19 research outputs found


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    The formation and segmentation of the Pripyat–Dnieper–Donetsk aulacogen took place during the Hercynian tectogenesis, when the sinrift Pripyat and Dnieper troughs and the postrift inverted Donetsk folded structure and Carpinsky mountain ridge were formed. The special features of these inverted and noninverted structures are due to their tectonic position, differentiated vertical and horizontal movements of the Earth’s crust blocks along the aulacogen strike, the contribution of transverse fault-shifts to the developmental automism of the longitudinal segments, and their correlation with the old basement structural elements.Формирование и сегментация Припятско-Днепровско-Донецкого авлакогена происходили в процессе герцинского тектогенеза, когда были образованы синрифтовые Припятский и Днепровский прогибы и пострифтовые инверсионные Донецкое складчатое сооружение и кряж Карпинского. Особенности сопряжения этих инверсированных и неинверсированных структур связаны с их тектонической позицией, дифференцированным характером вертикальных и горизонтальных движений блоков земной коры по простиранию авлакогена, ролью поперечных сбросо-сдвигов в  автономизации продольных сегментов, соотношением с элементами древней  архитектуры фундамента

    Припятский ареал позднедевонского магматизма и его связь с плюм-тектоникой Днепровского сегмента литосферы

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    The Pripyat area of the Late-Devonian magmatism (PALDM) covers the eastern and northeastern territories of the lithosphere segment of the same name. The space asymmetry of the PALDM relative to the Pripyat paleorift graben is the fundamental feature of the western side of the Pripyat-Dnieper-Donets aulacogen. The explosive and effusive-intrusive magmatism manifested within this territory in the Late Devonian was determined to a large extent by the premagmatic and synmagmatic destruction of the earth’s crust within the riftogenesis area and a junction with West-Dnieper rift pillow (RP) formed by the core intrusions of the mantle plumes in the region of the Bragin-Loyev Saddle. The synrift shear zones of tension within the PALDM were the tracers for the magmatic melt motion from the deep magmatic chambers towards the upper crustal “chambers” of lowered pressure. Their general geological position is marked by the West-Dnieper RP.Припятский ареал позднедевонского магматизма (ПАПДМ) охватывает восточную и северо-восточную территорию одноименного сегмента литосферы. Пространственная асимметрия ПАПДМ относительно Припятского палеорифтового грабена является фундаментальной особенностью западного фланга Припятско-Днепровско-Донецкого авлакогена. Проявления на этой территории в позднем девоне эксплозивного и эффузивно-интрузивного магматизма в значительной степени определялось пред- и синмагматической деструкцией земной коры в пределах области рифтогенеза и сопряжением в районе Брагинско-Лоевской седловины с Западно-Днепровской рифтовой подушкой (РП), сформированной коровым внедрением мантийных плюмов. Синрифтовые присдвиговые зоны растяжения в ПАПДМ являлись трассерами перемещения магматических расплавов в сторону верхнекоровых «камер» пониженного давления из глубинных магматических очагов. Общегеологическая позиция очагов маркирована Западно-Днепровской РП


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    Different-rank elements of the hydrocarbon accumulation system in the intersalt complex of the Pripyat basin being oil-and-gas accumulation areals and zones have been divided into regions. All the objects divided into regions have been subdivided into the traditional, non-traditional, and complex ones according to the types of their natural reservoirs.Проведено районирование разноранговых элементов системы аккумуляции углеводородов межсолевого комплекса Припятского бассейна – ареалов и зон нефтегазонакопления. Объекты районирования в соответствии с типами природных резервуаров подразделены на традиционные, нетрадиционные и комбинированные

    Западное структурное замыкание Припятско-Днепровско-Донецкого авлакогена

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    In segmented paleorift systems such as the Pripyat–Dnieper–Donetsk aulacogen, which penetrate deep into the continent from the side of the paleoocean margin and most often close here, each segment represents an autonomous structure of the lithosphere. The presented article shows that the tectonic position of the Pripyat paleorift as the western closing segment of the indicated aulacogen was due to a change in the intensity of syn-rift and plate-tectonic processes in the extended rift system from east to west. In the band of the Paleoproterozoic Fenno-Sarmatian collision, the Central Belarusian suture zone of the Central Russian transpression belt isolated by S. V. Bogdanova in 2018 was a blocking transverse barrier to relative development of Hercynian synrift processes in the western direction.В сегментированных палеорифтовых системах типа Припятско-Днепровско-Донецкого авлакогена, которые проникают со стороны палеоокеанической окраины в глубь континента и здесь чаще всего замыкаются, каждый сегмент представляет собой автономную структуру литосферы. В представленном сообщении показано, что тектоническая позиция Припятского палеорифта как западного замыкающего сегмента указанного авлакогена была обусловлена изменением интенсивности синрифтовых и плейт-тектонических процессов в протяженной рифтовой системе с востока на запад. В полосе палеопротерозойской Фенносарматской коллизии Центрально-Белорусская шовная зона обособленного С. В. Богдановой в 2019 г. Центрально-Русского транспрессионного пояса явилась блокирующей поперечной преградой относительно развития герцинских синрифтовых процессов в западном направлении

