2,646 research outputs found

    Cereal straw and stubble for sheep feed

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    Many farmers in Western Australia run sheep in addition to their cropping programmes. The resulting cereal straws and stubbles are therefore important as sheep feed during summer and autumn. During this period the diet must provide sufficient energy to maintain liveweight, but additional energy and protein may be required for young stock and pregnant or lactating ewes, and to reduce problems from tender wool

    Non-trivial Infrared Structure in (2+1)-dimensional Quantum Electrodynamics

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    We show that the gauge-fermion interaction in multiflavour (2+1)(2+1)-dimensional quantum electrodynamics with a finite infrared cut-off is responsible for non-fermi liquid behaviour in the infrared, in the sense of leading to the existence of a non-trivial fixed point at zero momentum, as well as to a significant slowing down of the running of the coupling at intermediate scales as compared with previous analyses on the subject. Both these features constitute deviations from fermi-liquid theory. Our discussion is based on the leading- 1/N1/N resummed solution for the wave-function renormalization of the Schwinger-Dyson equations . The present work completes and confirms the expectations of an earlier work by two of the authors (I.J.R.A. and N.E.M.) on the non-trivial infrared structure of the theory.Comment: 10 pages (LaTex), 5 figures (Postscript

    Understanding Heisenberg's 'Magical' Paper of July 1925: a New Look at the Calculational Details

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    In July 1925 Heisenberg published a paper [Z. Phys. 33, 879-893 (1925)] which ended the period of `the Old Quantum Theory' and ushered in the new era of Quantum Mechanics. This epoch-making paper is generally regarded as being difficult to follow, perhaps partly because Heisenberg provided few clues as to how he arrived at the results which he reported. Here we give details of calculations of the type which, we suggest, Heisenberg may have performed. We take as a specific example one of the anharmonic oscillator problems considered by Heisenberg, and use our reconstruction of his approach to solve it up to second order in perturbation theory. We emphasize that the results are precisely those obtained in standard quantum mechanics, and suggest that some discussion of the approach - based on the direct computation of transition amplitudes - could usefully be included in undergraduate courses in quantum mechanics.Comment: 24 pages, no figures, Latex, submitted to Am. J. Phy

    On dynamical mass generation in three dimensional supersymmetric U(1) gauge field theory

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    We investigate and contrast the non-perturbative infra red structure of N=1 and N=2 supersymmetric non-compact U(1) gauge field theory in three space-time dimensions with N matter flavours. We study the Dyson-Schwinger equations in a general gauge using superfield formalism; this ensures that supersymmetry is kept manifest, though leads to spurious infra red divergences which we have to avoid carefully. In the N=1 case the superfield formalism allows us to choose a vertex which satisfies the U(1) Ward identity exactly, and we find the expected critical behaviour in the wavefunction renormalization and strong evidence for the existence of a gauge independent dynamically generated mass, but with no evidence for a critical flavour number. We study the N=2 model by dimensional reduction from four dimensional N=1 electrodynamics, and we refine the old gauge dependence argument that there is no dynamical mass generation. We recognize that the refinement only holds after dimensional reduction.Comment: 32 pages RevTeX; 3 axodraw figures include

    Reply to Comment on ``Can gravity distinguish between Dirac and Majorana neutrinos?''

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    This is a reply to a comment (gr-qc/0610098) written by Nieves and Pal about our paper (gr-qc/0605153) published in Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 041101 (2006).Comment: 1 page, no figures, REVTe

    High visibility two photon interference of frequency time entangled photons generated in a quasi phase matched AlGaAs waveguide

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    We demonstrate experimentally the frequency time entanglement of photon pairs produced in a CW pumped quasi phased matched AlGaAs superlattice waveguide. A visibility of 96.0+-0.7% without background subtraction has been achieved, which corresponds the violation of Bell inequality by 52 standard deviations

    Generation of ultrashort electrical pulses in semiconductor waveguides

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    We report a novel device capable of generating ultrashort electrical pulses on a coplanar waveguide (CPW) by means of optical rectification. The device consists of a completely passive GaAs-based optical waveguide, which is velocity matched to a CPW line. Optical pulses are injected into the device and electrical pulses are collected at the output. Experimental results obtained in the laboratory show the potential of this device for high speed optical-to-electrical conversion
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