25 research outputs found

    Cezayir, Bejaia'daki mezbaha verilerine dayanan tüberküloz hakkında i̇lk rapor: Geriye dönük 10 yıllık bir araştırma

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    Tuberculosis (TB) is a widespread and endemic disease of ruminants in Algeria posing a significant threat to public health. A retrospective abattoir study was conducted in Bejaia province (Algeria) from 2009 to 2018 to estimate the prevalence of tuberculosis in cattle, sheep, and goats using detailed meat inspection procedure. The overall prevalence of tuberculosis was 2.06% (4092/199 077) in cattle, 0.007% (11/168 796) in sheep, and 0.008% (11/164 986) in goats. The annual prevalence rate of the disease showed intermittent increase in levels over the ten years period of the study. However, monthly fluctuations of tuberculous lesions in slaughtered cattle were recorded throughout the study period with detection rates ranging from 1.77% and 2.36%. In addition, the variation in seasonal prevalence in cattle and goats is not significant (P > 0.05). Our analysis has revealed the magnitude of TB in the study area and warrants further systematic investigation on the transmission of the disease in Algeria.Tüberküloz (TB), Cezayir'de halk sağlığı için önemli bir tehdit oluşturan ruminantların yaygın ve endemik bir hastalığıdır. Bejaia'da (Cezayir) sığır eti, koyun ve keçilerde tüberküloz prevalansının ayrıntılı bir et muayene prosedürü kullanılarak tahmin edilmesi için geriye dönük bir mezbaha çalışması yapılmıştır. Tüberküloz prevalansı sığırlarda % 2.06 (2.092/199 077), koyunlarda % 0.007 (11/168 796) ve keçilerde % 0.008 (11/164 986) idi. Hastalığın yıllık yaygınlık oranı, çalışmanın on yıllık dönemi boyunca aralıklarla artmıştır. Ancak, kesilen sığırlarda aylık tüberküloz lezyonlarındaki dalgalanmalar, çalışma süresi boyunca % 1.77 ile % 2.36 arasında değişen tespit oranlarında kaydedilmiştir. Ayrıca sığır ve keçilerde mevsimsel prevalanstaki değişiklik anlamlı değildir (P> 0.05). Analizimiz, çalışma alanındaki TB'nin büyüklüğünü ortaya çıkarmıştır ve Cezayir'de hastalığın bulaşmasına ilişkin daha fazla sistematik araştırmayı garanti etmektedir

    Intelligent Perturb and Observe Based MPPT Approach Using Multilevel DC-DC Converter to Improve PV Production System

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    In this paper, an optimized maximum power point tracking (MPPT) control for a standalone photovoltaic (PV) system using a three-level boost (TLB) converter is introduced. The proposed MPPT method is based on an intelligent perturb and observe algorithm using the artificial neural network (ANN-P&O) to reduce the oscillations at the maximum power point (MPP). In advance, The ANN provides the values of the voltage and the current at the MPP for any solar irradiance and cell temperature. Based on the provided voltage and current, the P&O algorithm generates the optimal duty cycle of the TLB converter to perfectly track the MPP of the PV generator for different values of cell temperature and sunlight irradiance. Besides, a proportional-integral (PI) controller is added to ensure the TLB capacitor voltage balance. The established ANN-P&O approach is validated in Matlab/Simulink and compared to the conventional P&O algorithm under various scenarios: (i) irradiance variations, (ii) temperature variations, and (iii) load variations

    Automated Foreign Object Debris Detection System based on UAV

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    The presence of Foreign Object Debris (FOD) on airport platforms constitutes a big risk, both for aircraft and for personnel. This debris, whatever its nature or size, whether it's a private effect, a tool, a component from an aircraft, or any object, As soon because it isn't observed and removed, it's liable becoming a FOD within the moving area. FOD can even be violently projected by jet blast, which might cause damage to other aircraft and injure personnel on the bottom, This paper discuss briefly FOD detection systems and the use of unmanned aerial systems for an automated FOD detection system on runways, which involves taking images of the runway with an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), which could be detected and identified using artificial intelligence techniques. The method for determining an exact FOD position from aerial data is described in this study using a perspective projection transformation is used to determine the object's location in the field. For accurate findings, a strong object detection is essential, which is why the cutting-edge deep neural network YOLOV5 is used with both DeepSort Object tracking method. The paper represent an Automated UAV Navigation with PID control based for path tracking. A GUI that has been developed alow the operator to select the runway's intended path to be scanned and visualize the tracked FOD that has been found and its position in order to send a report that the operator can erase from the runway. The proposed system was assessed in real-time testing and a built-in Simulation under GAZEBO using the commercial quad copter Bebop connected to a base station operating under the Robot Operating System (ROS). our approach successfully identified several FODs using a combination of YOLOv5 and deepsort with an inference speed of 30 fps with a high accuarcy over 80%. The advantages of this system is the fulfilment of the FAA performance criteria of an AFDS, it facilitate the FOD scanning operation by using a graphical user..