    Тектонические особенности разнотипных нефтегазоносных бассейнов запада Восточно-Европейской платформы

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    In the Neoproterozoic and Paleozoic, different-type sedimentary basins, some of which are oil-and-gas bearing, were formed in the western East European Platform (EEP). These basins are confined to two types of regional structures – rift intracontinental and passive-coastal. Their tectonic features determined the geological conditions of oil and gas formation and oil and gas accumulation. The Pripyat paleorift oil and gas bearing basin, which is the closing western segment of the Hercynian Pripyat-Dneprov-Donetsk avalacogenes, has the largest hydrocarbon reserves in the region and a complex structure. High density of block and plicate-block divisions of oil-and-gas bearing complexes is connected with syngenetic faults and salt tectonics. The oil-and-gas content of the sedimentary basins of the Caledonian passive margin of the West WEP – Baltica, Podlaska-Brest, Lublin, Volyn-Podolsk, is caused by the extended areal of the oil-and-gas formation in the sub- and near-thrust deep-submerged sedimentary complexes in the Teisser-Tornquist zone. It was the main source of hydrocarbon-fluid migration eastward into the sedimentary basins of the WEP passive margin.В неопротерозое и палеозое на западе Восточно-Европейской платформы (ВЕП) сформировались разнотипные осадочные бассейны, часть которых нефтегазоносные. Эти бассейны приурочены к двум типам региональных структур – рифтовому внутриконтинентальному и пассивно-окраинному. Их тектонические особенности определяли геологические условия нефтегазообразования и нефтегазонакопления. Припятский палеорифтовый нефтегазоносный бассейн, являющийся замыкающим западным сегментом герцинского Припятско-ДнепровскоДонецкого авлакогена, обладает наиболее крупными в этом регионе запасами углеводородного сырья и сложным строением. Высокая плотность блоковой и пликативно-блоковой делимости нефтегазоносных комплексов связана с синрифтовыми разломами и соляной тектоникой. Нефтегазоносность осадочных бассейнов каледонской пассивной окраины запада ВЕП – Балтийского, Подлясско-Брестского, Люблинского, Волыно-Подольского обусловлена протяженным ареалом нефтегазообразования в под- и близнадвиговых глубокопогруженных осадочных комплексах в зоне Тейссейра–Торнквиста. Он был основным источником миграции УВ-флюидов на восток в осадочные бассейны пассивной окраины ВЕП

    Системные исследования приоритетных геологических объектов в Припятском прогибе с целью увеличения углеводородного ресурсного потенциала

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    A new direction of system research in the Pripyat Trough to increase the hydrocarbon resource potential of the bowels on the basis of modern geological and geophysical technologies has been justified. Two-type priority objects, which are oil and gas prospecting and research polygons, are distinguished. The first-type object is represented by large oil multifield and prohibitive structures in the highly promising areas and sections. The second-type object includes the structures of the western part of the Central Zone of the Pripyat Trough where a rather high level of direct oil and gas occurrences is established.Обосновано новое направление системных исследований в Припятском прогибе с целью увеличения углеводородного ресурсного потенциала недр на основе современных геолого-геофизических технологий. Выделены два типа приоритетных объектов, которые представляют собой нефтегазопоисковые и исследовательские полигоны. Первый тип представлен крупными нефтяными многозалежными месторождениями и сопредельными структурами на высокоперспективных участках и разрезах. Второй тип включает структуры западной части Центральной зоны Припятского прогиба, где установлен достаточно высокий уровень прямых нефтегазопроявлений

    Lithospheric structure along wide-angle seismic profile GEORIFT 2013 in Pripyat–Dnieper–Donets Basin (Belarus and Ukraine)

