97 research outputs found

    Coping with Macular Degeneration: Three Case Studies

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    Educational Objectives 1. Learn about the diagnosis and available treatments for Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD). 2. Explain the differences between Dry and Wet AMD. 3. Understand the impact of vision loss on the lives of older adults

    Baryon Inhomogeneity Generation in the Quark-Gluon Plasma Phase

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    We discuss the possibility of generation of baryon inhomogeneities in a quark-gluon plasma phase due to moving Z(3) interfaces. By modeling the dependence of effective mass of the quarks on the Polyakov loop order parameter, we study the reflection of quarks from collapsing Z(3) interfaces and estimate resulting baryon inhomogeneities in the context of the early universe. We argue that in the context of certain low energy scale inflationary models, it is possible that large Z(3) walls arise at the end of the reheating stage. Collapse of such walls could lead to baryon inhomogeneities which may be separated by large distances near the QCD scale. Importantly, the generation of these inhomogeneities is insensitive to the order, or even the existence, of the quark-hadron phase transition. We also briefly discuss the possibility of formation of quark nuggets in this model, as well as baryon inhomogeneity generation in relativistic heavy-ion collisions.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, revtex4, more detailed discussion added about formation and evolution of Z(3)domain walls in the univers

    A study to assess awareness regarding eye donation among post graduate medical students admitted through NEET pre PG 2014 of Gajra Raja medical college Gwalior, M.P., India

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    Background: According to WHO estimates India has 10 million blind populations. Corneal problems cause a significant proportion of blindness in India. Although effective strategies to prevent corneal blindness are likely to be more cost effective, visual rehabilitation by corneal transplantation remains the major treatment for restoring sight in those who already have corneal blindness. The requirement of donor corneas per year is at least 20 times the current procurement. Objective: To assess the knowledge and attitude of post graduate medical students regarding eye donation and their willingness to pledge eyes for donation.Methods: The present study was a cross sectional study conducted using a pretested questionnaire on 116 Post graduate Medical Students but only 106 actually participated in the study.Results: A total of 106 students actually participated in the study. Among them 63 (59.43%) were males and 43 (40.57%) were females. The maximum percentages of the students were of age group 26-29 years. All the students were aware regarding eye donation but still they felt it was necessary to obtain consent from family members.Conclusion: These data showed that although the awareness is good but still there is imperative need to emphasize to evade myths concerning eye donation to promote eye donation.

    A study to assess prevalence of obesity among medical students of G.R. medical college, Gwalior, M. P., India

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    Background: Obesity is emerging as a serious problem throughout the world, not only among adults but also children, teenagers and young adults. Medical education is stressful throughout the whole course of training. Overweight and obesity is one of the preventable cause of morbidity and mortality. The social implications of obesity are a major problem that is often neglected. Objectives of current study were to assess the prevalence of overweight and obesity in medical students and to assess the factors influencing the development of overweight and obesity.Methods:The present study was a cross sectional study of IInd semester medical students in which, a total of 131 students were included. The study involved administration of a pretested questionnaire to the students and their anthropometric measurements.Results:In a batch of 150 students 131 participated in the study in which 90 (68.70%) were males and 41 (31.30%) were females. The prevalence of overweight was 13 (9.93%) and the prevalence of obesity was 2 (1.53%).  Conclusion:The study showed a high prevalence of overweight and obesity among the medical students. At the time of anthropometric measurements awareness was created for their weight and for the promotion of physical activity among medical students.

    Effects of quarks on the formation and evolution of Z(3) walls and strings in relativistic heavy-ion collisions

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    We investigate the effects of explicit breaking of Z(3) symmetry due to the presence of dynamical quarks on the formation and evolution of Z(3) walls and associated QGP strings within Polyakov loop model. We carry out numerical simulations of the first order quark-hadron phase transition via bubble nucleation (which may be appropriate, for example, at finite baryon chemical potential) in the context of relativistic heavy-ion collision experiments. Using appropriate shifting of the order parameter in the Polyakov loop effective potential, we calculate the bubble profiles using bounce technique, for the true vacuum as well as for the metastable Z(3) vacua, and estimate the associated nucleation probabilities. These different bubbles are then nucleated and evolved and resulting formation and dynamics of Z(3) walls and QGP strings is studied. We discuss various implications of the existence of these Z(3) interfaces and the QGP strings, especially in view of the effects of the explicit breaking of the Z(3) symmetry on the formation and dynamical evolution of these objects.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figures, PDFLate

    Identification of Proteins Secreted by Malaria Parasite into Erythrocyte using SVM and PSSM profiles

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    Background: Malaria parasite secretes various proteins in infected RBC for its growth and survival. Thus identification of these secretory proteins is important for developing vaccine/drug against malaria. The existing motif-based methods have got limited success due to lack of universal motif in all secretory proteins of malaria parasite. Results: In this study a systematic attempt has been made to develop a general method for predicting secretory proteins of malaria parasite. All models were trained and tested on a non-redundant dataset of 252 secretory and 252 non-secretory proteins. We developed SVM models and achieved maximum MCC 0.72 with 85.65% accuracy and MCC 0.74 with 86.45% accuracy using amino acid and dipeptide composition respectively. SVM models were developed using split-amino acid and split-dipeptide composition and achieved maximum MCC 0.74 with 86.40% accuracy and MCC 0.77 with accuracy 88.22% respectively. In this study, for the first time PSSM profiles obtained from PSI-BLAST, have been used for predicting secretory proteins. We achieved maximum MCC 0.86 with 92.66% accuracy using PSSM based SVM model. All models developed in this study were evaluated using 5-fold cross-validation technique. Conclusion: This study demonstrates that secretory proteins have different residue composition than non-secretory proteins. Thus, it is possible to predict secretory proteins from its residue composition-using machine learning technique. The multiple sequence alignment provides more information than sequence itself. Thus performance of method based on PSSM profile is more accurate than method based on sequence composition. A web server PSEApred has been developed for predicting secretory proteins of malaria parasites,the URL can be found in the Availability and requirements section
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