simultaneous determination of hypotaurine and taurine was developed. The method consisted of the elimination of urea, which interfered with the determination of hypotaurine, by immobilized urease, and determination of hypotaurine and taurine with an amino acid analyzer. The analyzer equipped with a cation-exchange column was operated at 32 degrees C with 0.2 M sodium citrate buffer, pH 2.8. Using this method, the dynamics of hypotaurine and taurine in blood plasma of rats was studied after the intraperitoneal injection of L-cysteine. The concentration of cysteine reached the maximum 1 h after L-cysteine loading. The concentration of hypotaurine and taurine increased in parallel and reached the maximum 2 h after L-cysteine loading. These changes seem to indicate the precursor-product relationship of these substances and the rapid conversion of hypotaurine to taurine in vivo.</p

    Heme and non-heme iron transporters in non-polarized and polarized cells

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Heme and non-heme iron from diet, and recycled iron from hemoglobin are important products of the synthesis of iron-containing molecules. In excess, iron is potentially toxic because it can produce reactive oxygen species through the Fenton reaction. Humans can absorb, transport, store, and recycle iron without an excretory system to remove excess iron. Two candidate heme transporters and two iron transporters have been reported thus far. Heme incorporated into cells is degraded by heme oxygenases (HOs), and the iron product is reutilized by the body. To specify the processes of heme uptake and degradation, and the reutilization of iron, we determined the subcellular localizations of these transporters and HOs.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this study, we analyzed the subcellular localizations of 2 isoenzymes of HOs, 4 isoforms of divalent metal transporter 1 (DMT1), and 2 candidate heme transporters--heme carrier protein 1 (HCP1) and heme responsive gene-1 (HRG-1)--in non-polarized and polarized cells. In non-polarized cells, HCP1, HRG-1, and DMT1A-I are located in the plasma membrane. In polarized cells, they show distinct localizations: HCP1 and DMT1A-I are located in the apical membrane, whereas HRG-1 is located in the basolateral membrane and lysosome. 16Leu at DMT1A-I N-terminal cytosolic domain was found to be crucial for plasma membrane localization. HOs are located in smooth endoplasmic reticulum and colocalize with NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>HCP1 and DMT1A-I are localized to the apical membrane, and HRG-1 to the basolateral membrane and lysosome. These findings suggest that HCP1 and DMT1A-I have functions in the uptake of dietary heme and non-heme iron. HRG-1 can transport endocytosed heme from the lysosome into the cytosol. These localization studies support a model in which cytosolic heme can be degraded by HOs, and the resulting iron is exported into tissue fluids via the iron transporter ferroportin 1, which is expressed in the basolateral membrane in enterocytes or in the plasma membrane in macrophages. The liberated iron is transported by transferrin and reutilized for hemoglobin synthesis in the erythroid system.</p

    Transamination of L-cysteine sulfinate in the growing rat.

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    The enzyme activities involved in the transamination of L-cysteine sulfinate (L-alanine 3-sulfinic acid), L-aspartate and L-cysteine were examined in fetal, neonatal and maternal rat liver and placenta. In fetal and neonatal rat liver, aminotransferase activity was most active with L-cysteine sulfinate as a substrate and was also active with L-aspartate, while activity with L-cysteine was very low. The activity of transamination of L-cysteine sulfinate in rat liver developed in parallel with that of L-aspartate and L-cysteine. The aminotransferase activity markedly increased after the 19th day of gestation, reaching the same value as adult liver on the 3rd day after birth. The ratios of transamination of L-cysteine sulfinate to that of L-aspartate and to that of L-cysteine were constant during development. These observations suggest that L-cysteine sulfinate, L-aspartate and L-cysteine are transaminated by the same enzyme in the rat liver during development. Since placental aminotransferase activity was extremely low compared with that of the liver, it was suggested that the placenta did not play an important role in the transamination of these amino acids during pregnancy.</p

    Preparation of a volatile derivative of taurine and application to gas chromatographic determination of urinary taurine.

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    A new volatile derivative of taurine, N-isobutoxycarbonyltaurine methyl ester (methyl 2-(N-isobutoxycarbonylamino)ethanesulfonate), was prepared by a three-step procedure for the gas chromatographic determination of taurine in urine. First, taurine was converted to its silver salt by reaction with silver oxide; next the silver salt was reacted with isobutyl chloroformate to form the N-isobutoxycarbonyl derivative, and finally the derivative was reacted with methyl iodide to form N-isobutoxycarbonyltaurine methyl ester. The volatile derivative was analyzed by gas chromatography using a column of 3% OV-101 on Chromosorb W. When methyl 3-(N-isobutoxycarbonylamino) propanesulfonate was used as an internal standard, the calibration curve was linear between 0.5 and 5.0 mumol of taurine/ml and showed a good reproducibility. This method was applied to the determination of taurine in human urine. Recovery was 98.6 +/- 5.2%, when 1.25 to 5.0 mumol/ml of taurine was added to human urine.</p

    Excretion of 3-Mercaptolactate-Cysteine Disulfide, Sulfate and Taurine in human Urine before and after Oral Administration of Sulfur-containing Amino Acids.