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    The GEORIFT 2013 (GR'13) WARR (wide-angle reflection and refraction) experiment was carried out in 2013 in the territory of Belarus and Ukraine with broad international co-operation. The aim of the work is to study basin architecture and deep structure of the Pripyat-Dnieper-Donets Basin (PDDB), which is the deepest and best studied Palaeozoic rift basin in Europe. The PDDB is located in the southern part of the East European Craton (EEC) and crosses Sarmatia-one of the three segments of the EEC. The PDDB was formed by Late Devonian rifting associated with domal basement uplift and magmatism. The GR'13 extends in NW SE direction along the PDDB strike and crosses the Pripyat Trough (PT) and Dnieper Graben (DG) separated by the Bragin Uplift (BU) of the basement. The field acquisition along the GR'13 (of 670 km total length) involved 14 shots and recorders deployed every similar to 2.2 km for several shot points. The good quality of the data, with first arrivals visible up to 670 km for several shot points, allowed for construction of a velocity model extending to 80 km depth using ray-tracing modelling. The thickness of the sediments (Vp <6.0 km s(-1)) varies from 1-4 km in the PT, to 5 km in the NW part of the DG, to 10-13 km in the SE part of the profile. Below the DG, at similar to 330-530 km distance, we observed an upwarping of the lower crust (with Vp of similar to 7.1 km s(-1)) to 25 km depth that represents a rift pillow or mantle underplate. The Moho shallows southeastwards from similar to 47 km in the PT to 40-38 km in the DG with mantle velocities of 8.35 and similar to 8.25 km s(-1) in the PT and DG, respectively. A near-horizontal mantle discontinuity was found beneath BU (a transition zone from the PT to the DG) at the depth of 50-47 km. It dips to the depth of similar to 60 km at distances of 360-405 km, similar to the intersecting EUROBRIDGE'97 profile. The crust and upper mantle structure on the GR'13 may reflect varying intensity of rifting in the PDDB from a passive stage in the PT to active rifting in the DG. The absence of Moho uplift and relatively thick crystalline crust under the PT is explained by its tectonic position as a closing unit of the PDDB, with a gradual attenuation of rifting from the southeast to the northwest. The most active stage of rifting is evidenced in the DG by a shallower Moho and by a presence of a rift pillow caused by mafic and ultramafic intrusions during the active phase. The junction of the PT and the DG (the BU) locates just at its intersection with the NS regional tectonic zone Odessa-Gomel. Most likely, the 'blocking' effect of this zone did not allow for further propagation of active rifting to the NW.Peer reviewe

    Neogeodynamics phenomena investigation and computerized mapping in Belarus / A. Karabanov, R. Garetsky, R. Aizberg, T. Aronova, D. Kurlovich

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    The solution of the several problems of neogeodynamics phenomena investigation and mapping was one of the main tasks of the IGCP project No 346 "Neogeodynamics of Baltic Sea Depression and adjacent areas". Investigations performed for the project resulted in a series of international geodynamic maps showing vertical movements at the neotectonic stage, bottom part of Quaternary deposits, recent vertical movements, tectonic stress, epicenters of earthquakes, Moho discontinuity, neotectonic zoning and so on (Aizberg et.al., 2001; Garetsky et. al., 2003). Hence, the water surfaces of the Baltic Sea and the east part of the North Sea, the southern part of Scandinavia, the German-Polish Depression, the Central European block mountains and depressions, western part of the Russian Plain and, partly the Carpathians, were mapped. Despite of, that was done in traditional manner without any digitization, the set of maps showing structure and its dynamics from the Quaternary capping down to the Moho surface fulfils requirements of the modern Information Technology, thus it may and can be computerized in follows of the GIS rules. That will enable authors to supplement project with the newest data, and restructure its visual appearance, in the attached presentation, authors review some problems of geodynamic researches in Belarus. Keywords: Neogeodynamics, structural pattern, stress field, geological mapping, seismicit

    Neogeodynamics phenomena investigation and computerized mapping in Belarus / A. Karabanov, R. Garetsky, R. Aizberg, T. Aronova, D. Kurlovich

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    The solution of the several problems of neogeodynamics phenomena investigation and mapping was one of the main tasks of the IGCP project No 346 "Neogeodynamics of Baltic Sea Depression and adjacent areas". Investigations performed for the project resulted in a series of international geodynamic maps showing vertical movements at the neotectonic stage, bottom part of Quaternary deposits, recent vertical movements, tectonic stress, epicenters of earthquakes, Moho discontinuity, neotectonic zoning and so on (Aizberg et.al., 2001; Garetsky et. al., 2003). Hence, the water surfaces of the Baltic Sea and the east part of the North Sea, the southern part of Scandinavia, the German-Polish Depression, the Central European block mountains and depressions, western part of the Russian Plain and, partly the Carpathians, were mapped. Despite of, that was done in traditional manner without any digitization, the set of maps showing structure and its dynamics from the Quaternary capping down to the Moho surface fulfils requirements of the modern Information Technology, thus it may and can be computerized in follows of the GIS rules. That will enable authors to supplement project with the newest data, and restructure its visual appearance, in the attached presentation, authors review some problems of geodynamic researches in Belarus. Keywords: Neogeodynamics, structural pattern, stress field, geological mapping, seismicit

    Late Devonian magmatism in the Pripyat Palaeorift: a geodynamic model

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    Late Devonian magmatism in the Pripyat Trough, Belarus was associated with the development of the intraplate Pripyat-Donets Palaeorift. Magmatic rocks belong to an alkali-ultrabasic-alkali-basaltoid suite. These are represented by explosive, effusive, subvolcanic and volcanic facies. The magmatic activity and rock composition changes from the periphery to the axial part of the Pripyat Trough, corresponding to the general trend of destructive processes in the rifting zone. Geodynamically, the Pripyat alkali-ultrabasic rocks represent a series of magmatic suites of the Pripyat-Donets palaeovolcanic region coinciding with a zone of disappearance of Late Devonian divergence processes in the south-west of the East European Craton