40 research outputs found

    Intra-natal Care Practices in Rural Areas of Gaya District, Bihar

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    Context: Antenatal care (ANC) effectively reduces infant and maternal mortality rates mainly by promoting institutional deliveries. In view of this, the Government of India introduced Janani Suraksha Yojna (JSY) in 2005 and Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakram (JSSK) in 2011. Aims: To estimate the proportion of home and institutional deliveries in the district, assess the impact of JSK and JSSY on institutional deliveries, and identify the different intranatal care providers. Settings and Design: This cross-sectional study was conducted in the Gaya district, Bihar. A total of 657 females of the reproductive age group (15-49 years) were included in the study. Methods and Material: Predesigned, pre-tested & semi-structured questionnaire was used to collect information on place of delivery, type of delivery, knowledge regarding JSY and JSSK schemes and source of information Statistical analysis used: Data was entered into excel sheets and analyzed using SPSS version 23 utilizing appropriate statistical methods. Results: Out of 519 deliveries, 63% were institutional and 37% were home deliveries. About 91 and 11.4% of respondents were aware of JSY and JSSK schemes. There was a significant association between those who opted for institutional delivery and awareness regarding JSY and JSSK services. Conclusion: Despite awareness and running of various government programs, the percentage of institutional deliveries is still less. An increase in institutional deliveries at primary care level through JSY and JSSK will not only decrease the Out of Pocket expenditure of the population but also help build faith in the government health facilities

    Pharmacotherapeutic audit meetings as a tool of improving prescribing practices

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    Background: Pharmacotherapeutic audit meeting (PTAM) is a good tool to review prescriptions for rationality and suggest measures for improving quality of prescriptions. To promote this, World Health Organization (WHO) and International Network for Rational Use of Drugs (INRUD) provided drug prescribing and drug use indicators. To assess the impact of PTAMs as an intervention for improving quality and rationality of prescriptions.Methods: This was a single centre, prospective study conducted from December 2018-February 2020. Prescriptions from outpatient surgical departments were collected, screened using WHO/INRUD core indicators and discussed in PTAMs. The same process was repeated over next 2 months to assess change in prescribing patterns after PTAM. Chi-square and Student’s t-test was used for statistical analysis.Results: The difference in proportions for antibiotic prescribing was 8.7% [95% CI (1.0%-16.7%), p=0.02]; injectable preparation use was 0.7% [95% CI (-0.4%-2.3%) p=0.23]; prescriptions with generic name drugs was 10.9% [95% CI (5.6-16.2%) p<0.0001] and prescriptions from Essential drug list (EDL) was 8.1% [95% CI (2.5%-13.5%) p=0.0046].Conclusions: Our research showed PTAM could be an effective tool to implement WHO/INRUD drug prescribing indicators robustly. Hence, it could be included in WHO/INRUD policies as an intricate part of institutional healthcare delivery system

    Evaluating diaphragmatic dysfunction and predicting non-invasive ventilation failure in acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in India

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    Background Baseline diaphragmatic dysfunction (DD) at the initiation of non-invasive ventilation (NIV) correlates positively with subsequent intubation. We investigated the utility of DD detected 2 hours after NIV initiation in estimating NIV failure in acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (AECOPD) patients. Methods In a prospective-cohort design, we enrolled 60 consecutive patients with AECOPD initiated on NIV at intensive care unit admission, and NIV failure events were noted. The DD was assessed at baseline (T1 timepoint) and 2 hours after initiating NIV (T2 timepoint). We defined DD as ultrasound-assessed change in diaphragmatic thickness (ΔTDI) <20% (predefined criteria [PC]) or its cut-off that predicts NIV failure (calculated criteria [CC]) at both timepoints. A predictive-regression analysis was reported. Results In total, 32 patients developed NIV failure, nine within 2 hours of NIV and remaining in the next 6 days. The ∆TDI cut-off that predicted NIV failure (DD-CC) at T1 was ≤19.04% (area under the curve [AUC], 0.73; sensitivity, 50%; specificity, 85.71%; accuracy; 66.67%), while that at T2 was ≤35.3% (AUC, 0.75; sensitivity, 95.65%; specificity, 57.14%; accuracy, 74.51%, hazard ratio, 19.55). The NIV failure rate was 35.1% in those with normal diaphragmatic function by PC (T2) versus 5.9% by CC (T2). The odds ratio for NIV failure with DD criteria ≤35.3 and <20 at T2 was 29.33 and 4.61, while that for ≤19.04 and <20 at T1 was 6, respectively. Conclusions The DD criterion of ≤35.3 (T2) had a better diagnostic profile compared to baseline and PC in prediction of NIV failure

    Perceptions of Medical Students on Research Curriculum: A Cross-sectional Study

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    Introduction: Medical colleges promote research by incorporating it into the curriculum, which enables students to acknowledge it as a career prospect. The aim of the study was to assess the perceptions of medical students on research curriculum. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted among 544 medical students (interns and post-graduates) at AIIMS Rishikesh in 2020. Data was collected thorough online self-administered questionnaire. A comparison between groups was made using the Mann-Whitney test or chi-square test p &lt; 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: Out of 544 participants, 218 (40.1%) responded with complete data. The total median score for the self-perceived ability of study participants regarding performing the research tasks differed significantly between interns and post-graduates [29.5 (24.0–34.2) vs 33 (25.2–39.7), p = 0.03]. They suggested that mandatory research projects, workshops, and training should be included in the curriculum. Conclusion: Feedback from medical students regarding the need for guided research projects, hands-on training, and inclusion of research methodology as a course in UG curriculum and provision of support in the form of incentives, academic credits, and motivation are well noted and guide the resource faculties to modify their teaching and student support programs

    Metabolic syndrome and associated risk factors

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    Television viewing and overweight and obesity amongst children

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    The process of modernization has brought about changes in lifestyle of people leading to improvement in standard of living but it is associated with certain unwanted life styles like decreased physical activity and increased sedentary work. Thus, improvement in motorized transport availability of house hold gadgets like washing machine, vaccum cleaners, dish washers all tend to reduce activity level. Obese and overweight individuals are less active than their lean counterparts. Cross sectional data often reveals that there is an inverse relationship between BMI and physical activity both among adults and children

    Ethephon, an organophosphorous, a Fruit and Vegetable Ripener: Has potential hepatotoxic effects?

