722 research outputs found

    Food Ingredients Recognition through Multi-label Learning

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    Automatically constructing a food diary that tracks the ingredients consumed can help people follow a healthy diet. We tackle the problem of food ingredients recognition as a multi-label learning problem. We propose a method for adapting a highly performing state of the art CNN in order to act as a multi-label predictor for learning recipes in terms of their list of ingredients. We prove that our model is able to, given a picture, predict its list of ingredients, even if the recipe corresponding to the picture has never been seen by the model. We make public two new datasets suitable for this purpose. Furthermore, we prove that a model trained with a high variability of recipes and ingredients is able to generalize better on new data, and visualize how it specializes each of its neurons to different ingredients.Comment: 8 page

    Chiral symmetry analysis and rigid rotational invariance for the lattice dynamics of single-wall carbon nanotubes

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    In this paper, we provide a detailed expression of the vibrational potential for the lattice dynamics of the single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) satisfying the requirements of the exact rigid translational as well as rotational symmetries, which is a nontrivial generalization of the valence force model for the planar graphene sheet. With the model, the low frequency behavior of the dispersion of the acoustic modes as well as the flexure mode can be precisely calculated. Based upon a comprehensive chiral symmetry analysis, the calculated mode frequencies (including all the Raman and infrared active modes), velocities of acoustic modes and the polarization vectors are systematically fitted in terms of the chiral angle and radius, where the restrictions of various symmetry operations of the SWCNT are fulfilled

    Quantization of Lie-Poisson structures by peripheric chains

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    The quantization properties of composite peripheric twists are studied. Peripheric chains of extended twists are constructed for U(sl(N)) in order to obtain composite twists with sufficiently large carrier subalgebras. It is proved that the peripheric chains can be enlarged with additional Reshetikhin and Jordanian factors. This provides the possibility to construct new solutions to Drinfeld equations and, thus, to quantize new sets of Lie-Poisson structures. When the Jordanian additional factors are used the carrier algebras of the enlarged peripheric chains are transformed into algebras of motion of the form G_{JB}^{P}={G}_{H}\vdash {G}_{P}. The factor algebra G_{H} is a direct sum of Borel and contracted Borel subalgebras of lower dimensions. The corresponding omega--form is a coboundary. The enlarged peripheric chains F_{JB}^{P} represent the twists that contain operators external with respect to the Lie-Poisson structure. The properties of new twists are illustrated by quantizing r-matrices for the algebras U(sl(3)), U(sl(4)) and U(sl(7)).Comment: 24 pages, LaTe

    Twist maps for non-standard quantum algebras and discrete Schrodinger symmetries

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    The minimal twist map introduced by B. Abdesselam, A. Chakrabarti, R. Chakrabarti and J. Segar (Mod. Phys. Lett. A 14 (1999) 765) for the non-standard (Jordanian) quantum sl(2,R) algebra is used to construct the twist maps for two different non-standard quantum deformations of the (1+1) Schrodinger algebra. Such deformations are, respectively, the symmetry algebras of a space and a time uniform lattice discretization of the (1+1) free Schrodinger equation. It is shown that the corresponding twist maps connect the usual Lie symmetry approach to these discrete equations with non-standard quantum deformations. This relationship leads to a clear interpretation of the deformation parameter as the step of the uniform (space or time) lattice.Comment: 16 pages, LaTe

    (1+1) Schrodinger Lie bialgebras and their Poisson-Lie groups

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    All Lie bialgebra structures for the (1+1)-dimensional centrally extended Schrodinger algebra are explicitly derived and proved to be of the coboundary type. Therefore, since all of them come from a classical r-matrix, the complete family of Schrodinger Poisson-Lie groups can be deduced by means of the Sklyanin bracket. All possible embeddings of the harmonic oscillator, extended Galilei and gl(2) Lie bialgebras within the Schrodinger classification are studied. As an application, new quantum (Hopf algebra) deformations of the Schrodinger algebra, including their corresponding quantum universal R-matrices, are constructed.Comment: 25 pages, LaTeX. Possible applications in relation with integrable systems are pointed; new references adde