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    The excretion of 3-mercaptolactate-cysteine mixed disulfide [S-(2-hydroxy-2-carboxyethylthio)-L-cysteine, HCETC], sulfate and taurine in the urine of normal adults was investigated before and after oral administration of L-cysteine and related sulfur-containing amino acids. Before the loading of amino acids, the excretion (mean +/- SD) per kg of body weight per day of HCETC, free sulfate and taurine was 0.096 +/- 0.042, 305.7 +/- 66.1 and 31.9 +/- 8.7 mumols, respectively. After the loading of L-cysteine (800 mumols/kg of body weight), the average excretion in the 24-h urine of HCETC increased 2-fold and that of taurine increased 1.6-fold. The average excretion of free sulfate after the L-cysteine loading was 989.4 +/- 145.1 and 388.8 +/- 51.6 mumols/kg per day in the first and second 24-h urine, respectively, indicating that the sulfur corresponding to 85% of the L-cysteine loaded was excreted as free sulfate in 24 h. Administration of L-cystine (400 mumols/kg) resulted in similar results. The increase in HCETC after L-cysteine or L-cystine administration indicates that L-cysteine is metabolized in part through the transamination pathway (3-mercaptopyruvate pathway) and that an equilibrium exists between the intake and excretion of sulfur in humans.</p

    Heme Oxygenase-1 is an Essential Cytoprotective Component in Oxidative Tissue Injury Induced by Hemorrhagic Shock

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    Hemorrhagic shock causes oxidative stress that leads to tissue injuries in various organs including the lung, liver, kidney and intestine. Excess amounts of free heme released from destabilized hemoproteins under oxidative conditions might constitute a major threat because it can catalyze the formation of reactive oxygen species. Cells counteract this by rapidly inducing the rate-limiting enzyme in heme breakdown, heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1), which is a low-molecular-weight stress protein. The enzymatic HO-1 reaction removes heme. As such, endogenous HO-1 induction by hemorrhagic shock protects tissues from further degeneration by oxidant stimuli. In addition, prior pharmacological induction of HO-1 ameliorates oxidative tissue injuries induced by hemorrhagic shock. In contrast, the deletion of HO-1 expression, or the chemical inhibition of increased HO activity ablated the beneficial effect of HO-1 induction, and exacerbates tissue damage. Thus, HO-1 constitutes an essential cytoprotective component in hemorrhagic shock-induced oxidative tissue injures. This article reviews recent advances in understanding of the essential role of HO-1 in experimental models of hemorrhagic shock-induced oxidative tissue injuries with emphasis on the role of its induction in tissue defense

    alpha-lipoic acid suppresses 6-hydroxydoparnine-induced ROS generation and apoptosis through the stimulation of glutathione synthesis but not by the expression of heme oxygenase-1

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    We previously reported that the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) is the initial event in cell death induced by 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA), an experimental model of Parkinsonism. Since recent studies suggested the important role of antioxidant activity of alpha-lipoic acid (LA) in the suppression of apoptosis of various types, we studied the effect on 6-OHDA-induced apoptosis of PC12 cells. Biochemical analysis revealed that LA suppressed the 6-OHDA-induced ROS generation, increase of caspase-like activity and chromatin condensation. The suppression of 6-OHDA-induced apoptosis by LA required pre-incubation of PC12 cells with LA for 12-24 h. LA increased the intracellular levels of heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) and glutathione (GSH) and stimulated the expression of GSH synthesis-related genes such as cystine/glutamate antiporter and gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase (gamma-GCS). However, Sn-mesoporphyrin IX, an inhibitor of HO-1, did not attenuate the LA-induced suppression of apoptosis. In contrast, buthionine sulfoximine, an inhibitor of gamma-GCS, attenuated the LA-induced suppression of ROS generation and chromatin condensation. in addition, a transcription factor Nrf2, which regulates the expression of antioxidant enzymes such as gamma-GCS, translocated to the nucleus by LA. These results suggested that LA suppressed the 6-OHDA induced-apoptosis by the increase in cellular glutathione through stimulation of the GSH synthesis system but not by the expression of HO-1.</p
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