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    Introduction: In the recent years, ethephon, 2-chloroethylphosphonic acid, is one of the most commonly used plant growth regulators. At present, it is being used on fruits, vegetables, and cereals for promoting pre- and post-harvest ripening. The effect of artificial ripening has become questionable because of various health-related issues. This study was conducted to note the morphology of liver after ethephon administration as it is the site where chemicals undergo first pass metabolism and probably will be affected by ethephon. Materials and Methods: Adult Wistar albino rats were divided into experimental and control groups (10 each). Ethephon was administered at a dose of 200 mg/kg/day by a gavage tube in the experimental rats for 14 days. The animals were sacrificed within 24 h of the last dose; liver was dissected and processed for light microscopy. Hematoxylin and eosin-stained sections were studied using an image-pro express analyzer. The data obtained from control and experimental groups were statistically analyzed. Results: In the experimental rats, the body weight was found to be significantly decreased. The orderly arrangement of hepatocytes was disrupted and was replaced by blood-filled sinusoids. At sites, hepatocytes appeared to be degenerated. Councilman bodies with pyknotic nuclei and inflammatory infiltrations were seen. The population per unit area of the hepatocytes and Kupffer cells was 29.53 ± 10.65 versus 44.18 ± 10.31 and 25.12 ± 4.41versus 13.05 ± 6.5 in experimental and control groups, respectively. The decrease of hepatocytes and increase of Kupffer cells were found to be statistically significant. Conclusions: The observations in the liver are probably indicative of degenerative changes associated with ethephon. Hence, we can conclude that this plant growth regulator, Fruit and Vegetable Ripener, has hepatotoxic potential. General awareness and regarding the use of such plant growth regulators is must to reduce the intake

    Prevalence of folate, ferritin and cobalamin deficiencies amongst adolescent in India

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    Background: In India, 60-90% of adolescent suffer from anemia. Studies have documented folate, ferritin, and cobalamin deficiencies to be the major causes of nutritional anemia. However, limited data is available on the prevalence of folate, ferritin, and cobalamin deficiencies amongst adolescent from India. Objectives: The present study was carried out to find out the magnitude of folate, ferritin, and cobalamin deficiencies amongst adolescent of 11-18 years of age in National Capital Territory (NCT) of Delhi, India. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional, school-based study was conducted in NCT of Delhi, India in the year 2010-2011. About 347 adolescent belonging to low- (LIG), middle- (MIG), and high-income groups (HIG) were selected using the probability proportionate to size (PPS) sampling methodology. Serum ferritin, serum folate, and serum cobalamin levels were determined by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method, radioimmunoassay (RIA) method, and radioisotopic method, respectively. Hemoglobin (Hb) estimation was done by cyanmethemoglobin method in all the blood samples collected. Results: The prevalence of deficiency of ferritin in HIG, MIG, and LIG categories of adolescent was found to be 52.9, 67, and 58.8%, respectively. In the HIG, MIG, and LIG categories of adolescent, the prevalence of folate deficiency was 22.5, 40.4, and 52.2%, respectively. The prevalence of deficiency of cobalamin in HIG, MIG, and LIG categories of adolescent was 47.1, 80.7 and 87.5%, respectively. About 48, 66.1, and 68.4% of adolescent in the HIG, MIG, and LIG categories, respectively had Hb levels less than 12 g/dL and were found to be suffering from anemia. Conclusions: A high prevalence of anemia existed along with deficiency of ferritin, cobalamin, and folate amongst adolescent. The strategies for prevention of anemia amongst adolescent in India should also include cobalamin along with iron and folate supplementation for prevention and control of nutritional anemia. Primary care physicians should suspect all the three causes for anemia

    Cobalamin and folate deficiencies among children in the age group of 12-59 months in India

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    Background: Anemia is a major public health problem among children under 5 years of age in India. Cobalamin and folate deficiencies play an important role in the etiology of anemia. This study was done to assess the prevalence of cobalamin and folate deficiencies among children in the age group of 12-59 months. Methods: A community-based cross-sectional study was conducted. A total of 470 children were included. Non-fasting venous blood samples were collected from each child for the estimation of serum cobalamin and folate levels. Pattern of dietary consumption of the each child was assessed with the help of the food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) method. Results: The median levels (interquartile range) of serum cobalamin (n = 469) and folate (n = 416) were found to be 275 (202-427) pg/ml and 3.02 (2.02-4.94) ng/ml, respectively. The overall prevalence of cobalamin and folate deficiencies was found to be 180/469 [38.4%; 95% Confidence Interval (CI): 34.1-42.8%] and 263/416 (63.2%; 95% CI: 58.5-67.7%), respectively. Conclusions: A high prevalence of cobalamin and folate deficiencies was found in children under 5 years of age