13 research outputs found

    Suriname: an overview

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    58 p谩ginasFirst, the document includes geographical, historical and political data above Suriname. Continuously, section two refers to the economy: an overview; section three to the population and employment; section four to the exchange rate; section five to the exports and imports (bauxite, rice exports and shrimps exports, among other items). Then, section six to the rural poverty; section seven to the agricultural production (with respect to land use and water management; three agricultural production systems can be distinguished: a) irrigated crop production; b) rainfed crop production; c) food plots). Section eight to the liverstock production; section nine to the government organization; and, finally, section ten to the international financing and technical assistance

    Encuesta de mujeres rurales

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    110 p谩ginas. Series on reports, courses and meetings No 217This document attempt to provide a background information of the social and economic status of women including their importance in the household structure. Focuses in: 1)Farming participation, 2)experience in associations, 3) standars of living and 4) attitute towards development

    Review of technical documents Agriculture in Jamaica presented in the IICA/Jamaica series Agriculture in jamaica

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    162 p谩ginas.Este documento constituye a la publicaci贸n no. 100 de los incluidos a la serie Agriculture in Jamaica, el cual presenta una breve descripci贸n de los otros 99 documentos

    Agricultural extension flyer 2: How to prepare your own fertilizer, composting

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    18 p谩ginasThe document notes that the farmershave the resources: plant waste, manure, household organic kitchen waste, and water. If these resources are mixed and treated the correct way, the plant material and manure decompose and recombine to make compost. The final recommendation is do not burn plant waste; do not throw away your manure; make compost

    Technical assistance for the english speaking Caribbean (consideration for an IICA strategy)

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    68 p谩ginas.El presente trabajo es el resultado de muchos a帽os de experiencia en las 谩reas de desarrollo econ贸mico, preparaci贸n de proyectos, gesti贸n de proyectos, formulaci贸n de pol铆ticas agr铆colas, educaci贸n agr铆cola y transferencia de tecnolog铆a, econom铆a agr铆cola, investigaci贸n agr铆cola y relaciones internacionale

    Overview of Agricultural Development in Jamaica

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    96 p谩ginas.It is apprecited that the subject of agricultural development covers a very wide area, the main objective of which is to inprove the main national resource, humans, by development of the physical resource. many variables contribute to this deveploment, which is further affected by rapid short-term change in those which are structural in nature. Se aprecia que el tema del desarrollo agr铆cola abarca un 谩rea muy amplia, cuyo principal objetivo es probar el principal recurso nacional, el ser humano, mediante el desarrollo del recurso f铆sico. muchas variables contribuyen a este desarrollo, que se ve adem谩s afectado por cambios r谩pidos a corto plazo en aquellos que son de naturaleza estructural

    Country Level Action Plan

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    92 P谩ginasThe Country Level Action Plan (CLAP) is intended to systematize and place in ordinal perspective the agricultural situation in a country, as a basis for determining programmes and projects for IICA's involvement in each country. After a diagnostic assessment of the agricultural sector the CLAP considers the normative targets set by the country and matches these with the philosophy, objetives, strategies and lines of action of IICA. El Plan de Acci贸n a Nivel Pa铆s (CLAP) tiene como objetivo sistematizar y ubicar en perspectiva ordinal la situaci贸n agr铆cola de un pa铆s, como base para la determinaci贸n de programas y proyectos de participaci贸n del IICA en cada pa铆s. Luego de un diagn贸stico del sector agropecuario, el CLAP considera las metas normativas marcadas por el pa铆s y las empareja con la filosof铆a, objetivos, estrategias y l铆neas de acci贸n del IICA

    Subempleo, su relaci贸n con el sector agr铆cola y consideraciones para su medici贸n en Jamaica.

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    48 p谩ginas. Series Miscellaneous publication 272.Under-employment is disguised by social systems wich "protect" and "carry" the unemployed as under-employed. This is particularly the case with family agricultural plots. In this sense, under-employment is especially typical of the small farming sysrems which have an excess of labour and a shortage of land El subempleo est谩 disfrazado por sistemas sociales que "protegen" y "llevan" a los desempleados como subempleados. Este es particularmente el caso de las parcelas agr铆colas familiares. En este sentido, el subempleo es especialmente t铆pico de los peque帽os sistemas agr铆colas que tienen exceso de mano de obra y escasez de tierra

    The allsides project in Jamaica developmental potentials of Hillside agriculture

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    116 p谩ginasThis document contains information about the Allsides Project in Jamaica, referring to the development of agriculture on the hillside

    Las experiencias de Jamaica en el manejo de la producci贸n agr铆cola en laderas.

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    154 P谩ginasThe project is aimed at increasing production and productivity of hillside lands through application of structured multiple-cropping systems and intensive of cultivation of appropriately conserved lands. El proyecto tiene como objetivo aumentar la producci贸n y la productividad de las tierras de las laderas mediante la aplicaci贸n de sistemas estructurados de cultivos m煤ltiples y el cultivo intensivo de tierras debidamente conservadas