    Numerical Laplace Inversion Method for Through-Silicon Via (TSV) Noise Coupling in 3D-IC Design

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    Typical 3D integrated circuit structures based on through-silicon vias (TSVs) are complicated to study and analyze. Therefore, it seems important to find some methods to investigate them. In this paper, a method is proposed to model and compute the time-domain coupling noise in 3D Integrated Circuit (3D-IC) based on TSVs. It is based on the numerical inversion Laplace transform (NILT) method and the chain matrices. The method is validated using some experimental results and the Pspice and Matlab tools. The results confirm the effectiveness of the proposed technique and the noise is analyzed in several cases. It is found that TSV noise coupling is affected by different factors such as source characteristics, horizontal interconnections, and the type of Inputs and Outputs (I/O) drivers

    Genetic Algorithms and Particle Swarm Optimization Mechanisms for Through-Silicon Via (TSV) Noise Coupling

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    In this paper, two intelligent methods which are GAs and PSO are used to model noise coupling in a Three-Dimensional Integrated Circuit (3D-IC) based on TSVs. These techniques are rarely used in this type of structure. They allow computing all the elements of the noise model, which helps to estimate the noise transfer function in the frequency and time domain in 3D complicated systems. Noise models include TSVs, active circuits, and substrate, which make them difficult to model and to estimate. Indeed, the proposed approaches based on GA and PSO are robust and powerful. To validate the method, comparisons among the results found by GA, PSO, measurements, and the 3D-TLM method, which presents an analytical technique, are made. According to the obtained simulation and experimental results, it is found that the proposed methods are valid, efficient, precise, and robust

    Investigation and Analysis of the Simultaneous Switching Noise in Power Distribution Network with Multi-Power Supplies of High Speed CMOS Circuits

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    The paper studies a simultaneous switching noise (SSN) in a power distribution network (PDN) with dual supply voltages and two cores. This is achieved by reducing the admittance matrix Y of the PDN then calculating frequency domain impedance with rational function approximation using vector fitting. This paper presents a method of computing the simultaneous switching noise through a switching current, whose properties and details are described. Thus, the results are discussed and performed using MATLAB and PSpice tools. It demonstrated that the presence of many cores in the same PCB influences the SSN due to electromagnetic coupling

    SIMSCAPE Electrical Modelling of the IGBT with Parameter Optimization Using Genetic Algorithm

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    The concept introduced by MathWorks in the Simscape product is the link representation between the SIMSCAPE library components that correspond to physical connections transmitting power. In this paper, a power insulated-gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) model using MATLAB graphical software is reproduced. An electrical IGBT behavior model using the Simscape Electronics library components is developed and analyzed. This model is parameterized using the constructor datasheet to ensure a good representation of the dynamic and static IGBT behaviors. An extraction and optimization studies of the IGBT model parameters using a stochastic algorithm implemented in Matlab are presented. The proposed method is based on the Genetic Algorithm (GA) to perfectly extract and optimize the model parameters using the mathematical model circuit equations and the provided datasheet characteristics. A simulation in the Matlab/Simulink environment and a comparison with the experimental results for an IGBT device example are carried out to demonstrate the proposed model accuracy

    A retrospective survey of fasciolosis and hydatidosis in domestic ruminants based on abattoirs’ data in Bejaia province, Algeria

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    Abstract The objective of the present study was to determine the prevalence of fasciolosis and hydatidosis in slaughtered domestic ruminants based on records from different communal abattoirs in Bejaia province. All daily records for cattle, sheep and goats were used in the current investigation. Each animal carcass was inspected at least by one veterinarian. The data were collected from January 2009 to December 2016. The prevalences of fasciolosis (2.83%) and hydatidosis (2.49%) in cattle were significantly higher than in sheep (0.13% and 2.24%, respectively) and goats (0.12% and 1.82%, respectively) (P ≤ 0.05). In cattle, fasciolosis peaked in January, and then gradually decreased from March to September, while in sheep and goats fasciolosis was present at constant rates all around the year (Fig. 3). Regarding the rate of hydatidosis, the monthly prevalence did not vary significantly in cattle, sheep and goats except in October, when a high rate was recorded in cattle. In conclusion, the findings of the present abattoir study have provided baseline data for monitoring of domestic ruminant fasciolosis and hydatidosis in Bejaia province. However, we suggest that these parasitic diseases should be investigated further at the farms in order to determine the risk factors such as animal ages and breeds, and develop economic strategies for disease control at the farms. Key words: fasciolosis, hydatidosis, abattoirs, Bejaia provinc