    Phonon and plasmon excitation in inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy of graphite

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    The inelastic electron tunneling spectrum (IETS)of highly oriented pyrolitic graphite (HOPG) has been measured with scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS) at 6K. The observed spectral features are in very good agreement with the vibrational density of states (vDOS) of graphite calculated from first principles. We discuss the enhancement of certain phonon modes by phonon-assisted tunneling in STS based on the restrictions imposed by the electronic structure of graphite. We also demonstrate for the first time the local excitation of surface-plasmons in IETS which are detected at an energy of 40 meV.Comment: PRB rapid communication, submitte

    Twisted Conformal Algebra so(4,2)

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    A new twisted deformation, U_z(so(4,2)), of the conformal algebra of the (3+1)-dimensional Minkowskian spacetime is presented. This construction is provided by a classical r-matrix spanned by ten Weyl-Poincare generators, which generalizes non-standard quantum deformations previously obtained for so(2,2) and so(3,2). However, by introducing a conformal null-plane basis it is found that the twist can indeed be supported by an eight-dimensional carrier subalgebra. By construction the Weyl-Poincare subalgebra remains as a Hopf subalgebra after deformation. Non-relativistic limits of U_z(so(4,2)) are shown to be well defined and they give rise to new twisted conformal algebras of Galilean and Carroll spacetimes. Furthermore a difference-differential massless Klein-Gordon (or wave) equation with twisted conformal symmetry is constructed through deformed momenta and position operators. The deformation parameter is interpreted as the lattice step on a uniform Minkowskian spacetime lattice discretized along two basic null-plane directions.Comment: 20 pages, LaTe

    Non-relativistic metrics with extremal limits

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    We present solutions of type IIB supergravity with z=2 Schrodinger asymptotics that admit an extremal limit, i.e. the black hole horizon has a double zero. These solutions are obtained as TsT transformations of the charged planar black hole in AdS_5 \times S^5. Unlike the uncharged solution, the Ramond-Ramond two-form is turned on. We study the thermodynamic properties of these new solutions, and we show that the ratio of shear viscosity to entropy density is 1/4\pi even in the extremal limit. We also consider the TsT-transformed soliton and show that, for a special radius of the compact circle, there is a confinement-deconfinement phase transition at zero temperature between the soliton and black hole phases.Comment: 23 pages, references and clarifications added, typos corrected, restriction in phase transition due to equation 6.5 emphasized; published versio

    Study of the electron-phonon interaction in metal diborides MeB_2 (Me=Zr, Nb, Ta, Mg) by point-contact spectroscopy

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    We review investigations of the electron-phonon interaction (EPI) in metal diborides MeB_2 (Me=Zr, Nb, Ta, Mg) by point-contact (PC) spectroscopy. For transition metal compounds the PC EPI functions were recovered and EPI parameter λ0.1\lambda\lesssim 0.1 were estimated. The data are consistent with the measured surface phonon dispersion curves. The low λ\lambda value questions some reports about superconductivity in these compounds. Contrary, EPI in superconducting MgB_2 films manifests also in the PC spectra itself by virtue of an elastic EPI contribution to the excess current determined by the energy dependence of the superconducting order parameter. To analyse the phonon features in the PC spectra of MgB2_2 a two-band model is exploited and the proximity effect in the {\bf k}-space is suggested.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figs., prepared for proceedings of conference "Modern Problem in Superconductivity", Sept. 2002, Yalta, Ukrain

    Duality for Exotic Bialgebras

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    In the classification of Hietarinta, three triangular 4×44\times 4 RR-matrices lead, via the FRT formalism, to matrix bialgebras which are not deformations of the trivial one. In this paper, we find the bialgebras which are in duality with these three exotic matrix bialgebras. We note that the LTL-T duality of FRT is not sufficient for the construction of the bialgebras in duality. We find also the quantum planes corresponding to these bialgebras both by the Wess-Zumino R-matrix method and by Manin's method.Comment: 25 pages, LaTeX2e, using packages: cite, amsfonts, amsmath, subeq