14 research outputs found

    Test of New Beam Loss Monitors for SOLEIL

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    International audienceSoleil is currently testing new beam loss monitors to replace its pin-diode based existing system. The new detectors are made of plastic scintillators associated with photomultiplier and connected to Libera BLM dedicated electronics. This new detector should provide both fast (turn by turn) and slow (averaged) loss measurements, post mortem capabilities and should be less sensitive to the beam directivity compared to the pin-diodes. Different methods for a relative calibration of the modules are under investigation, either using a diode (LED) or a cesium radioactive source. Calibration results and first measurements with beam are presented

    Design of the Transverse Feedback Kicker for ThomX

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    International audienceThomX is a Compton source project in the range of the hard X rays to be installed in 2017. The machine is composed of an injector Linac and a storage ring where an electron bunch collides with a laser pulse accumulated in a FabryPerot resonator. The final goal is to provide an X-rays average flux of 1011÷10¹³ ph/s. To achieve this target, it is required to install a transverse feedback system to suppress instabilities generated by injection position jitter sources, resistive wall impedance or collective effects. This paper describes the design and simulation studies of the stripline kicker that will be used for the transverse feedback system

    Mechanical Engineering Solutions for COXINEL Project

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    International audienceCOXINEL (COherent Xray source INferred from Electrons accelerated by Laser) is a European Research Council (ERC) advance grant aims at demonstrating Free Electron Laser amplification at 200 nm with 180 MeV electrons generated by laser plasma acceleration. A special electron beam transfer line with adequate diagnostics has been designed for this project. Strong-focusing variable-field permanent magnet quadrupoles, energy de-mixing chicane and a set of conventional quadrupoles condition the electron beam before its entrance to an In-Vacuum U20 undulator. This presentation describes some of the features incorporated into the design of the magnets, girders, vacuum vessels and diagnostic equipment for this experimental machine. Progress on the equipment preparation and installation is presented as well

    Towards a Free Electron Laser Using Laser Plasma Acceleration

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    International audienceSince the laser invention, the advent of X-ray Free Electron Lasers (FEL) half a century later, opens new areas for matter investigation. In parallel, the spectacular development of laser plasma acceleration (LPA) with several GeV beam acceleration in an extremely short distance appears very promising. As a first step, the qualification of the LPA with a FEL application sets a first challenge. Still, energy spread and beam divergence do not meet the state-of-the-art performance of the conventional accelerators and have to be manipulated to fulfill the FEL requirement. We report here on the undulator spontaneous emission measured after a transport manipulation electron beam line, using variable permanent magnet quadrupoles of variable strength for emittance handing and a demixing chicane equipped with a slit for the energy spread. Strategies of control electron beam position and dispersion have been elaborated. The measured undulator radiation provides an insight on the electron beam properties

    Electron Transport on COXINEL Beam Line

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    International audienceCOXINEL experiment aims at demonstrating free electron laser (FEL) amplification with a laser plasma accelerator (LPA). For COXINEL, a dedicated 8 m transport line has been designed and prepared at SOLEIL. We present here LPA beam transport results around 180 MeV through this line. Different electron beam optics were applied

    Study of the Electron Transport in the COXINEL FEL Beamline Using a Laser-Plasma Accelerated Electron Beam

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    International audienceThe ERC Advanced Grant COXINEL aims at demonstrating free electron laser (FEL) at 200 nm, based on a laser-plasma accelerator (LPA). To achieve the FEL amplification a transport line was designed to manipulate the beam properties. The 10 m long COXINEL line comprises a first triplet of permanent-magnet variable-strength quadrupoles (QUAPEVA), which handles the large divergence of LPA electrons, a magnetic chicane, which reduces the slice energy spread, and finally a set of electromagnetic quadrupoles, which provides a chromatic focusing in a 2-m undulator. Electrons were successfully transported through the line from LPA with ionization-assisted self-injection (broad energy spectra up to~250 MeV, few-milliradian divergence)

    Control of Laser Plasma Accelerated Electrons: A Route for Compact Free Electron Lasers

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    International audienceThe recent spectacular development of laser plasma ac- celerators that now can deliver GeV electron beams in an extremelyshortdistancemakesthemverypromising. Ap- plications for light sources based on undulator radiation and free electron laser appear as an intermediate step to move from an acceleration concept to an accelerator qual- ification. However, the presently achieved divergence and energy spread require some electron beam manipulations. The COXINEL test line was designed for enabling Free Elec- tron Laser operation with baseline reference parameters. It comprises variable permanent magnet quadrupoles for di- vergence handling, a magnetic chicane for electron energy sorting, a second set of quadrupole for chromatic focusing and an undulator for synchrotron radiation emission and/or free electron laser gain medium. The transport along the line is controlled [1]. The synchrotron radiation emitted by the undulator radiation is studied under different conditions of detection (CCD camera, spectrometer), electron beam manipulation and undulator parameters. These observations pave the way towards Laser Plasma Acceleration based Free Electron Laser

    Progress Towards Laser Plasma Electron Based Free Electron Laser on COXINEL

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    International audienceLaser plasma acceleration (LPA) with up to several GeV beam in very short distance appears very promising. The Free Electron Laser (FEL), though very challenging, can be viewed as a qualifying application of these new emerging LPAs. The energy spread and divergence, larger than from conventional accelerators used for FEL, have to be manipulated to fulfil the FEL requirements. On the test experiment COXINEL (ERC340015), the beam is controlled in a manipulation [1,2] line, using permanent magnet quadrupoles of variable strength [3] for emittance handing and a decompression chicane equipped with a slit for the energy selection, enabling FEL amplification for baseline reference parameters [2]. The electron position and dispersion are independently adjusted [4]. The measured spontaneous emission radiated by a 2 m long 18 mm period cryo-ready undulator exhibits the typical undulator spatio-spectral pattern, in agreement with the modelling of the electron beam travelling along the line and of the afferent photon generation. The wavelength is easily tuned with undulator gap variation. A wavelength stability of 2.6% is achieved. The undulator linewidth can be controlled